Tree of Savior Forum

Whats your favorite class and why?

You can make a new one and stick whit a meta common class , i dont know what to do what classes we talking about?

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Iā€™m kidding, I like them haha. But still a little sad to know that Iā€™m one in a little community :<

Oh, and the classes are Kabbalist, Rodelero and Hunter~~

Gotta go fast. And Iā€™m praying that the so called Lancer become a Cataphract C3 hidden exclusive, like Chaplain for Priest C3 hohoho.
Magnus Trot.

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Hunter cause it is borderline brokenā€¦on both sides :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Its sad or not sad i call those classes uncommon becouse they uncommon but you or we should call they unique classes untill now , sounds better?

At first it was Rogue, because of Capture. Stalker was my fav class in RO.

Now itā€™s Sapper, because setupping traps can be really fun, the payout when they work is really A+. Sniper was my second favorite in RO.

Claymore Trap was a fun skill back in the day.WHile the plebs used their falcons and bows to kill a few enemies at a time ,the REAL hunters used traps to kill armies of them.

I have sorc 2 and diev 3. I love both. I love the pet and the heals and statues

My two favorite so far are Diev Monk, and Hoplite 3 dragoon.
What I am so so about is priest 3 Monk and fletcher.

Thauma handsdown so funny and could carry poor people in mission and dungeons.

I like my Kabbalist and my Chronolinker too.

First mine favorite character was a monk:

  • Monk Concentrate Style (I really use it on real life).
  • Martial Artist using his first (I really use it on real life too).
  • War Machine: Is on the same time: Healer/SafeWall/Make lots of Damage/ Put CC (debuff) on enemy
  • Kamehameha.
  • and the Principal: The cloths are awesome!


The magic about monk was gone, because I started to see monks everywhere. I was talking about Tree of Savior as Tree of Monks. And I saw that since I already use a Monk phylosofy on the real life, I have to at least feel high emotions at least on the game, and forget for a moment the Zen Phylosofy. I already wanted to be a shinobi, so after see the fight Between Genesis vs Sephirot, I decided to make a Shinobi of 2HandSword, And I had to say, I feel really excitaded even 2Handswords being very bad on this game.

So, mine is:

Shinobi 2HSword,

And you can freak out because I dont will use Bushin no Jutsu. I prefer to stop play than use Bushin no Jutsu, that is why my build is completely different from others.
I always play with my monk too sometimes, specially when I have doubts about what step take on the build of the shinobi.

because itā€™s game play is interesting
you can be good at both close and range attack and have more things to do than just run around and shot like other archer

back stab and cloaking from scout make you feel like an assassin

IMC, assassin class at r8 please !!!

Bokor because Bwa Kayiman, Cryomancer C3 for the snowball and wonderful CC with frost pillar.

I also love sorcs because dat fanservice, especially male sorcs uwu

But the fave outfit is definitely male orcale, so flowy and graceful~

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played hoplite c3, deleted it. Now i have a pelt 3 squire 3 which will be my one and only char. Iā€™m loving it so far and have no need to try anything else.
ET here i come!!! :boar:

Itā€™s not out yet ? So what. Itā€™s a Shepherd. Iā€™m already in love. I made a sheep curly male character just to be a cool Shepherd.
If Shepherd isnā€™t good, Iā€™ll just rage quit and break my computer.

On a side note, I like how male Clerics move their booty. Paladins do it so well, better than female toons. Everytime Iā€™m on my Paladin I feel fabulous.
I also like Wugushiā€™s high heels. I guess when you poison, the higher the better.

Since I have 4 Clerics and spend my life in Fade, I suppose Cleric is my favourite class. Even though it frustrates me so much.
But maybe it pleases my masochistic side that much. I love to hit with my stick and cry blood when I have to solo flying mobs.
I like Sadhu too. Who doesnā€™t like dying because your OOB bugged, right, RIGHT ? No, but Fade + Sadhu makes it really cool (if you pop some Diev statues you can even solo things super easily).
When Iā€™ll be less lazy Iā€™ll do my dream of having a Cleric 3 Dievdirbys 2/3 Sadhu 2/1.

Sorcerer, because I love summoner especially the one who can summon minion that have their own skills, so flashy. I fell in love with this boss since Kr CBT

Linker and Chronomancer, because of unique support abilities.

In RO i loved my sniper, that would mean i have to go ranger here ā€¦ not.

I cant answer this question.
My most progressed character is dragoon.
Then there is a hunter going musketeer.
Then there is a thaumaturg.
Then there are lots of swordsmanā€¦
I guess my favorite character is swoedsman because i have so many of them xD

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