Tree of Savior Forum

What's your biggest concern?

Biggest concerns?

  • Disabling basic game features such as free trading, queueing with your friends to dungeons and PvP. (this will drive away a great deal of new players wanting to try out the game)
  • Addition of P2W items in the cash shop. (the magic hats are just the beginning, it’s going to get a lot worse in the future)
  • Lack of European servers. (ping does matter a lot, the difference between 200ms and 50ms is huge, if you can’t feel the difference it means you’re just ignorant)

At this point my 2 friends I was planning to play with, already lost interest in the game. Sooner or later only the blindfolded “fans” will remain who will support the game financially no matter how much mud is thrown at their faces. I lose hope in communities who are willing to pay for this madness.


I agree most of the boss AIs are too straight forward, making it too easy / predictable. They also rarely use killer combos (like a stun combo’d with a slow but super damage skill).

This. Much of the game is just too easy and a time sink without a lot of creativity / problem solving in defeating monsters. And uh, monsters walk too slow / attack animation is too slow. Letting anyone with half a brain to dodge them easily.


i think token users having twice as many dungeon runs is over kill… they’ll farm way more equipments and levels, and pretty much out perform non token users…

i mean, they already have exp bonus, and waste less silver in market, plus they can sell way more itens (actually, i think the non-token users market limit should be raised)

that’s my main concern about token users… the move speed is quite unfair too, but it’s a small bonus…

actually, here is my Steam Review:

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Those magic scrolls is so p2w, broken a lot, no patch notes until now? and the game start is coming and we really need a real patch notes, LAG/PING, support all of those things but mainly Those Magic Scrolls P2W a lot and Patch Notes, and future balances ideas/discussions

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  • Lack of difficulty (mainly from boss fights. They’re too predictable)

  • Queuing for Arenas and Dungeons (can only queue solo at the moment)

  • Arena is only open at certain times of the day, not all the time

  • Balance of course - but also how a significant buff or nerf could affect a class so much that many people would want to reroll to make a character with that class or from a character that chose that class… and Wugushi’s uselessness in PvP because of antidotes (though this is just a problem for us Wugushis)

  • Linearity

  • Lack of social activities. Now that grinding is not the best way to level, and you get more EXP entering dungeons solo through the queue, I think most people will be playing solo instead of with friends and the potential to meet new friends will be diminished compared to say iCBT2

  • Lack of an enchantment cap on gear

  • Companion AI, pet AI, summons AI


My biggest concern is the staff at IMC taking flak from people with a obsession the universe revolves around them and if you don’t think of them first they explode in a fit of rage with accusations.

But lets talk about the game I would say my concern is most likely day one launch those things tend to be a nightmare with errors server crashis and what not.

  • What are the names and number of servers available on the 29th?
  • When are the scheduled maintenance?
  • I am a solo player but I find it not fair that party players get 450% exp bonus over a solo player that gets 600% iN dungeons.
  • When will be the PVP Battle League Arena times?
  • Is PVP arenas will be on permanently one day (I know it’s on Alpha stage now)?
  • The GvG has no rewards and no purpose beside to kill each other for cause.Are we going to see a revamp of the system?
  • What are Cash prices and the TP bundles?
  • Is the bug fix where you knock up or push back a player that is displayed properly and not showing them walking instead.
  • Are we going to have Gms in game socializing with players time to time?
  • A.I concerning summons.companions and pets can be more improved
  • Story is too linear



Exactly! I don’t think it’s good to have super OP bosses that are impossible to kill, but it’s also not good to have every boss battle be nothing more than dodging and spamming your cooldowns.

(I gotta say though, it would be fun to find a few optional bosses that would actually require tons of strategy to beat! Keyword here is optional, since being forced to fight overpowered monsters can give a headache to some less experienced players.)


I agree with this… as an example see the weapons from FF7 and 8… i know they’re not mmos but it should get to the point.

Reading this tread i came up with another concern too… about PVP: i read you can onlyu PvP at certain time? there should be an always open way of doing it in my opinion since it’s really a thing to do when you’re tired of PvE… see how blade and soul do it.

Of it would be different in case of GvG

I agree with you. The worst part for me is how you can’t have friends queue up with you in the party finder. That’s just dumb, because then you’re forced to play by yourself instead of with friends.

I think the party finder is a nice thing and its’ bonus EXP is very welcome, but only if you can actually have your friends join you in the party queue.

  1. Magic Scrolls. They need to be dropped much more often ingame or removed from the cash shop. It is Pay2Win.

  2. The game’s lack of open world and social activities (it emphasizes too much on dungeons/daily instances, not enough on open world). Mob density in open world maps need to be increased, exp/drops made more interesting.

