Tree of Savior Forum

Why are the staff so passive about bots?

I have to defend her here. not it’s not entirely stupid if you think about it.

it is true that they can’t get the silver for 2 days but it is not the bots that are getting the silver.

let’s say a train of bots can make 10 mil silver in a day and it takes the GMs at least a day to investigate. The storage account can easily sell multiple items on the market for high prices for the bot accounts to buy so the silver will ended up in the storage account. this is why I said they should focus more on the storage accounts instead of the bots themaelves.

what she was wrong about what she said was she wants the GMS to take immediate actions against these bots which is a system a lot of players can abuse. Lets say you are solo grinding in demon prison and a group of people wants you out of the area, they can easily report you as a bot with multiple characters and you will be flagged and banned without any sorts of investigations. And people will definitely abuse the system.

How many players in 100 run into these scripters? Are they as common as these bots are? I’ve spotted more bots than players at this point, playing in the lower level areas.

I never said that. Where are you getting this from? A GM would only need to visit the map and channel that received the report to confirm a bot is there, and then enact justice.

edit: even in Klaipeda there are bots everywhere. It’s the common map of the game, and there are bots. GMs where??

How many players are in the beta and how many players gave 10$… hire a minimum wage gm lol… this kid ok guy lemme help your poor brain out.

there is an average of 20,000 players online.

Lets just go with 20,000. If they all gave the minimum 10$ and some didnt and some did but lets say 10$, thats only 200,000$ lets for the sake of it add… 2 MILLION on top.

2.2million for their work they spent 7 years on, now they have to incorporate the wages, administration costs, server costs, ongoing development etc.

that 2.2million is NOTHING.

Then you want them to give the power to ban people to some minimum wage worker that the second he has the slightest bias or becomes unhappy he can start ruining legitimate players accounts.

While I still held the belief that IMC is IMCompetent, but seriously, they are doing okay on the current system.

Are you expecting them to immediately check every bot we reported? That’s impossible considering the amount of troll and the workload they would have.

It’s much easier to mass ban the bot than banning them on real time.

Personally I think the bot situation is not that concerning now. The balance of the game and optimization need much more work currently.

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Fairly certain you’re the kid around here. Nobody gets this offended over a lack of knowledge on a subject.

lol? How much do you think GMs get paid?

Agreed. Theyre doing what they can on the bot front; and other areas need some attention.

I’m going to be the blunt one here and say it.

You’re an idiot.

What workload? I have yet to see GMs sitting in any area of the game. Is there a way to check their activity? Are they online right now?

You’re supposed to send a support ticket if you were wrongfully banned, if you explain the situation and even include the details of why you were banned (report abused), they WILL penalize those people for abusing the report function.

@ topic There are like what, 20+ channels in the lower level maps just screenshot + report those bots and change to another channel. The impact they have only involves items available in the lower level maps, the silver they gain is nowhere near enough to counter the silver being drained.

There has not been a single bot in the higher level map, there was but is now banned. Just take 3-4 hours a day questing and in 2-3 days you’re already at a point where there are no bots in your current map level area.

Ignoramus alert.

There are about 14,000 players currently online. IMC has banned exactly 857 gold sellers and bots.

Do the math. Bots and gold sellers make up less than 6% of the population. That means IMC is keeping this game about 94% free of bots. That’s not even counting peak hours.

I would say they are doing a pretty good job.

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It’s 5am in Korea. With all due respect, calm your tits.

Precisely because they’re doing stuff so they won’t be sitting around? This thread is like wah wah, why aren’t bots banned constantly non-stop.

Pro-tip - banning bots in a huge wave saves far more time and is far more efficient than banning them 1 by 1.

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You ping them with the @function, if your thread / report makes any sense then they will notice it. My friend voiced out their opinion regarding guild masters and the server transfer and were compensated with 200 Talt (equivalent of 1M silver). They are there and are very active with communicating with the player base.

6% of the population

um yeah the population that is on right now. Daily bot bans should be weighed against daily playercount. You would be looking at less of the population being bots in that case.

~inb4 I get yelled at for HELPING someone argue against me~

What’s with all the uncalled for anger* against my posts? I don’t think I’m asking any bad questions.

I would be surprised if the GM actually has to show himself to perform their duty.

Also, what we need is not GM showing himself immediately to ban the bot, but measures such that the bot actually won’t hinder our game (unable to spam).

By penalizing it’s only reducing the RRI by 1, which is nothing imo. I could have farm RRI by going to bot infested zone and reporting every real bot.

Remember when IMC disabled every form of trading (except by buying from the AH) for new accounts? That gets disabled after 72 hours.
No? Okay…
Remember when they said about semi-automating their report bot system, that will improve with time? No? Okay…
Guess 24 Hrs ban waves is good, especially when you consider that they’re doing these things starting at the release of the game, which is pretty good. Never seen a game so worried about Bots b4 tbh.

both presences would be good though? Not really sure why it’s one or the other. Programmers aren’t GMs, GMs aren’t programmers. Uh, well I really hope not.

Then please enlighten me, what would you consider as a expedient time frame? Given the game is barely out for a month and they are clearly short handed with all the other stability issues they have to deal with.

And please read my other post if you missed it. but I will give you a briefing on it. Bots used to populate maps that are over 150, but now majority of them lingers in the lower lvl zones, specifically crystal mines and tenet garden. That to me shows a sign that bots do not live long enough to reach those higher lvl maps anymore which also proves that IMC is really doing something about it.

Another note. If you don’t know how the gold selling business works, consider them as an army with many different methods to obtain cc info and make new accounts. But let’s use a small sample here and say they are a size of a standard PC cafe with 20+ computers and multiclienting on all of them. now spread them across 4 servers. That vs 2-3 gms.

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People are allowed to have different opinions. Let’s refrain from name calling,yeah?

I actually agree with you here.I think they should have enough funds at this point to be able to pay someone to focus on this. Heck, just tack it onto another job and multitask it.It doesn’t seem that hard.

I’m not saying they aren’t doing a good job now, but you still see them in waves in lower level maps and although the founder’s players average level may be above that now, it’ll be a bigger concern when the F2P crowd comes along. So yes, it needs to be faster.