Tree of Savior Forum

Whats the point of the $50 founders pack?

You did not get scammed. You got what you paid for.
It’d only be a scam if they didnt give what they were advertizing. But since i’m pretty sure you got the pack with all its content you can’t call it a scam.


Its a scam because that item wasnt available in game and now its given for free like candy. How about if you shut up and open your eyes to the scam right before you? I cant believe you guys are kissing ass like you are.

At least we get an extra stat reset potion, no? I have 3 now, but I haven’t really f*cked up with any of my builds yet.

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Do all of yours stack? The free one doesn’t for me.
It’s unsettling. :frowning:

Only the 2 from the founder’s. The free one is separate, but all are tradeable via team storage.

You got your stat potion exclusively months before anyone else had a chance to get one and it’s still not available through the TP shop. Now you could have 2 of them while people who didn’t buy the founders pack can only have 1. I think that’s entirely fair.


like @Elaralam says.

you already got $50 worth of stuff in that package.

early access
600TP that is more or less worth $60
Cosmetic hats that is exclusive for founders
Skill and Stat Reset Potion (skill reset costing $10)
free Pet if you compare it to silver to token is almost $6

what more will you ask for? you got 2 stat reset, they got 1 stat reset. and if you need more stat reset then you need to consider using stat calculator before even testing something.

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No i dont want more stat resets, i bought one just in case and now i feel scammed by imc as that item wasnt available in game. Why make us pay for it and then give it free? I just cannot comprehend that.

Those of you who still have stat reset from founders pack, now you have two of them. For the rest of us who don’t, once we use it, it goes poof and who knows if we’ll get to grab another one.

because this game has a shity community :slight_smile:

Just happily take your free stat reset potion and shut up.

The point of the founders is to get a headstart, what you got were just bonuses.

PS I also bought founders 1 and I don’t care about the free stat reset potion being given away, we ALL got it.

as for founders, only those who PAID get to play EARLY.

Also to those who aren’t even aware these free stat/skill resets are there to help people adjust with the patches/nerfs/buffs etc, this includes what i’ve said on the other thread, priests can finally get more spr with the blessing change.


do not fret!!!

for the cheap price of 99.99$

you can get a founders reset potion which will revert all your founder items


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You spent 50$ on a potion? Holy shiete! I spent 50$ on EA, 600 TP, A Pet, Head Gear, and as a Bonus some potion I still have 2 of.

You got robbed bro, now I understand why you’re mad.

Edit: On a serious note, I honestly figured the Stat Reset Potion would be a TP Vendor Item anyways, and out of everything I got with that 50$ package, the Stat potion has been the least useful


Of course I bought the $50 for the same reason, but now what? I get two potions? Am I happy? Yes.

I never demanded any potions, they gave it for free to adjust with the changes, why not? You seem too salty for $50 when it clearly says early access, you should know by then that the free stuff were a bonus package with given choices.

Also that stat reset potion package allows you to keep your “headstart” in case you fked up with your stats in Early Access, so you don’t have to reroll because of a mistake in your stats and start the same with the F2P players.


It’s also unfair how people used to have to pay luxury tax for tampons back then, but now they don’t.

Is this a real thing? It’s called the “founders’ pack” because you got in a month before F2P people. Everything else was just a bonus. The whole purpose of the packs was to give players early access, which is something F2P people did not get, and never can.