RMT Botters reaction when they see Hackshield and Captcha’s implemented into the game:
24 hours is good enough; it just doesn’t SEEM good enough because multiple 3rd-parties are running their services on this game since it’s popular. You could say “Well they need to work even faster. 12 Hours now.”, and then what if the RMT’ers just increase the pace their Bots are deployed onto the server in response? You can’t have a 24-hour GM team who check all 4 servers and all channels for Bots along with reviewing all incoming logs at that time and hitting them within half a day, every day.
You also don’t see open positions for “Bot killer”, because most companies don’t even want to pay someone minimal wage just to ban bots since the job is so simple. You mean I have to pay you $5.25 USD (Current minimum wage in South Korea) to come in to work every day, sit on the starter maps, and just make a couple clicks on Bots that pass by while you listen to Coldplay and eat potato chips because your daily task is so simple? I can have my actual GM’s do that task along with their other customer service duties.
Mm… what else.
Oh. It’s better to ban a Lvl 40 Bot, than to ban a Lvl 4. Knock down my pile of wood and I laugh. Knock down my house of wood and I cry.
If you feed a stray cat, it’ll keep coming back.