Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

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With all these posts about resets, bugs that aren’t fixed, and declining server populations. I start to think that I am the only fool that still plays this game. But I don’t know, I just find mass slaughtering cute little creatures therapeutic.


I agree, there’s something charming about it. And I will always be a big fan of the art style.

One of my favorite things to do in games like this (which have huge class variations and combinations) is make new characters. However, one of the biggest things I have an issue with in ToS is repetition; every character I make has to go through the exact same motions, because the best way to level up in this game is a precise line of quests which never changes and offers no variation with comparable results. So once I’ve made one character, I have done basically everything the game has to offer, and the next character I make is going to play the game exactly the same way, and that gets boring real quick.

Compare this with GW2: The simple fact that there are so many maps for any given level range (at least 3 or 4 usually) means that you can make 3 or 4 characters who experience a whole new map and questing process for the entirety of their existence if you want to. Mix that with the fact that exp scales with character (so that you can explore low-leveled maps as a high-leveled character and still gain substantial exp and doesn’t let you just one-shot everything you see) it basically means you can go anywhere you want to level. Tie that into the fact that killing monsters actually gives decent exp, gathering resources gives exp, crafting gives exp, and exploration gives exp, and you have a reason for me to actually want to make multiple characters in order to explore the entire map, since exploring the WHOLE WORLD isn’t REQUIRED to level a SINGLE character…like in ToS.

If there were more options for me to level up new characters, you better believe I would have a whole bunch! I’d be spending TP on character slots for certain if that was an option, and I may not even mind not having resets, because the prospect of starting over to correct issues would be fun and exciting!

…but it’s not. It’s repetitive, which, to me, gets boring and tedious real quickly. ToS is basically shooting themselves in the foot by presenting players with a HUGE variation of class combos–which incentivizes multi-character and multi-class exploration–while pairing that concept with a repetitive/tedious leveling process, which disincentivizes multi-character or multi-class exploration. It’s counter-intuitive.

My opinion is that they need to pick one–either push for people to make a ton of characters, but make leveling more fun/less time consuming, or give people the opportunity to correct mistakes on the one character they have time to make (for us dirty casuals).


I think it was a good move to introduce Orsha as a new starting area. Now if they could add about four more different starting areas that branch into different directions for a long time, then I think ToS would be more enjoyable because it wouldn’t be as repetitive when you make a new character. As it stands, I feel this game offers very little replay ability and that only comes from the huge amount of different classes.

It is just sad to see a game with so much potential be tainted with so many bugs and issues.

Or they can create branched timed/choice events. Each decision we make when we interact with the quest npc will have a different outcome and lead us to a different questline. This makes it more interesting as we have to use our alts to go a different path to know more of the story and have a different questline.

Different rewards can be given at different questlines too, giving the player more choices to make of which reward is suitable for his/her character. Like if do path A will make us save an NPC which sells NPC potions at a discounted rate. Or path B where we get another NPC which gives us hunt quests in exchange for 10k silver daily etc.

This also get rids of the spacebar spam when doing quests on alts. I’m just tired of reading the same quest again after the 5th time/alt.

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ah ic ok then nvm

Players who had bought founders pack1 previously would have the stat reset potion.

The problem with having Orsha as a starting zone is you miss out on the 3 free stat points for every completion of the Klai story quests. You could miss out on like 12 stat points if you only do the Orsha quests, which means you’re going to be doing the Klai ones anyway. It’s pretty dumb in my opinion.

From my experience, you get them from Orsha quests too (but you won’t earn anymore if you’ve already earned the same from Klai side, and vice versa)

The 2 big differences are that

  1. Klaipeda story is all chained up to Bramble part, whereas Orsha stories are separated into smaller chunks so you can skip Ashaq (or keep the quest for warp to Orsha) and go straight to Koru and beyond.
  2. Klaipeda quest rewards have gear included, which give them slight stat advantage compare to Orsha.

Just picked this thread at random for a msg regarding all those threads you just necroed:

It gives off a nostalgic feeling to have all those threads about rank resets nicely lined up. It feels like there was so “Much Ado about Nothing” going on, alot more than I do remember.

And maybe you get banned for doing this. So if it happens, byebye.



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Simply necroing one or two threads is nothing.
But you necroed so many… Maybe too many.


@RavioliRavioli is the true savior.


All I can say is: suck it, haters. :sunglasses: