Tree of Savior Forum

What's YOUR Creative Endeavor?!

Why the hell this thread gets flagged especially in the off topic section?

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First off, I want to say that your music is pretty chill and really good. You got talent! :grin:
I’m an aspiring professional writer at the moment and I’ve written novels ever since my freshman year in high school; however, I never got them published, but I would like to publish them at some point. As a nice little project for experience, I actually started a fanfic series about Tree of Savior to sharpen up my writing and prepare me for the future. Writing is the only thing I can do pretty well creativity-wise, but I’ve done music and tried making a game before. :sweat_smile:


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prob some1 who is crying for some attention?!

Heck yeah, bruh! I also have an unpublished novel! :smiley: Tell us what yours are about! I can post my query letter, which explains what mine is about, when I have a bit more time to do so. :>

And/or give us a taste of your ToS fanfic!

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'EY!! Nice song my friend! :smiley: Would you mind if I cover it and put in some layers and instrumental stuff? I can post it here and credit you once I’m done!


@Stanzeyreon, I really liked it, it’s catchy, first time I listened to it I was lightly tapping my spacebar to the rythm. You can work on your breathing, but it’s still sounds good. Gonna put it on a replay :smile:.


@Stanzeyreon, I liked both of the songs and both of them were a lot more satisfying to listen to on the second time. Also, I’ve listened to your song on a loop for 3 hours, gonna stop for now though. Keep up the good work!:slight_smile:

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I know Taryn! I haven’t stopped by her or Owen’s stream in a while. I should soon though. Always cool to see other people knowing people I do :smiley:

I like to write, but always get bored of my current story and start something new… maybe I should stick to short stories.

Well seems @VnZzz beat me to it xD
I finished the first volume not too long ago; however, as of right now, I’m writing a side story on the series while I prep for the second volume and I post every other day–sometimes each day depending on my school studies and whatnot.

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Man I love your music, your voice is so good :grinning:

Edit: I’m learning the harmonica atm xD


Thanks a bunch! :smiley: I played harmonica for one of my songs, but I am not very good at it at all, haha. I then tried to play the harmonica while playing guitar and…nope. Not even a little.


Like your style, kinda relaxing :ok_hand:
Happy to see a thread about creativity.
I’m a designer, you can find some of my stuff over here (there is more, but not release yet) :

Some of you know me for this creation when there was the webdesign repoll thread :


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Yeah,“Want” is my favorite

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I’m in the process of designing a Tabletop RPG system.

my latest creative thingy is totally not having a good screen recorder :pensive:

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I made a thing when I was like 14. It does have thousands of views and not many dislikes. I am not sure why. It is one of those holy graals on my miserable little youtube channel.

But I guess I made something worthwile, that took me barely 3 hours to make.

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From experience, making male genitals in online video games where you can make pixel art is an act of peace. Everyone gathers around and you’ve got good conversations going and can make some laughs.

One day I tried to make female genitals.

That day I learned the true symbols of peace and war.