Tree of Savior Forum

Why Orsha should be tagged officially as the Latin America server

no transfer = no solution. Why would anyone ditch XXX hours, TP, Token and Silver to start fresh again just to have a better ping? I won’t and so all my friends who are playing with me. So if BRs won’t leave, Orsha is still gonna have the same old issues we’ve been seeing the past few weeks.

Its not a “we don’t like your solution” but more of “this isn’t a solution at all”. It solves the issue for new players, but not any of us who are playing before LUGs 2017 Tos server (just guessing a release date).

OP you are totally misunderstanding the tagging of server is for, it’s not for seperating community, it’s server location. How ignorant can you be.

The irony here is how you are the ignorant one… Oh well. I’ll respond to you if/when you decide to grow up.

You just did, and the ignorant just doesn’t admit he is wrong because he is… ignorant.

If you still insist you are actually correct, Well I can easily bookmark this thread and let’s see will IMC accept your silly suggestion down the road.

I’d take a transfer to a designated NA server. Orsha shiver

I would probably transfer as well. I definitely would if all the other NA players did. I have nothing against Brazilians, but I don’t want to be the only NA player on a server full of them. It would just make sense to transfer.

They really need to make a NA server for the love of god! I would transfer in a heartbeat. Heck I would start all over!

Also many of the BRs have claimed they will not quit orsha for a BR server or play through LUG even if they didnt have to deal with them support wise/market.

I definitely would not start over. That is for sure. I would transfer though. Most of my friends are transferring to SEA and EUR servers anyways.

I personally love Brazilians and have nothing against diversity myself.

The chat system in this game is already meh. The chat section can hardly be edited and between all the stuff I have going on irl and the massive amount of multiple languages flooding; it makes it really difficult at times to decipher who is replying to what.

I’m a megaphone warrior what can I say. I want to participate in discussions about mechanics, pvp, theory crafting with the community and in game. If the the forum was managed better I might feel otherwise. There isn’t even a mechanics or pvp sub section for scrabs sakes.

I’d love to participate in chat as well too…but one of my big problems is megaphone usage…

I have ~50 megaphones, but I typically don’t bother using them. Most of the conversation is spam (either trades or RMT) or in Portuguese.

I usually use my free TP on revival items + 1 megaphone

I use it exclusively on megaphones, hoping one day I’ll be using them more. 50 is a fair amount. That’s 250 hours of free TP, excluding the ones I’ve already used.

They are doing free one time transfers

But not to the br server or klep

I’m sorry; I don’t understand.

I think what i wrote when i made that topic. Pretty much hints as to the problem in Orsha for some people.

Like I said, I’ve really had (virtually) no issues with Brazilian myself, but that doesn’t mean that most Brazilians and Americans are getting along. They simply aren’t. We have to acknowledge this and go on from there to try and solve it.