Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

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@nagatozeta Imho I think it is really getting personal. Perhaps haukinyau’s way of posting his opinions may have ticked you in some way or another. Some advice, we can’t change others but we can change ourselves. If his way of posting irks you too much, there are other options such as not replying to him. I guarantee that you will feel better this way than getting more agitated after the war of words.


Both camps do share the same problem, builds fcuked up by IMC fixes and patches. It is just not limited to those who voted reset. I for one, the latest IMC Toy Hammer patch renders my entire character ‘useless’. Disappointed yes, I do feel the same as most of you all, moreover the character is now level 248. The thread I’m supposed to update ([Ongoing-build] Auto-attack support Thau/Chrono) is totally no-longer valid and viable at all. It can’t farm efficiently anymore and is just reduced to a support chrono that can’t do anything without other players to help.

Here is where it comes to differ between the 2 camps (the pro-reset and the non-reset). Some players chose to accept the changes, nothing is absolute in this world and they just pick up what is left over. If it doesn’t work they will either find a way to make it work or just redo another character.

Others just can’t stand their hardwork being put down the drain. Yes it is frustrating but that is how it goes. If the game throws some curve ball at you, learn to adapt to it


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IMHO 60% is more than 50%.

As I’ve said before, this game is now “content adapt”, I mean: if your class (and skills) aren’t good for the current content, you can’t do anything.

I’ve asked some guilds if I can join, and the answer is:“you’re not good for ET! we can’t invite you”.
So I’ve asked to some of my friends to join the game for level up together and do the content. They joined but when they saw the bug (party bug and you get stucked with cutscene) they quitted because it is stressful.
And, I can’t lv up my alts because there are no people in queue. I have to wait more than 40mins to do a dungeon. This is stressful.

And as @nuclearmissile says, there are people who have no time for rerolling. They have done 1 character (what they like) -> they can’t do contents because that class isn’t good -> quit the game.

The concept of time, is everyone does have it. If a player can spend enough time to get to a high enough level to feel that the build isn’t efficient, then he/she would have the time to reroll another character.

I’m too a working adult, formed my own family, doing self upgrading like taking part time studies, have enough $$$ to spend on TP (yes I do buy quite a lot of TP) but how come my opinions differ from yours?

A good rephrase for what you mean is, many players don’t want to reroll cuz it is boring and the leveling route is repetitive. I will 100% agree with you on this, I have rerolled/created at least 8 characters (some which I’ve deleted), a few of them at R7 but mostly R5 and above.

This is something in which IMC do need to work on. The leveling of this game feels too linear and constant repetitive quests isn’t going to sell to the international market, which mostly prefer open world style quests. I did put up some suggestions in the past, but whether IMC did see them is another matter lol.

As for age wise, it isn’t really fair to compare like this. There are many 14-19 year olds who have really good suggestions too. Sometimes they catch things that we adults can’t see.

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so @haukinyau said no reset for SEA. He is them ambassador.
give it to Fedinam !11!1


The anti-reset crowd base their entire arguments on assumptions, exaggeration and misconceptions. It’s basically a whole entire text of OPINION that literally has nothing of value on a “need or not needed” debate. I have long since argued with many people regarding its existence and it’s easy to see that all these descriptions ring true.

There’s always a bigger support against resets merely out of the fact that the pro-reset crowd are very likely to be people who are patiently waiting for the hope of its release, who play the game just fine but keep the problems in the backs of their mind, or have simply quit. Obviously those people won’t be busy around here in the forums voting on those “polls” regarding it.

These people so adamantly against it are scarily similar to anti-vaxxers - they will absolutely pay no heed on facts and maintain their echo chamber of pathetic attempts to insult and troll you without backing up with legitimate facts regarding their stance. At least there are some people out there with some sense and politeness but obviously their arguments are still massive assumptions that do little or nothing to provide a good sense of an argument.

This post will surely be bringing their filth after me for saying all of this but really, bring it on. Better me than the rest of the people here who are just innocently desiring it. Not like that I care about circle resets being released anyway because my characters are already set (Cryo-Chrono, Diev Doctor and Priest-Monk, all R7 and very ready for R8 no matter what comes out) but to give you guys the idea of how absolutely senseless and toxic these anti-reset people are.


