Tree of Savior Forum

Why is nobody concerned with the lack of need/greed looting mode tho?

Trading caps, limits and obstruction literally prohibit party share of resources and drops. If you and your friends are in a party, hunting for collection items in the less than 1% drop rate, have fun grinding up the same item over and over again.
You thought you needed only 5 items if you are in a 5 man party? Guess again bud. In Tree vs Bots the game) you need to grind those pesky 0.X% drops a hundred times over and over again, because the wrong person looted it and (s)he cant give it to you.

I experienced this first hand when i went out with 2 of my friends and had ground up 7 drops instead of 3 because one person got 4 and i got 2 before the last one of us finally found a single piece.


1.) Instead of only weapons and recipes having a colour code based on their rarity. All drops should have it based on their drop chance. If an item is a 0.XY% drop
(This in itself is a needed informative feature, because with all the trash drops the game has, you will never know that the stone dust that just evaporated from one of the mobs is actually a rare drop which is worth hundreds of thousands. And you just sold it to an npc for 10 silver. Have fun.)

2.) Need/Greed feature should be implemented based on stated above rarity factors/colors, allowing party members to roll on them and share.


No, i dont care about how or why (if at all) a botter can abuse this feature. Install hackshield on your game or whatever. I have had it with me, my friends and the entire playerbase having to suffer because you are having fun battling botters and burning down the game around you in the process, capping, restricting, locking away every basic feature the game should have.
I simply dont care.
If you cant find a solution to the issue which punishes the guilty more than it does the innocent, dont try to solve it in the first place.


Because this is also a stupid system, everyone in wow just needs on EVERYTHING anyways, i NEED that junk bro to sell and get silver for my main.

What about those of us who just play with trusted friends that we have made? Also, you wouldn’t have to join a party that would be using this system…

Yet another silly suggestion for a game that doesn’t need one.

Can you please stop complaining about something that was already properly adressed by community and it is under discussion? There is a seach bar for a reason, learn to use it.

You cant trade silver or anything for that matter in ToS.
Also: PuG may or may not contain ppl who need on everything. In my parties, if you do that, you get a warning, then you will be booted from the group. Thats all there is to it.
Furthermore: Your argument is flawed in itself. Assuming you have 4 self entitled idiots in your party If you need on something you have 1/5 chance to get it, unlike currently where only god knows when or how you would get to a drop.

Yeah, im guessing there is no need for trading either. Why again? Oh right, because you play solo, have no friends, dont intend to join a guild, are a â– â– â– â–  to other people in general.
True. If i would be a broken down troll, i would have absolutely no need for such features either.

The moment it dawns on you that im just about the only person who brings up need/greed on the entire forum.
Try taking your own suggestion and use the search function before spouting nonsene.

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I don’t know I just don’t find it efficient to go collection hunting in a team of 5. I mean it takes a few hours to get 1 drop anyway, you can’t realistically get 5 drops in one session.
Regarding the possibility of selling your valuable mat to the npc, that’s on you. I think people should be allowed to use their brain as well, not be taken by the hand so much, the game is easy enough.

What does “Need” and “Greed” system got to do with trading. You need an item, either buy it on the Market or trade with items of similar value. It’s call bartering.
Learn2play a MMORPG by accustomizing to how it works, not cry about why it doesn’t go your way.

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You are disregarding the factors of kill speed, area covered and resting time taken.
Unless you are hunting for something that has its spawn across the entire map (even in that case scenario it helps if you have 5 ppl searching instead of 1) and has reduced numbers, your statement doesnt really pay off.

I have hunted alone and with my friends. Playing with friends resulted in more kills, not to mention less monotony and frustration.
Not to mention the fact that currently if you want to hunt a drop, you basically cant party, due to the ****ed up loot system. This in itself is a flaw/bug.

Are you even playing the game? There is no trading unless you are a token user, or did you just go a bit ahead of yourself there and also incorporated that i should pay 10$ for a drop?
Also like the idea to spend god knows how many thousands of silver instead of simply sharing the items we get across my party/friends.

Sure bro. Thats how every service works am i right?
Order food, get served trash, dont complain but accustomize yourself to eating empty bottles and shitty diapers.
If you enjoy hypocrisy and pretending, then knock yourself out, but leave me out of it.

