Tree of Savior Forum

Why i quitted the game, today

i got about 100 golden anivil.
But i feel like after i spend 100Millions on upgrades and all the golden anvil my weapon will be more or less+5


The point is:
RO is about 10+ years ago (even more).
Tree of Savior 2016/2017.

Don’t compare ToS to RO, compare ToS to other games in 2016/2017.
Actually, Tree of Savior isn’t fun. It’s stress.
I had to wait my first practo for 6 months, and now I “quitted” the game because I’m really really really tired.

Do you know there are people who login multiple account with necro, party them and farm at Dina Bee?
You all say:“do a Necro and afk farm”. Ok. But, where since all spot are already taken?
And honesly, I don’t like play this way, do AFK farming is the worst thing.

Random system in a game should not exist in a first place.

And I wonder why there are certain people who got weaps at +15 and armor at +10 with less potential loss.
It might luck, but we all know there are a lot ways to “cheat” this.

And who play fair all the time at some point will be tired.

I have 2500+ hours. I don’t login since days now.
I give TOS 3 months before unistall it from my PC.
If they improve DPK and ench I will come back, otherwise I will unistall it with no regrets.
I was playing TOS since release.


man you got 100 golden anvils and you would rather be pessimistic rather than make it to +11 which should be easy for you. just do it man, if you don’t use them then they will be useless items that you obtained for no reason.

I have a +6, 0 Potential, Lionhead Shield, so not the most valuable equipment to begin with, but I’m still pretty annoyed with it. I strongly dislike that Enhancing is tied to Potential, especially post buff meaning it’s even more important now to Enhance. It’s RNG for large increases in stats, and it causes permanent damage to the item. I’m strongly opposed to a system that causes irreversible damage with RNG in this manner.

There are a few solutions to the problem, all of which cause less Potential loss. Enhancing could cap at 15/20/25 and be purely Silver based, meaning the only RNG that exists is Silver with no Potential loss. There could be strict diminishing rewards with no/high cap meaning it wouldn’t really be encouraged to go that high except for Adventure Points, prestige, and that little bit of extra damage. Maybe Potential could only be lost at higher levels of Enhancements. A combination of a few of the ideas above could work better, it would make it fairer and less harming, while still being decent Silver sink.

Additionally, an Enhancement/Potential rework would help with balancing some of the HG items.


We’re gonna get that r10 potential revitalizing hidden class player shop. Costs 10m to recharge 1 potential.

Ok real post.
I don’t think rng for something as important as upgrading armor/weapons is a good thing in any case, because you have to win the lottery to make high upgade items yourself or pay out the ass to buy them from a lottery winner.

So what if the potential was thrown in the trash, introduce an upgrade cap, and introduce a “safety net” feature like how dpk is intended to be?
Every weapon/armor piece can be upgraded to the cap, failed upgrade attempts can only set you back as far as -3 from the highest achieved upgrade. So if you get your item to +10, then fail a bunch of times, it won’t fall past +7.
Still paying out the ass for higher upgraded items.
I don’t know.


Just wait for everyone to undercut each other to 10k. :confused:

That’s a perfect way to look at it.

The system makes people feel bad. Because it is so full of consistent repeating failure. Failure that lost a weapon but was only giving people a negative feeling once was less painful than failure that built up stress throughout the entire process and gave them negative feelings many many times.


Oh really? I guess I must have been delirious when my Clover only got to +7-8 a couple times before reaching 0 potential. Just because you haven’t experienced it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Also the clover has more potential than some weapons too.


Dump current upgrade system and introduce +2 rating stages per armor/weapon in the form of 2 new recipes (legend grade is the highest). Turning upgrades into a grindfest. All required materials are high-count trash-drops, depending on required level to equip and the current grade. Change the use of anvils to be durability repair. Change Squires maintanence to add up to +5 of current upgrade system (Appraiser’s offhand upgrade stacks for max +14 with gems and cleric2 buff).

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I can’t hold this over anybody. It’s just like “pics or no”. It’s the nature of chance that a very small portion of players are going to get unusually low rolls and an even smaller portion get unbelievably low rolls. It happens just as often as the small portion of players getting high rolls. This isn’t 1% of players, this is 0.0001%. If that turns out to be just one player, so be it.


hey if u decide to quit…give me ur items lol

rates never go under 50%

*never go under 51%

If they are tradable :upside_down:.


my left eye was twitching out of stress the other day when I was anviling my catacombs club to +11 but I prefer this method to the “mess up once and you lose your weapon method”.