  3. The issue with stats and damage scaling, especially on early class buffs and skills. A lot of these skills become completely useless and irrelevant in the long run (too many to list). This is bad design because it reduces build customization as it only makes high rank classes worth picking up.

  4. Plans to buff and fix the obviously underplayed classes and their useless skills/buffs.

  • Peltasta’s High Guard, Guardian are took weak.
  • Rodelero (what is this class supposed to be about? It lacks in defense, it lacks in damage).
  • Squire’s Base Camp cooldown is too long.
  • Alchemist being generally useless aside from Potion making.
  1. Plans to nerf the obvious broken classes.
  • Plague Doctor’s Bloodletting is too strong, it is killing the CC/Status ailment meta entirely, this is bad design.
  • Wizard 3’s Quick Cast +50% magic damage attribute is just too good for a buff with 100% uptime. It totally kills the point of choosing any other class if one wants to be DPS oriented.
  1. Lack of support classes in the Archer tree.

  2. General lack of communication from IMC regarding upcoming features.

  • We need to know more about upcoming classes, even if they are a long way from being implemented, so we can plan ahead, since we can’t reset class builds.
  • What’s IMC preparing for Rank 8 classes?
  • What kind of content are you planning to add after level 280?
  • Are you going to improve Guild Wars system?
  1. The game’s lack of gear variety.
  • We need more different type of equipment that are not necessarily better than the other. Currently, Earth Tower’s Lolopanther equipment makes most of the other equipment irrelevant. This hinder character and build customization.

I’m not sure if this is the kind of stuff you’re looking for but here it is… Some of it may already be in the game. not sure.

  1. (Deleted because you said excluding TP store…)

  2. I played the last CBT and what I really wanted was more interesting bosses with difficult mechanics.

  3. Hidden stuff!

  4. A casino with minigames you can play with friends! Racing on mounts? Reminds me of the golden saucer…

  5. Interesting quests with puzzles.

  6. Ability to turn off chat filter. please

  7. Player apointed guards that can ban botters or put people in an in game jail if they are causing trouble. To free up some of your time. Look at the dark ages player guard system.

  8. Some kind of a pvp/gvg arena set up like a MOBA :slight_smile: Probably too hard to balance this.

  9. Random unannounced events. Intersting ones. Not scripted to happen randomly… kind of hard to explain i guess.

  10. Open world after lvl 280. Less linear. No handholding. I’d give you some examples on how to do this, but you’re the devs.

Just some stuff that I think would be interesting…


my concern is im 32 now and this game isnt providing me VR. I really want to lay in my bed, log my brain into a game, and just zombie out just eating and using the bathroom every 8 hours.

my concern is, will this happen before i die or not…


Biggest concern -> No stat/skill resetting after balancing changes.
I see a lot of changes in kToS making certain skills obsolete. It would be nice to have periodical skill/stat resets until IMC is done with the majority of balancing.
Can be done via a monthly gift, or simply refunding all points in a certain skill if it was subject to change.

Not having this would cause dubious situations where the players are forced to buy skill/stat reset scrolls just to compensate for the dev team’s changes.


number 7 I can see people abusing the hell out of that and trolling people…

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then they remove the log out button :smiley:

All of this plus 1:1 trades come on

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as a guy that completely maxed everything to be maxed in darkages, and spent 8 solid years there, darkages political system is very bad… very very bad. i created laws. and i created reasons why laws were created by other kids…
ive watched players abuse their power, ive literally sat there and watched ppl get sgathed and their chars completely ruined because they were mouthing ppl with the power to ruin their chars.

its a very very bad idea for this age in gaming.


Aaaa I agree with so much of what you have to say!

Minigames are tons of fun in MMOs, and I think that for such an attractive game like Tree of Savior, they would be a huge hit. The Card game is pretty fun but I think that it could use some tweaks to be even more entertaining (like having it not being so random and actually take a bit of logic in account, maybe have some gambling involved?)

PLEASE IMC. Many of us are adults here and don’t mind a little cussing here and there.
Plus, it’s so annoying when common words are filtered because they sound like bad words? Such as pASS, or BUTTon.
Even monster names like Cockatrice were censored in the last beta. It was so annoying.

This or an ingame report system (Right Click -> Report Player for bot suspicion) would be lovely and ridden the game off so many illegal users.

Games like Ragnarok had a few events where GMs would do things like summon a lot of monsters randomly, or announce in the server they were hiding somewhere and whoever would find them would earn a reward.
Small stuff like that to make small but special moments!