how can you get to max level if you skip a lot of content ? and what is this other content that the game offers ? more quests,dungeons,grind?
even a players with 3-4 hours only per day like me i already at 255 after 6 weeks
this game is pretty easy leveling
lvling fast can take much more advantages also
- getting material, equiments, recipe first the sell at high price
- control the world boss, control the market
- have more experience than others
- test the thing they want
- having fun at achieving new ranks and class
this game have anymore content to skip ?
pve ? boring as hell
daily dungeon and mission also boring
story ? also boring as the hero vs devil old motive
pvp ? we don’t even have yet
1 v 1 duel ? no it’s most stupid pvp mode ever
so what this game have left ?
login to heard bgm from it ? no, i can heard it via youtube
art style ? sorry too tired for watching this game for months
you don’t need 24/7
those 24/7 people already have like 2-3 max lv character
i also have no idea how can they play like that, having one at high lv already make me boring enough and they have 2 or 3
Well there should be at this point already.
This is exactly the case for the 90% of the players who rushes to max level asap. People like me who played RO since the beginning, PvE aren’t just for us anymore.
i played archage, i think its a nice game, open world, lot of place to explore, the house system, crafting, i played for 3 months, until i could not avoid open PK anymore,
im ok with pvp like guild/faction war, but not with a pk without any reason, i quit with 5 unused apex, 1 galleon, 1 merchant ship, farm cart with 6 slots, about 10 house lot, i bought whole area. i love role playing, but hate the pk, so i quit.
You’re complaining about what he’s saying and yet
"“Instance Dungeons”
Though we had many level 200 instance dungeons in the test server, for OBT instance dungeons at levels 40, 70, 120 will be provided (no info on whether these will be additions or not).
A level 217 dungeon will also be implemented in the OBT (that’s an oddly specific level).
We noted that there were certain intervals when leveling (i.e. grinding) in the field felt slow. Instance dungeons will be continuously added to these intervals (hope the exp’s good).
We won’t put in too many instance dungeons."
Note they dont want to have a large amount of dungeons. Note in Korea they have a 5 dungeon limit (ours is even smaller) which makes farming dungeons for items impractical.
“ToS is a game that was developed against a fair amount of opposition.
The idea was that we tried using 2D graphics despite other games being in 3D, and that we made up for low-end graphics with high-end servers (graphics are def not low-end lol).
We think of ToS as a game that would appeal to players who don’t like just hitting the cap and running around farming items from instance dungeons (i.e. less focus on end-game?).
ToS is a game that focuses on the R in RPG.
Because RPG standards for Role Playing Game, having everyone participate solely in combat is not correct.
ToS is not meant to replace other MMORPGs currently in existence, but because nobody was making such a game we decided to do it (i.e. they think that their game is unique enough).
Players find their own roles.
When you enter town you see Squires sharpening knives, Alchemists making potions… if we see that happening, we can say that our intended role-playing has successfully taken foot.
When releasing bosses in the test server to test boss mechanics, we saw players setting up base camps behind the battle supporting the fighters for free. This is how we envisioned our MMORPG to be.”
Where they blatantly state they’re not trying to make it a dungeon farmer (ffxiv).
So what do you get out of rushing to 280?
Nothing actually, while you do get to empower your skills the general gameplay can be enjoyed literally as early as level 1.
If you want to kill things, hunting for gear and collections… you’ve literally experienced the game within the first 50 levels.
While quests accelerate leveling, they’re not accelerating you to really any goal. Even Earth Tower has a 2x a day limit for attempts, the game constantly impedes anyones ability to reliably get anything from dungeons.
You basically play tree of savior to fool around as classes you like and roleplay. You don’t gain anything from rushing particularly. You want to get new skills? You hit cap and then you have no new skills…so then what? Earth tower has a 2 per day daily limit, if you’re not enjoying just killing crap or fooling around as a crafting class then the game legitimately is not going to be pleasant.
But the main take away
“ToS will probably not be loved by all players.
We want to try creating a game that is different from those in which everyone becomes strong and competes.
ToS is not all about stat points. It is a game in which characters have roles.
Rather than compete based on strength, one’s own characters and the classes that compose them will speak up for the players.
