Tree of Savior Forum

Why IMC should provide skill/stat resets due to the latest patch

I dont really see how a free reset is warranted.
Did Blessing get worse with that patch? No.
Do you have benefits from that patch, even though you only have blessing level 3? Yes.

If the blessing change made your character worse and lose damage then i’d understand your point and i think a reset might be warranted.
However, since your character instead got improved, even though Blessing 3 has not as good benefits as Blessing 15 it’s still an improvement, i don’t really see why a free reset is warranted.
Your character is as good as before or even better than before, what is it that you’re complaining about? You might regretting that you didn’t take Blessing 15 in the first place, but that’s not IMCs fault, it was your own decision.

There is no way to guarantee that a complex program is completely bug free.


First question: Do you play a character based on priest? If not, you are disqualified from discussing a free reset based on this example.
Priests have many useful skills and as stated, before the change, maxing Blessing was not a very prudent thing to do. The points could be put into better use. And those who bought a skill reset over this issue had to take points from other skills to max Blessing.
You ignore the whole point made clear by many people so far. It may be the player’s decision not to max Blessing, but what was it based on? Right, the lack of information. Had we known beforehand kTOS will get such a change…

Seems like people here like to be on the top of the chart, every single time. “OMG skillz changed, killed my char”. I’m laughing SO ■■■■■■■ HARD at those guys who stated and flamed @akisera with that “peltasta is must have” bullshit. Hahaha.

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what i am reading from you is that you know your character is sad and you willingly chose it knowing it would be sad but you have other characters worth playing so you play those lmfao

aka masochist

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its ok i am in the same club i am making a sapper 3 rogue 3 trapper build

and my pelt 3 squire 3 is pretty much dead

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Yes, i do have a priest character.

That being said : Why would not having a priest character disqualify me from judging things about priest characters? You don’t have to be a priest character to know priest skill mechanics and priest gameplay or to be allowed to criticize things about priest characters.

By that logic : People, stop criticizing IMC. You can’t judge or criticize IMC unless you are working for IMC. If you are not working for IMC, you are not allowed to criticize or comment on IMC.

If the patch did not make your character worse, why is there reason to complain?
Because some skill you didn’t max was buffed?
So, how does it affect you in any bad way? Because it doesn’t.

As i’ve said:
If the patch made your class worse then i would fully understand the complaints. However, since Blessing was improved i don’t see any reason to complain, since no one is suffering or having a worse character because of that change.

The only thing i’m seeing is that you regret your decision to not take max blessing because of “lack of information”, as if that information was available before kTOS got it. I doubt even IMC knew beforehand that they’ll do this skill improvement until 1~2 weeks before the patch got applied.

But lets take this logic to another situation:
Lets say i buy a NVIDIA graphics card since it’s better than the ATI counterpart. I play with it for a month or two. Then one day ATI releases a driver patch that makes the ATI card way better than the NVIDIA card.
Do you think i could go to the store and say "The NVIDIA card is no longer the best option for me. I want to give it back and get the ATI card for free. And how dare you not give me the information that yesterday a patch would make the option i didn’t choose by my own free will better than the option i chose 2 months ago?"
Do you think me complaining and demanding free stuff in that situation would be acceptable, even though my NVIDIA card is as good as it was when i bought it?

Just because the choice you made for your character is no longer the super-best-pro-optimum decision it does not mean your character is worse than before, its at least as good as before.

So i guess you want a free reset for every single possible positive change that happens?
“They buffed Zaibas to do 10 additional damage per hit. If i would have known that when i made by character 2 weeks ago i would’ve chosen Krivis instead of Diev. IMC free reset PLZ!!!”.
“They made Skyliner have a faster animation? Free reset plzz!!!11”.
“A certain skill costs 1 less sp? Gosh, if only i would’ve known that, i’d totally have chosen that skill to max. Free reset plzzzz!!!oneoneeleven”.

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Since you did not get the point, I need to break it down to simple words.
You are right that it was not nerfed, but the major problem remains. Had people known that this change would come one day, many, probably the vast majority of SPR or INT based priests out there, would have maxed it outright. Though the skill was buffed, that severely affects builds.
How often did you see +170 (or 174 with Divine Might) that did not come from a pardoner, pre change?

Since you put up RL comparisions, here is one that describes what IMC is doing. You change the rules after the game. Or you punish people for actions done before a new law got introduced after its introduction. Is that fair?

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@haukinyau i ask again you to stop reply.
You said the same in every post, 1000 times.

Thx. We understood your position. Now go play TOS and quit the forum for now


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You did half of total replyes in this topic. People asking a reset for one or another reason and you giving your opinion about. Your negative opinion.

You can do whatever you want. This is why i’m asking, just asking, to stop.

And last of all: you wont become forum moderator or staff by joking the white knight job. You looks that way to all community.
Personally every time i enter a topic there is a lot of your white knigt replies

  1. i find it disgusting
  2. you are enemy of tos players

So, my opinion about you is not important now.

So many people asking for the reset. You gave us your opinion. We understood ,.
OR IF YOU PLEASE i can reply to you every post they did on why i want a reset. Everyone, like you

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If you want others to value your opinion, do extend the same to others too. If you go on dismissing others just because they are different from yours. I just don’t see why others can’t dismiss yours too. Having your opinion and others sharing the same with you doesn’t automatically make it a positive opinion. And people who disagrees with you doesn’t make their suggestions negative.

What goes around comes around.

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Depends on how people act.
I can’t fin a way to block Haukinyau but i’d really like too.

There are people who thinks the reset will be a "casual feed"
There are people who don’t want it because they followed a good build and want to punish other player.
There are people of every creed.

I respect them all. I wont respect the sir haukinyau because he keep rply like a mad in every topic of forum the same opinion. Always the same.
If people ask someting like compensation for a bug o a reset for the patch or a resolution for a bug he HAVE TO come and say “you foold it’s ok you are nabs” .

Nah, i dislike him

Meanwhile last day i tried to go for 130 dungeon. then the 200 or the 190 (with different characters, obv) and there was no one queque . I waited about 40 minutes for the 190 one. The people quitted the game because IMC wont listen players. Because don’t compesante the bugs and don’t solve them,

for what i know all other companies at this point , after a month gamebreaking unsolved bug like the cutshene one, would have gifted resets and more. not to mention they are so brave to release PENGUINS and don’t solve a single bug.

But as mr haukinyau said we have to shut up.
Les’t make TOS desertinc.
Fedinam server wiith less than 50 players in some hours of day, with no one on dungeons, with only bots on the fields and with no gm ingame. We only deserve gamebreaking bugs. Do not compensate players: make the game fail and close :smiley:

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Stop sounding as if most ppl vote yes for reset pls when even on class reset poll only 60℅ vote yes. Given how broken this game is, don’t u think that’s kinda pitiful?

And i bet a big part of it is selfish yes, as op even confessed to me somewhere above… but i doubt the 40℅ is selfish no, e.g. my build still rocks so who cares

This doesnt straightly apply for “skill reset”, but this post doesnt even have poll lulz