You dont need to trade in this game, what the hell do you want to trade ? Anything that is worth trading IS tradable anyways…

Sounds like someone is mad because some vuube fighter blood or something similar dropped for someone in your group and your mad because you didn’t get it. There is FOUR character slots and people can have FOUR characters, anything that drops is NEEDED BY EVERYONE. Dont be such a sour grape.

Your low level crap items are worthless and nobody wants them, u can buy a full set of cafrisun gear for 30k or farm it in 20 minutes which lasts until level 120+
If anyone needs a material that dropped and is your friend you CAN trade it to them. You are just bitter because something dropped and you didnt get it.

Mind you smart ass, I myself bought the $10 package with NO token, farm my own silver and purchase it for 350k on the Market LEGIT.

Then I traded valuable items such as Vubbe blood and Battle Bracelet for items. I am playing the game, the way it should be played. You are just being stupid and asking for everything to be given to you, the way you want it.

How about telling the chef how you like your dish to be prepared the next time you walk into a family restaurant.

Protip, Bot programs don’t even need launch the game client at all, they just intercept packets and such. So hackshield would do exactly 0 to stop botters. Would would stop botting almost entirely would be if they encrypted the packets with a changing cyper, if the bot program cannot read the packets, it cannot work. afaik the tos packets probally aren’t even encrypted when you consider how stupidly fast and advanced the bot has become in such a short time. I mean even in RO it took them a while. Reporting bots only works so well, unless they have a system that will temp autoban a players account if the system gets x amount of reports on them. Which then after so many reports a gm would have to look at it. Games have tried bot reporting systems before, they don’t really work.

Getting rid of bots is like weeding your garden: if you don’t kill the roots the weed just grows back again in a day or so. This is why garderners will yank it out of the ground roots and all insted of just cut it at the base.

Since bots rely on being able to read, intercept and send packets to the game server to function, thats where you need to cut them off from to stop them. Nothing else is going to work, not even capchas some have tried, they eventually find a way to code the bot to bypass them entirely.

Another good way to combat botting is to make it not profitable enough for them to bother, and this is mainly done by low cash shop prices. Why spend 20 bucks to get the TP to get an item, when you could spend 5 or 10 to buy silver amd get the same item? this is the mentality of the people who buy from these guys. Same for farming, for some people their time is more important than money, so they just buy the silver they need.

All in all dealing with bots is extremly hard, due to them being like weeds.

Collection items, materials, etc. Basically: DROPS.
If you go as low as to ask me what is the point of trading at all inside an mmorpg, then i fear its you who needs to do a bit of research on the basics instead of me.

I tell you what it sounds like.
It sounds like someone who spent 4 hours grinding with his friends getting 7 items when we only needed 3. Why? Because one got 4 and i got 2 before the last one of us found one.

I will spell it out for you:
Currently if you need to farm an item YOU CANT EVEN JOIN A FRIKIN PARTY.
Why? Because the loot system is ****ed up and you cant distribute loot in any form or shape, only 3 types of random.
If thats not flawed for you, then gtfo. The suggestion is obviously not for someone who plays solo only.

I know a 210 priest that still uses cafrisun, and my 115 hoplite c2 uses cafrisun with an arde dagger in subweap slot and spear in main hand when soloing or dpsing. For tanking though I have a set of platemail and a shield on me at all times. But I don’t see me replacing caprisun for anything else anytime soon, not when it lets that 153 fire dmg from arde dagger apply twice, once to the inital hit then once to the caprisun set bonus proc. If I pay 2k for sacrament, that double hit becomes a triple hit. Stuff doesn’t hit hard even at 120, so defense is kinda compeltly pointless to worry about. Pretty much cafirisun set is good for any class. Its easy to farm or cheap to buy too.

BRO, collection items CAN BE TRADED wtf is wrong with you. All those items can be traded ONCE but you only need them for collection right so that one time trade wont affect you.

ROUND ROBIN LOOT is being adjusted and NO it will not differentiate on the rarity of the item, seems like you have NEVER played a korean mmo or ragnarok in your life. Its been this way on that side of the world in mmos FOREVER.

