Tree of Savior Forum

Whats your Screen name history and signifigance?

I use Celov since 2006. Before that, I used a bunch of random names.

Celo = shorter way to say my real name.
v = when I tried using Celo in a game, the name was already taken. So I put the ‘v’ for pure randomness.

By coincidence or not, I met 2 other guys in this game, Celo and Celow, and started playing with them until 2011. :3


I generally like clever/funny/unique or simple names that aren’t traditionally used. The more clever or simple a person’s user name the more interested I tend to be. For example, I like @Melon’s user name because its such a simple name. As for my own user name, well I suppose it fits into the “clever” department.

As for my user name, no it’s not my actual name, rather, its just a clever play on words written as a “traditional name”. I guess you could say that I’m an a-may-zing person.

How long have you been waiting to be asked about your screen name to make that pun?

I don’t wait, i just wonder how many would actually catch it. Sometimes people get it. Sometimes they dont.

Mine consists of 2 parts (doh), each with its own history.
The first one, the DF, stands for Daniel Ferel, which is the name I’ve been using in SciFi RPGs and the like since I was 8 or 9 years old. Daniel is my own first name, and the Ferel might be a misspelled Feral, don’t really remember, was far too long ago.
I’ve been using that name for a lot of stuff since then. For example I released Doom 2, Heretic and Hexen maps under that name, back in the early days of the internets.

The Delta part came a few years later, when the first Unreal was released, the first FPS that I remember to have played online. Me and some friends had the idea to name ourselves after greek letters, and I’ve chosen Delta because it starts with a D, and because it is a badass triangle.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, how did the DF and Delta become connected you might ask.

Well, about that time I got together with some dudes that happened to also play on my favorite server regularly, and we decided to tag ourselves. Thus the “Dominating Force” was born, (a rather silly name, but we were young and stupid) my name became -=|DF|Delta|=-. Our little association, it could not really be called a clan, had a few servers where we would meet 2 or 3 times a week to kick ass and chew bubblegum.
That whole thing held together for a good 3 years, which might have been the greatest days of gaming I’ve ever experienced, but then suddenly one after the other dropped out or left, and in just 4 months the whole thing collapsed. One guy just disappeared, without any sign why, one moved together with his long term girlfriend who could not stand “those brutal games”, so he had to stop playing them (lol… sissy), and so on.
When we finally “disbanded” I did not want to lose the name that I’ve kept for so long now, and one of the other survivors pointed out that the initials of the nickname I’m using when I upload UT maps, and our “clan tag” are identical, so I could just change the meaning behind the DF.
And so I did.

So DFDelta is a combination of a name I’ve been using in RPGs for a good 2 and a half decades, the first name I’ve ever used in an online FPS, and the tag of my very first “clan”.