IMC has recently improved upon this method. anviling is so much more affordable than it used to be. it was a step in the right direction. I would say that most of the playerbase can obtain a +11 weapon but that some will have to expend more resources than others.

assuming no one cheated… the person who risked getting that +26 was playing by the same rules that every other player goes by. you don’t need a +26 weapon to do end game content.

I hate when rngesus forsakes me but rng is a very important component to reality. with no rng everything becomes typical. we already have plenty of guaranteed ways of obtaining more power. please don’t make IMC turn everything into a guarantee. I don’t think you comprehend how terrible it is for everything to be handed to you on a silver platter. sometimes life sucks and without that the good parts of life would be less special.

+26 weapons add uniqueness/novelty to this game. don’t take it away just because you were not lucky. what about all those people that were? don’t you care about the feels they get from that?

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The moment when you try to use real-life logic for a game is the moment you’ve failed to disassociate a game from real life.

Game concepts do not need to be hindered by realistic concepts.

It’s completely possible for a game to hand out items and players can still feel as if their particular item is special. The problem is with how Tree of Savior does it.

Everything in this game is a silver sink. Enhancement is tied to potential and in order to get a weapon into higher enhancement levels you need luck, potential and silver.

Potential is practically unnecessary since failing to enhance means using more silver just to get back to a previous enhance stage anyways. If there was no potential, the difference between one player getting a +15 item and another would be how much silver they spent, and it would still hold significance because of how important silver is in the game (attributes, repairs, resources, etc).

Potential just limits the lifetime of an item so it doesn’t exist forever, but its problematic when people are willing to spend silver on their items as opposed to other things like attributes just to upgrade. Potential limits their ability to continue upgrading, and if they expend most of their silver only to reach a low upgrade level with no possibility of going further, they feel robbed… and rightfully so.

If potential was not tied to enhancement and only to trading, I could accept it. It would mean that the item can only be traded a limited number of times before it is locked to someone. It would still serve the purpose of effectively removing the item from circulation without actually having to destroy the item.

Potential, in its current implementation, just feels like an unnecessary constraint. Why punish players even further from trying to enhance when its more than enough to require more silver for upgrade chances?


Wait !! Just wait until Neco’s skeleton buff, so they can afk farm loot for us.


@yipgallery when prices get lower then i personally have nothing against afk farmers :smiley_cat:

You are cute. You complaining about DPK, which guarantees a regular item input to the market, and RNG. You are really cute.

I think that potential helps to make each item more into it’s own thing - some having more value and some having less value. I am not a fan of games having 100% carbon copied items for everyone so I can somewhat appreciate the rng factor.

right now potential is necessary if you want some items to be worth more than others. if there was no potential cap then you would have to put a hard cap such as not going past +16 which means that all items would be carbon copies. in a game where you don’t want items to be carbon copies you have to make things random or different from one another in some way. in some ways diminishing returns for higher enhancement levels does kill two birds with one stone even if it does kill some/most of the reason why you want higher enhancement levels.

I don’t love that I have a 50%~ chance of failing or succeeding. I don’t think this system is perfect but I also don’t know if other ways would be worse. look at what happened when people complained that rank 8 content was too hard. now it’s too easy. “improvements” are not always going to be improvements.

you can’t completely separate game concepts from real life because you are still you and it is glaringly obvious that there are different personality types that want different things to be in the game.

maybe they should just merge transcendence and anviling items. merge missions with saalus too and make about 20+ more kinds of them that are fun and challenging ( and always keep patching in new missions since they are “dailies”). utilize all the bosses that you already have in your database and utilize lots of the areas that are effectively “ghost town zones” since they are already a created resource within the game. this will also give more incentive to fixing your zones that might be a bit buggy. make missions give a set amount of item enhancing items per team ( the shards will have to be untradable) but make them able to be done as many times as you want and give other incentives to do them besides “for the shards” such as a cube with a chance for a rare item mat drop as the alternate reward for shards. make them difficult so that bots have a much harder time botting them 24/7. /coffee