Tree of Savior Forum

Why does Glad Band cost so cheap now?

Are the higher lvl peeps been hoarding the recipes and now they got into an argument and sold everything now? or Battle bracelet is just so in demand right now? from 10m before now its down to 3m…

It’s still expensive in Varena around 10m. Most high level characters tend to choose sissel over glad band. IMO, Crit rate is so important on high levels specially if you’re a full str build. Not to mention sissel has a little bit more magic def than glad band.

KTOS. Epensive mats, cheap recipe.

Galok spawn time increased which reduced the supply of battle bracelet. World boss debuff timer makes different people competing for cubes now instead of selected few.

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No, alchemist gives somewhere 900k per hour on SEA. You can get 200pcs of uosis per hour using DPE.

they sell them cheap coz they know battle bracelet is hard to find coz IMC’ed

okay got it, but what’s the galok respawn time now? last time I farmed mine it was 5 mins

i tried scouting one but didnt see any when i visited tenet after the patch.

30 minutes is the new spawn time

HOLY FCKING SH!T!! 30 mins. omfg and same drop rate?

Yep same horrible Drop Rate

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240silver in Zemyna [ Ina TOS ]

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