Stat and skill reset wouldn’t have any negative effect on the game. However, we are talking about IMC. They don’t care. They don’t reply to tickets, they don’t give any support or fix anything. It’s just the bare minimum with them. Basically as long as there are people spending money on the game they just don’t care.


@Levan Lol. Everything said in the forums are all OPINIONs, whether it is from the pro or the anti reset crowd. Each one of us come out to say what is of value to us. The weight of each opinion is subjective to each individual, something that you may consider as BS might hold value and truth to another.

The thing is, just like what you point it out, arguments of the anti-reset crowd are based on assumptions and misconceptions. The same is also true for the arguments put forth by the pro-reset crowd.

The world doesn’t evolve around just you and your opinion only.

@KingsSoul Yeah. I do wish stat reset is also available in TP store. Makes little sense why they put in a skill reset but not stat reset.

I agree with you, there are 14-19 year olds who have good suggestion.
I know some of them were are a good person and player.

But, is true they have more time than who work. And for them is ok rerolling forever, they can stay at home 24h/24. And not only 14-19 year olds. Even who doesn’t have job or things to do.
14-19 age is an example because they got school and most of them, where are holidays they stay at home and play every day for all day, and don’t care what other has to say and the reasons. They “offend/troll or whatever” who want to express their opinion. I can’t tollerate it.

This is always been a “debate” in game forums.

And some of Tos community can’t understand.

EDIT: personally I can play few hours per day and in weekend a little more.
(and I play other games too)
So, reaching lv 200+ is a good goal for my time. And like me there are other player, and the reroll is out of question.

(sorry, English isn’t my main language)

Some kind of 300-500 TP Promotion pack that comes with a Stat/Skill reset pot and some other stuffs please.

(I just want the extra value)

today’s event give skill reset potion.

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Ah yes, the first victim. I might as well use one of your most used previous “arguments” regarding a circle reset to show you that facts and opinions are entirely different.

Fact: It’s a guarantee that people will have a leeway in adjusting their builds in future changes or patches with the existence of a circle reset, catering to a specific crowd who either wishes to maximize or adjust their gameplay to suit their needs while overall not affecting the gameplay of other people who prefer to not utilize such a feature.

Opinion aka “ASSUMPTION”: I may not be a developer, but I believe circle resets should not be released because the developers made the game in a way that does not suit its existence.

I’d provide more examples but I think it’s more fun to wait till more people arrive to tell them to me themselves.

Now I challenge you, can you show me an argument of my side that is similar to yours that isn’t personalized or assumed? I’d like to see them.

er what?88tp is a big deal for u?


Each of us have 24 hours a day. What we decide to do with it is entirely up to us. In all kinds of work/skills/anything, it is always those who devote more time to it will win out. This is something which is inevitable.

Take a real life skill for example. Discounting talents, 2 players learning a skill (eg, piano, skating, cooking etc), the one who puts in more time will achieve more than one who puts in lesser time.

This is the same for MMOs, they reward players who devote more of their time to it. It is the rule of nature, the more you time you spend honing a craft or playing the game, the more proficient you are or better gear you have.

Yes, sad to say that players who are still schooling have more disposable time than us. Working adults like us just have too many things in life to fulfill. But we can’t put the blame on having no time just because of that.

We too were once 14-19, schooling and have boatloads of free time at our disposal. At that time perhaps our older generation were debating having no time for the games like we do right now lol. It is time we pay our dues, since we have enjoyed our teenager years of free time years back.

@zeitzbach YES YES I would very much love that. Please make it happen IMC

@Levan Err I don’t really get what you are saying though.

Challenge not accepted.

I would rather not engage in the debate putting forth the very same reply as like you. Please do go through my previous replies with you. They have not changed :3

Hereby I present to you this, you have got me with this one.

Fact: The game have multiple character slots, and is expanding to support MORE.

Don’t like your current build? What’s stopping you from making a new character?
Time? Other people spent time making multiple alts, why is yours a special case?

Yeah, they had it, it’s called Founders Pack 1 which was up for over a month long and even went on 50% discount for a week.

I was right :slight_smile: As I said, you guys just can’t wait…