Tree of Savior Forum

Whats the point of the $50 founders pack?

Yeah u could pay 10 bucks instead of 50 for the early access. The 50 dollar one was basically for the stat reset potion, and anyone saying the contrary is a fkin liar. What made that pack unique was the stat reset potion not the tp or ■■■■, stop lying people.

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All investments come with risks.

I would advise people not to pay for early access to a Free-to-Play game unless they really, REALLY want to support the developers, and they understand (and are willing to accept) all the risks that come with it.

I learned that iMC never ever again. Never will give them one more cent.

You still have that potion that you have paid for. It didn’t go away, you can reset your stats twice and not once like everybody else. That is if they do the event! You still have advantage. Nothing changed.

Does it even matter? The fact is the stat potion should have been available on TP potion to begin with. Ultimately, IMC did good by giving this potion out. There was no way it wouldn’t happen anyway. Cosmetic items are one thing, they don’t affect your gameplay but a potion to reset your misjudged stats can be a difference between rerolling and continue playing your character.

I won the founders # 1 and bought another when the IMC released the full price. Still, I was very happy that the potion has come today.

Haters gonna hate.

Some people are impossible to please.


Dumb people gonna kiss ass, like you even if you got scammed.

Thats why this game makes you study your build before you make one. All these reset potions are for noobs that didnt inform themselves and just fkin play a game and then realize oh i fked up my build! Lets pay money so i can unfk it up!! Well let me say i think thats unfair to people who studied their so their build could be good. We did our homework to have a good build and people who didnt do it should not be able to fix it paying cash. Same as class reset, people dont want it because ill jsut make myself a real dps class and then reset it and make myself a money grind build? Not fair because leveling the money grind char is harder than making a dps build. You clearly have no idea of what you are talking about.

IMC sold a closed package with some stuff inside.
Now if you bought only for stats reset is IMC fault?
The fact you bought a $50 package don’t makes any stuff there restricted to founders forever.

The world evolve, if people chose stay rooted is their prooblem.



I also got a stat reset potion when I bought the founder’s pack, I’m not mad, I have two now. Honestly, as someone else said, it was the most useless thing in the pack. If you take even 10 minutes to review what build you should go, you shouldn’t need the potion, it’s so hard to screw up your stats. I kind of wish I could sell it on the market honestly.

You’re crying for nothing.
KTos got a ruge update and nexon gave them stat and skill reset. Here when we got our ruge update, IMC did a different way giving us in event format, so not everyone will get stats reset. In the end what we got was only our deserved potions from that ruge update.

yes they said it is not available in game

but they didnt say you cant get it through event. do you need to have every game company to tell you the specific of every exclusive?

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i pay for play a game at begning (its 9$± dont remember more) and i LIKE THE GAME… SO I pay MORE FOR this pack only for have this STATS RESET POTION (50$)… and now its free… its realy not fair

(sry for bad english)

Yes they should. Thats how companies work. IMC clearly has no fukin idea how to run a game, we can see ToS here is a living hell. Whenever they add, they break another 1000 things. Imc has no idea how to do anything and i clearly believe they will finish giving stuff to tos after rank8.


Yes they said is not available in tp shop.
Again, this item isn’t founders exclusive.

I’m not sure there’s a need for the attitude. How does this stop you from enjoying the game?

IMC clearly meant that the potion is not for sale in the game, because it was available in the game from day 1 - you and every one who got founder’s pack had one.


wait till circle resets

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Its not about enjoying or not. Its about keeping word to your policy. They say potion isint available in game. We spent 50 bucks for founders specially for a potion stat reset and now they give it for free? Idk how you cannot see how this wouldnt make people who bought this pack be angry and mad at their policy.

It was quite obvious we will get stat reset potions sometime… Koreans got too if you missed that… Also I already said it is suspicious that they would make a potion form of an item just for the founders pack…

Although most likely we will only get it on some rare events… I guess it is because they don’t want us to reset every day.

…and I rly don’t know why would anyone whining about it… If you bought the founders pack you got a rare potion with it… and you have 2 now…

If you think 1 stat reset is that big deal you rly don’t know the game.

So you have 2 potions that you can use on 2 different characters or on the same twice now and you are whining…this is ridiculous.

They unfortunately say a lot of stuff that isn’t rly true in the way you would think… I sometimes feel like they have trouble with english.

I already suspected it just means that you can’t buy it or get it whenever you want.

So it was ok when you paid for it but if others could too it would be bad… Also I don’t know why did you paid for it if that potion is for noobs…

Also I don’t know if ppl know what FOUNDER means…