Tree of Savior Forum

When will our tickets get replied?

I sent in my ticket about a week ago…I still have no reply, anyone else getting replies?

Mine got deleted without answer…

Makes it sound like they don’t even bother communicating through tickets and just respond through the news from the tickets they receive…sheesh I might as well post my problem on the forum if I don’t get 504’d…I have more use in strangers than IMC…

I hope soon for you guys.

I haven’t had a reason yet to submit a ticket, but I feel really bad for those who have and are still waiting.

I really hope you get your problems fixed soon…

if I want to be “optimistic”, I would say that they have so many thickets they have to answer still, that they haven’t reached your thicket yet…

it happens a lot…

Ok this is weird…a few days go, my problem “mysteriously got fixed” then in the middle of the night last night they JUST said…

"Greetings Savior!

Thank you for contacting and sending this to our attention.

We will surely forward this issue to our proper department for investigation and possible fix.

Should you have any further concern, feel free to contact us again, and we will gladly help in any way we can.

Best Regards,
Tree of Savior Support Team"

So I’m not sure if THEY fixed it or if it naturally fixed itself, or if they’re JUST starting to look into when it naturally fixed itself and they’re going to find nothing… so like…yea

Lucky one. At least now I know they reply sometimes.

You apparntly have the option to rate their performance of their support with 1 to 5 stars after they answer… 1 star all the way…

Sure, but I doubt it will affect anyting.

If their salary would change like:
salary += starting_salary*(number_of_stars - 3)/100

per every ticket, they would work for free by this moment, or would rather pay IMC for their terrible work.

I recieved a series of quick replies which lead to “We’ll forward this to our development team.” after posting here.

I hardly believe it’s a coincidence.

The best part is, they never responded to this one thing where they actually wanted me to change my name.

So it’s like they dropped the problem suddenly and just let me go free.


Too scared to actually rename the mighty LoliLicker.

IIRC staff said this guild’s name isn’t allowed too because it means “pedos” for western audience:

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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That’s why when everyone says they’re proud to be lolicons some think, man you’re crazy.

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