If you cannot save the 350k to buy a token from the market then sucks to be you.

PS. Some random you joined up with isnt about to hand over that 100k piece of harugal leather to you because you NEED it for a collection… He is gonna take his 100k… If it is your friend and you have the token then TRADE AWAY you can make 100k+ easily just from your dungeon + missions and killing mobs for an hour. a day. Token in 3 days.

You are crying about something that isnt broken.


Oh well. No trade. No sensible loot system. Screw it let’s just RMT. IMC made it impossible right? But if we somehow manage to buy that, what 1 dollar for 100k now? And not get caught, more power to us.
Hmm lets see how anyone sensible would do this. Change my IP, use a throw away account, buy cheap silver, buy desired recipes and mats, craft item. Switch IP a few more times somewhere in there. Trade to my main account with something seemingly worthwhile but not really (20x talts for a Gladiator Band) after making Some mild conversation between the two accounts about a good deal for you, I need talts blah blah blah.

Hmm nah this game won’t be p2w and clearly that can’t work, IMC has a huge staff of navy seals ready to catch that before I even think about it. Not to mention their new report buttons that won’t be abused.

But on topic:
Don’t you guys feel a tiny bit ridiculous fighting every suggestion tooth and nail? The guy wants a loot system that many other games utilize. It’s got nothing to do about RMT and the other restrictions about trading. He even sets the scenario amongst friends. Like everything else that IMC changes, aren’t you going to feel silly for fighting against this so strongly only to see IMC might actually make this come true and when they do… Will you fight so passionately to defend it then?

Did you even try to look for it?

There are several topics about the same and IMC already reconized that they need to modify the restriction system and allow items to be tradeable. Btw, there was also a guy who propouse a roll system (like any other MMO, where you actually roll for what you need… how people call that? Oh yeah, need/loot system).

Just an example:

Please, look for topics before make more unnecesary topics about the same issue over and over again.

This is exactly what I’ve complained about, though not specifically on the forums here.

If there’s absolutely no way to trade stuff to your friends/party/nearest neighbor, then the game desperately needs a NBG system.

Luckily they’re relaxing that restriction somehow at some point, but the lack of any loot priority is a large concern. Also the party loot distribution is supposedly fixed, so as long as its set to Random you should get at least equal odds as a greedy party.

Besides, in an actual NBG system, you can’t choose Need if you’re class restricted. So even if some parties are terrible, it can only be as bad as it is now, but possibly better. A NBG system is strictly superior to what already exists.

As it is, you cannot “help” people farm anything they need, because simply your being there hurts their odds tremendously. And if you all need the same thing, the first person to get it is encouraged to leave early, cause getting a dupe is even worse than ditching.

Even if they give free players a limited method of trading, it will still be inferior to looting the item yourself, as any equipment will lose Potential. It won’t be as if they never picked it up in the first place without some form of loot priority. Why should a group be punished just because the automatic distribution gave the wrong person the wrong item? Two parties defeat the same boss, but one Swordsman gets a pristine weapon, while another gets a broken hand-me-down because the Cleric picked it up. May as well have things randomly drop with lower potential and durability already…

There should be an incentive to trade newly dropped items within the active party, since if they’re just as good as market-bought then people will sell everything. This is harmful for the community.

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I actually don’t understand why everyone is so against a rolling and bidding system. You roll need or greed on whatever that drops, and then bid on the item if more than one person rolls greed. No one is getting a free item here, and everyone will get a chance to contest a decent drop instead of it randomly going to a lucky person. If anything, the current system is unfair. If everyone is contributing to the hunting party, then everyone should have the chance to bid on the drop. On the other hand, if you are partying with friends and your friend actually needs a drop, you could just pass the roll, and they won’t have to pay a cent. Alternatively, you could just turn the feature off in party settings. If anything, this feature will only improve the loot system and encourage partying with randoms. Can someone explain to me what its downsides are?

Edit: As @UnLuckyCat also pointed out, even if 1:1 trading is implemented, items will unnecessarily lose potential just because you have bad RNG and your friend got your drop instead. This feature would appropriately address the shortcomings of 1:1 trade.

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