Tree of Savior Forum

Where to farm afk with necro3?

Any tips? Im thinking about try farm some silver at downtown lemures.

Hell :expressionless:

please don’t afk with necro, we already got enough hate thanks to afk sorcerers :unamused:

Don’t do it. Just don’t.
AFK farm is no different from a bot to regular players.
All of us might as well have AFK farming powers da**it.

Mark our words, we will report you as a bot like all the other chaplains.


The bot report feature is a useless, shiny red button that exists to provide you with an illusion of control.

Afk farming =/= botting

Since you are not using any 3rd party program.

Just do whatever you want. Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate

You do realize when you report an AFK person as a bot it works against you and not them right? Lol.

I’m okay with Necros AFK farming. That’s a perk of their class. Sorc’s Auto-potting is different. That is using third party software. (Macro or program)

Everyone gives Necros such a hard time, but between Necro’s, Sorc’s and Archers; Necro’s are the only legit AFK farmer.

Even Necros need to use a script to resummon their skeletons every x minutes. Necro’s without their skeleton army are much less effective at afk farming. So they are not really different from Sorc’s with their autopotion script. Just watch Nerco at Dina Bee Farm and you will see. If they have a skeleton army, just wait until they get resummoned and you know they use 3rd party aswell.

You realize Necros just got a huge buff right? That made their Skele’s have a f’ckton of HP? I can leave mine out for about an hour or so w/o having to resummon them, and when they die I still have my Shogoth who keeps me alive for a few more hours. But again this is my point. After they die, if I have not checked up on my Character. I die.

No script needed.

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when did they buff the skellies? do you remember the patch?

Think… it was the Ktos patch. Lemme look…

I just remember when i was leveling my Schwarzer Reiter in Dina Bee, i saw a Necro from a big guild on our server. I watched him closely for like 20 -30 min and noticed that he used a auto summon script like every 5 minutes, to resummon his army. that was like 5 weeks ago

If you try to resummon while Skele’s are out. Nothing will happen. It only summons ones that have died. It doesn’t even replace hurt ones and you waste the Corpses. The Corpses only stack to 300. He would be out of skeles real quick like.

Not that I need to defend myself but; I rarely will AFK with my Necro. Maybe once a week while at work. Only because I run a Sorc/Necro build and keeping up with Corpse Pots and SP potions is f’cnking unruly. :slight_smile: I’m not one of those you see in Dina-Bee for weeks on end.

As for the topic at hand… Stick with Dina-Bee. We don’t need afk’ers everywhere else. This is including myself.

because you can’t leave necros too long they’ll eventually die unless you do semi afk and respawn your skellys. while sorcs as long as you have the mana and auto pots then you have no problem keeping them afk for long

Why did you reply to me? Lol

Unless you missed the higher post where I talked about that already. :slight_smile:

…Ugh. I really don’t see the point on afk farming dina bees due to how and where the mobs spawn eventually and the limited agro range of both them and your minions. I guess it involves a quest exploitation.

DIna-Bee is great for a few reasons. Bee’s always spawn in the same spots/areas and they have massively quick respawn times and numbers making Silver gaining pretty good for just afking. You can make more money in Demon Prison if you actually aren’t AFKing though.

I always thought Dina-Bee EXP sucked, even before everyone went Sorc/Necro heavy back when me running around as a Necro was getting me weird looks for playing the class. (Now everyone and their momma is a Necro.)

Protip for the people who hate the AFK’ers: Make an Oracle; Change the Bee’s to Awakening Mobs. Won’t be long before you kill the AFK’er/

Nope, necros dont need skellys to be effective in afk farming. Shoggoth 10 star is enough and he is immortal on dina bee.
He is living many hours and died only after Grim Reaper shows up. :wink:

But now its easier, when they cut off channels. Now there is 2-3 necros on the same channel so skellys can live 2 or more hours, because there is not enough bees to kill skellys.

Yes you can kill low lvl necro, but there is few with 270+ lvl and good gear, so even awaken mobs cant kill them, trust me. :wink:

Problem with that is; their gear will eventually break. Even if they only take 1 damage and pets don’t have that gear advantage as they are locked to Star lv and SPR. I’ve taken down a couple 280 Necro’s on my Oracle with Awakening mobs. :slight_smile:

Point being though, Awakening Mobs will kill MOST AFK’ers, and even if not the AFKer will kill the pets. And if all else fails; it’s still fun to do.

That is what I mean. I admit, afk farming is one of the first things I did when I reached necro 2 and dumped my saved 5 points into skellys.

The mobs will start respawning OUTSIDE of agro range so I found this pointless. I have recently learned of people using quest events to keep mobs agroing on them. So again, how is this efficient?