Tree of Savior Forum

Whats a good R9 for Sw2/Brb3/Dopp3?

Frenzy buff have to stack is OP buff per 1.5% I only wish they got put like 3% per stack would be convenient to use but overall barbarian is a buffing class for doppel c3 got 2 useless extra skill

that’s why I said if frenzy were 5 min, then we wouldn’t need to restack every 50s.

What was the effect of these skills ?

barb now kinda like green circle though. Cleave (support), warcry, frenzy (buff). seism need 5 wild stack to do average dmg. pouncing cd takes eternity.

Those were buffs. Agr increase crit rate and crit resistance. Savagery was additional damage line with pierce damage. Barb was good class for 2h AA chars, but imc decided to make hime stupid physical caster.

tried on sm1>hl2>barb3>dop 3 . feel like very hard to maintain the wild nature passive. is it really worth to give up skull swing and vertical slash? before r9 patch i can hit 555k with vertical slash … :tired:

Haven’t played barb in a while but if I recall (if it hasn’t changed at all) you just need to double tap an arrow key to initiate a sprint to reset the duration of wild every ten seconds or so (I don’t remember the timing)

anyone know what is the key to reset wild nature???

Just sprint it all time thats why i do and think barb3 is buffer to doppel and highland u give up c3 skills anf some lvl on skyliner in return get more buff for doppel combo debuff more dmg only slash with 5 multi hits skills is worth but still depend if u like these play or not

Wild Nature stacks decay slowly, so you don’t need to run all the time, once you have 5 stacks just sprint once to keep it at 5 every now and then. :slight_smile:
Still, if you find HL3 gameplay more comfortable definetely go for it, now the damage cap is 777k, so Vertical Slash can hit even harder, and with Shinobi as R9, you have more Bossing potential by far.

I’ve been Barb3 for a long time, since I created my Doppel all through Solmiki content till now, no matter how I loved it (imho it’s easier to play than HL3 and I felt more comfortable with it) but Shinobi as R9 is simply too huge of an upgrade to overlook… currently, there is really no reason to take Barb3 again unless they nerf Shinobi somehow… it’s not about “individual gameplay”, it’s about numbers: that +16 Solmiki Trans10 Doppel in the video above, would have dealt more damage with a Bunshin combo, no doubt.
People are under the assumption that involving Shinobi in your build, you give up your Doppel entirely, but it’s still there, you simply shift the focus and burn CDs on clones instead of prioritizing Redel/Vertical/whatever you were using before.

i found barb 3 is very good when solo ing. still making my mind on barb 3 doppel 3 or hl3 barb 1 doppel 3 shinobi…

It’s all about what you want to do with your character, if you use it for casual play/dailies/dungeons, any Doppel build out there is just fine, pick the one you feel most comfortable with/have more playing.
If you want a competitive character instead, current content is outdated already since it’s Rank8-centric, but when new PvE content will hit (new ET floors or whatever they will introduce) you will probably feel the need to optimize your character. :slight_smile:

I’d say wait for the new Muay Thai Class, it seems to be compatible with every Swordsman Class and is fairly strong with low CD time skills that hit for some good filler damage while your other skills are on CD.

Still more flexible way to play with barbarians . You are right shinobi definitely outbursts and win this build i tried with reset still I feel comfortable with this one if u fight boss like zaura sure barb3 better because if u miss a skill with bunshi your dps will lose worst than barb3 . Is about consistent but waiting for multi hits fixed . Test slasher skill can make a this build same tier outburst dmg as shinobi . Anyway lets move new build for hidden class
Class Name: Nak Muay

Ram Muay
Change into the Ram Muay stance in preparation to actively attack an enemy.
Changes the default Basic Attacks and enables the use of Nak Muay Skills.

Te Kha
[Physical] -[Strike] [Attack Speed]
Strike the lower half of an enemy using your legs. Struck targets have a chance of having their movement speed reduced. Chance of slowing varies depending on the difference between the caster’s STR and the target’s CON.This skill is only available while in the Ram Muay Stance.
Sok Chiang
[Physical] - [Slash] [ Attack Speed]
Strike an enemy at an angle using your elbow.Struck targets have a chance to be afflicted with Bleeding . Chance of bleed varies depending on the difference between the caster’s STR and the target’s CON. This skill is only available while in the Ram Muay Stance.

Te Trong
[Physical] - [Strike] [ Attack Speed]
Kick an enemy down using a raised leg. The enemy becomes unbalanced and is turned around whilst being Knocked Down. This skill is only available while in the Ram Muay Stance.

Khao Loi
[Physical] - [Strike]
Fly into enemies, striking them with your knee. If the target is an airborne/flying-type enemy, additional damage will be dealt to it. This skill is only available while in the Ram Muay Stance

This build almost strike but nothing debuff related to doppel only bleed —> swordsman c3 double slash and highlander c2/c3 skyliner . Still need to wait if they gonna add passive attribute to skill or not

The new hidden class will make murmnobi even more broken lol.

Exactly . Can use as filler dps instead of buffer yet still a new class good to keep the hype going around . I was waiting new swordsman twohanded to be release hope they save best for last

i dont understand about the multi hit fix , what will it improve on doppel ? can mind to explain :tired: how barb 3 will on same tier with shinobi build ? check this out

Means if your boost dmg it will be all each single line per hit same boost as first hit , because right now only first hit of the lime get the buffing dmg that would make a big difference in long run

Nope, Nak muay skills doesnt work shinobi :tired:

does it mean that all the current debuff like cleave (50% slash dmg ) Zwerchhau(80% slash dmg ) and also glass mole card effect does only apply to the first hit of our doppel big 3 skill ?

Ya probably since my doppel dmg not consistent I hardly confirm for you with full detail but i update u if is big improvement . I go check ktos video it seems great and more consistent line per hit , means if critical the whole multi hit gets critical TBA