Tree of Savior Forum

Why do people rush to get max level in MMOs?

hahaha xD prolly,
though those are just some of the dramas i kept reading on forums.
shits like
"im 280 and bored…"

“im 280 and this game suck…”

“im 280 gimme reset caz im lazie…”

“im 280 gimme mass pvp…”

funny aren’t they? xD


Oh, you’re completely right - the fact that the amount of competitive players surpassed the social ones gave rise to terms with pejorative connotation, like ‘RPers’ or ‘Casuals’.

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That makes two of us. Kind of sad, right?

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monopolize the world bosses, better gears , more silvers and rank 7 with max skills. Whats not to like, but most of it just comes down between hardcore players and casuals. Theres nothing wrong with both playstyle, they both have their own motivation to play however they want.

OOOO ooooo dont forget ERPers!!!
dont judge me… i used to do that

Make that three :frowning:


Xp don’t start more will be incoming

I like dramas though… esp cat fights… i can spend hrs on my pc while watching things burn lol

Yeah, I haven’t found a guild either, but then again I haven’t been around asking for one yet.

Not sure if many pure social guilds exist on ToS currently. Whenever I see guilds recruiting, it’s usually for specific classes for end-game content or future GvG. In all honesty though, I haven’t really looked into guilds yet.

Yeah most of them are purely for the sake of end game content… and you are usually required to attend or make time for certain event…such as grinding/guild wars/bosshunting… kinda takesaway the fun

Which kind of brings up another point…

this is why Botting and RMT is so rampant

the MMO player wants to get to the end game content / PVP / Competitiveness of the end-game… Why bother leveling? Why bother doing quests? Why not pay someone to give me gold? Why not bot to max level? It’s all making sense now

the downfall of MMO’s is not Botting or RMT, its the obsession of END GAME CONTENT which drives people to do things that make Botting and RMT worth doing

I think the MMO’s world needs a paradigm shift in order to get out of the rut that its in.


… The opposite argument can be made its the casuals who don’t have time to get the gold/max on their own.

I think its safe to say that people from both sides could be botters. Don’t turn this into a witch hunt.

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Most recent mmos have taught players that the good content is only available at the endgame…TERA is a good example of this.

ToS is supposedly different, the good content is meant to be available throughout your whole leveling experience, but people ignored that fact.

Unfortunately pvp is unavailable right now, which would entertain people for some time, including myself.


You’re misunderstanding me. Im not differentiating casual vs. hardcore gamers. Im saying that there is a strong trend in all MMO audiences to rush to end game content which i believe fuels the use of Botting and RMT.

Seems to me you just described a competitive player with surplus money instead.

I used to be part of a LOTRO guild that got together every weekend to run raids and dungeons in order to let people see the content and get decorations, mounts, that sort of thing. I can’t even remember if I ever saw a bot in that game.

I keep telling people, there is a lot of content, it’s just not at the end yet… The only real reason though is to be competitive. I agree it’s mostly so they can say they did it and for some the rush is the achievement.

As for botters, same thing can be applied to them, only they are too lazy to do it themselves, and get false validation from it. The programs earned the achievement. This of course does not apply to gold sellers, the “achievement” (there is none game wise) for them is obviously cash back.

uhm there’s something off with your question to begin with. you were asking for something that is common in most MMO’s (from how you stated your title. “… max level in MMOs”) which is end-game content. end-game contents (activities/meta game to be more inclusive) are mostly available at higher levels in most MMOs. so your premise or question is invalid right at the start.

but if your rant is actually about ToS, it doesnt have much end game for now so yes, it is not that worth it to rush max level. though i dont know how you skip a lot of content in doing so.

Here we go with the witch hunt. Remember salem? Spoiler the witches weren’t real.

With out pvp i have just been putzing around making a absurd number of alts out of bordem lol

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You’re the only one who keeps bring up which hunting, no one is blaming anyone for anything. we’re talking about trends in MMOs

That is literally assigning blame lol. Maybe you just missed that comment.

This… i cannot agree more… i need to sastify myself by lobbing random innocent players heads off…maybe leaving a trail of entrails would do fine…or maybe camp spawn their bodies/ spawn point.

Proceeds to laugh like a psychopath

Then again… that constitues to PK…which isn’t available in ToS…


I miss my trigger fingers …especially when it comes to pking people