Protip, Bot programs don’t even need launch the game client at all, they just intercept packets and such. So hackshield would do exactly 0 to stop botters. Would would stop botting almost entirely would be if they encrypted the packets with a changing cyper, if the bot program cannot read the packets, it cannot work. afaik the tos packets probally aren’t even encrypted when you consider how stupidly fast and advanced the bot has become in such a short time. I mean even in RO it took them a while. Reporting bots only works so well, unless they have a system that will temp autoban a players account if the system gets x amount of reports on them. Which then after so many reports a gm would have to look at it. Games have tried bot reporting systems before, they don’t really work.
Getting rid of bots is like weeding your garden: if you don’t kill the roots the weed just grows back again in a day or so. This is why garderners will yank it out of the ground roots and all insted of just cut it at the base.
Since bots rely on being able to read, intercept and send packets to the game server to function, thats where you need to cut them off from to stop them. Nothing else is going to work, not even capchas some have tried, they eventually find a way to code the bot to bypass them entirely.
Another good way to combat botting is to make it not profitable enough for them to bother, and this is mainly done by low cash shop prices. Why spend 20 bucks to get the TP to get an item, when you could spend 5 or 10 to buy silver amd get the same item? this is the mentality of the people who buy from these guys. Same for farming, for some people their time is more important than money, so they just buy the silver they need.
All in all dealing with bots is extremly hard, due to them being like weeds.