Tree of Savior Forum

Why me and my friends gonna @quit TOS

It’s normal that the consumer wants to know what he/she gets for the money spent. He should have done some research about the game before buying it. Instead, just by reading this post im just assuming he didnt.

Wonder how many posts there have been with people claiming ToS to not be a complete game yet, due to the bugs.

If OP knew about the issues from the beginning and didn’t like it, then i see no reason why he would make such post as this.

I can only assume he saw some pictures/maybe some video, and bought the early access.

I suppose these people doesn’t even go to reddit to read about ToS, as some korean player have been posting the flaws in kToS even before our early access.

thanks all folks

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don’t tell me what to do, you aren’t better. I will just ignore you from now :slight_smile:

I dont even know where is ANY point to get out of that screen… you just confirmed to be retarded and i find this pretty funny to be honest, you are actually too stupid to argue with, thats refreshing.

Are you stupid? You and that tidus guy must be brothers.

You know what is worse than a ragequitter?
A toxic player, keep acting like he care about the game, but never give any feedback, his post is full of toxic.
Idk why is this forum don’t have a block button.
I remembered he called Julie a B**ch, he think like he is an adult man when he drink his beer and trash talking about other.


I laugh at you fags who go random parry search just for some trash bonus exp insteas that you couldve gotten more exp elsewhere using that 1hour waiting time, only to get a party with no cleric or a high level leeching off

Just don’t heal and watch the tears.

Solo that shizzz.

you don’t make it better, 2 problems then, the time, and the balancement…

k thx bye we wont miss u

I do agree that you should quit. ToS is just a land for whiteknights who refuse to admit that ToS is a failure right now, and a bunch of toxic kid who bash ToS for being a failed game, but refuse to admit it in their own heart.


put that green frog on that!!! image pls!!!

what frog brow?

#1 - 5: I know very little about IMC’s staff size and schedule. One has to admit that although there have been many issues, a good chunk of the issues that hindered the ability to play early on have been resolved. There seems to be some effort being put in, but the transparency may be because the staff themselves don’t have an ETA on ongoing issues.

#6: We don’t have forum moderators. And frankly, I don’t think we have any that are worth having as one. They are either kids, bigots, or will be too biased to do their job.

#7: Because IMC implemented this feature in the game, right? Bots and gold sellers are plagues for any MMO, and developers can only predict so much to address them.

#8: Server-load and player queue. Try waiting 55 min. for 217 dungeon. Just saying. Or, make a party.

#9: We do. It’s just that there is a large wave of botters / uncivil players.

#10: Welcome to the first month of a game’s launch that was prematurely released.

You shouldn’t wait if you don’t have the patience. You’re free to go - I won’t hold you.


I don’t think its about patience, but the reputation that ToS already got due to steam, will kill the game sooner or later, who wants to play a f2p mmo with mixed reviews?

well, k thx bye, go back to play minecraft pls. tos dont need u

my only concern right now is optimization from the FPS spikes. somehow i want this

  • PC master race

  • Ultra

  • High

  • Average

  • Low

  • Toaster

option in the graphic setting. and ill pick the toaster just to be able to avoid the FPS spikes.

These are all blank concerns to me considering:

  1. The MMO market. Nothing necessarily new is being released this year (as far as being mentioned), and the other big titles (BDO, BnS) I’ve played with the same discontent community. The grass is the same on both sides of the fence.

  2. F2P is coming later this month. Can we even speculate anything productive until that crowd comes in and settles in?

  3. The OP is probably not even that far in the game. The game is either hit or miss for many, and honestly even with all the issues it’s still very easy to progress to end game given the exp changes and accesses players are given. Players who make points without going to the core of the game haven’t really even played the game yet, they are still doing tutorial as far as I’m concerned.

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You mean the F2P crowd that looked 2 weeks ago at this game with the mixed reviews? And never looked at it again.

Yeah, you want to pool all those numbers by the way? Are you saying no new players whatsoever will join during the F2P launch?