Ultimately, it is a game in which player choices is very important.
We are creating a game in which a player raises multiple characters to form a team (omitted second half which didn’t make sense).
ToS may not be suitable for players who want to play a lot and release stress (the stress part seems odd but basically referring to hardcore players).
ToS is a new means of communication, and intends to become a game that caters to such people.
(End of translation)”
Good luck rushing, outside of killing world bosses faster every 4 hours you don’t really gain much out of it. You’re doing the same damn thing.
^^^ Always worth reading for the newer players.
Basically, if you’re the type to rush to max level, TOS is not for you and you shouldn’t expect the developers to change the game to suit your way of playing.
Once upon a time there was a game with a level cap of 180. It was RO-like, and not one person reached it in the span of its lifetime which was 4 years.
And you know what? It had one of the best communities Ive seen in an mmo. Everyone knew each other -for better or worse.
To complain about the lack of endgame, of course.
It’s actually just because of the competitive atmosphere the younger gamers have brought in. Note how the majority of players are impatient, entitled, and more PvP focused nowadays as well.
If you played older MMOs you’d remember the glory days when players would band together and tackle just brutal PvE for hours or even just go exploring,enjoying the game world.
That kind of community doesn’t exist in most games anymore though. It’s all about getting as strong as you can be so you can go fight other people to show off your ‘1337 skills’ or complain about balance issues or whatever else if you don’t do do well.
what game was that?
Yea i remember getting a bunch of people to do MVP’s in RO just for us all to get killed in like 5 seconds. PVP was great but MVP’s in RO was also another thing to do.
I think im going to qoute this in he main thread. good video that i didnt know about
A japanese grind based mmo called Secret of the Solstice, run by Outspark. They managed to keep it afloat that long with a very small playerbase all without resorting to “in house” RMT (tradable cash shop items). Their income came from RNG type cash shop items that rewarded cosmetic items, improved potions, etc. Again, 0 in house RMT that influenced in game currency.
Bots lost interest in the game despite extremely heavy advertising by Outspark. Why? because it wasn’t profitable for them.
Smaller population +
optimal grinding spots (bots exposed to and competing with active players) +
GM’s active in game holding events & banning bots
I understand bots have advanced light years since then. But the way I see it, if an unpopular secondhand RO clone could sustain a thriving community for that long (without in house RMT?!)…so can ToS. Even after the turbulence up until now.
As long as good decisions are involved on the dev/publisher side there can still be hope for a declining playerbase.
Because end game content holds the value to everything. The harder something is to get whether it be by rng or difficulty the more value it has. ie everything before end game has no value unless it’s a rare(ish) item like arde dagger
If you want a meaningful game with the journey in mind, you need diversity in class roles, crafting and world content. Instead of dragging the player through the game with quest hubs, you need to make him or her want to go places. Make the world dangerous, rewarding and your players will rise to the challenge. Interdependence with the diverse classes is key too.
anyway kind of throwing my thoughts out there, hope you guys can piece it together cause I’m rambling.

You’re complaining about what he’s saying and yet
But isnt that true ?

But the main take away…
Living another stress live in game with a boring quest story is surely perfection for hardcore players.
We are gonna have to have you check in at your local clinic altholism is an addiction and you have to be treated and I’m up to 9 characters now lol are we gonna need altholic anonymous sessions
I may need to join in on this. Already on my 7th alt, and planning more future alts to come.
People rush in Tree of Savior because the gold nugget of the game is grinding with people/running dungeons with people.
Most people want to do things with other people, and the main quests fail to unite people together because of how short and boring they are, they’re a chore you want to get rid of as fast as possible because they’re just walking or simple “hit this mob that takes 2 minutes to respawn 10 times” with a boring miniboss at the end of every 1~2 quests.
Besides, there’s not much to do otherwise, mob drops blow ass, grinding is mostly eh before level 200 and that’s about it. Sure I could explore, but the game gives me this back and forth by quests that I’d really rather not explore because of how annoying the exploration is made trough quests.
If I didn’t stress this out enough: Quests blow and most people want them to end, if I wanted to do mediocre storyline and quests alone, I could go to any other MMO.
Why not ignore quests? No one’s forcing people to do them.