Tree of Savior Forum

What will happen if player don't back even after re-balance

OFC once balance is gone remain only barbie dress up game XD

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Oh i love barbie roleplay too. Hi ken wink*

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Hi bb who are you barbie or one of her friend?

double wink ^^

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That sounds cute and casual. I wonder if any devs ever said they wanted the game to be a cute and casual game…

Casual yes cute i think was implied

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It’s me…do you recognize me now?


here is where our hopes lies.

3 meter under graveyard

@jynxie08 yes now i do :smiley:


They did say in the most recent dev blog (which is currently only in korean, sadly) that their next balance focus will be on these ‘‘underpowered’’ classes. Can’t say if they will ever reach the level of others (or even close) but I mean at least they’ll get some attention. They were talking about some classes requiring more time and due to their ‘‘unusual’’ nature it might be a bit more difficult to work on.

I truly hope we get some challenging end game content someday. :pensive:

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Inb4 it’s not Sadhu.

Yeah already there is no need of tank in this game, just make every class also low rank one shoot everything even more, so don’t require 15 sec to clear any boss or pull but just 10.

What’s the point in play a game where you shoot everything in 10 sec?

Even diablo that is hack n slash based on kill as fast possibile stuff, there are challenging bosses with hard pattern that increase with difficulty level.

But is blizzard mother of western mmo i can’t even compare to ToS maybe is this my problem.

As i say if take incomparsion 3rd category mmo maybe ToS is a good game for some ppl.

well guys thx for everything i will stop to read and aswer to this thread, i’ve got the ansewr i was looking for.

Maybe see you when there will be any announcement of new content that is not rank 9 and 20 more floor ET or a new dungeon.

But something more.

My last hope lies in expanded party capacity and in a big PREY for RAIDS.

Raid will fix all PvE problems because there can be challenging PvE with hard boss pattern with hard pull that require CC to incapacitate enemy not to grab them in same place for kill faster. And my dream that tank become again a usefull class in this game and that we can enjoy again the holy trinity of tank dps and healer that atm is not present cause tanks total useless.

Probabily i’m just a daydreamer.

See you Soon™

I guess your wrong here.
Why not play wow again if its so great or any of the 100000000000000 clones out there?

I´m happy that were not forced to be a tank as swordy or a healer as cleric.
But well even after the PAtch Wiz/Cleric will like always be far ahead over Swordy/Archer.

Maybe Archer/Swordman are only here for RP purpose in the end xD

Wow clones like rift or aion are just *****

i don’t need you tell me what to do.


you can find me there i will play this server for PvE content and keep play moba for PvP.

Ofc i will do some pvp in wow too with my rogue and lock <3

if you care server is warmane that already have 18k players only in 2 serever (fast wotlk rate and blizz like rate) and this staff is very good and i’m too happy of tbc fresh start because there is no one good server of tbc after excalibur wow.

Too happy to have leave motnhs ago and not waiste my time.

Good Bye

Forgot to say private wow server have 4 times more ToS online people and not even average but online count.

That’s where ToS place in MMO history, after have show a great potential 40k ppl left for never come and and still wow private server are top mmo played. (western market)

Sir, you don’t understand. I played WoW almost every day since the WotLK release and up to a few months before Legion’s release. I love the game dearly, but I could not continue burning all of my free time with the numerous currencies used for so many separate gear/reward types. For what the game offers at the endgame, between casual and hardcore play, if you can’t maintain a constant grind schedule, then the amount of endgame stuff you can participate in becomes more and more limited. It’s not a good design, even if it arbitrarily increases the potential amount of endgame content.

Nowadays I can’t stick to any MMO that practices the same. It’s not that I’m a “casual” player nowadays, it’s not that I need everything in a game to be “accessible” (dumbed down difficulty). What I need is content that can be accessed right away, high-skill-barrier pve content, and a robust, well balanced, pvp scene.

With that said, I’m not a fan of the current pvp system in ToS. It doesn’t keep my interest, it’s not balanced in any sense (meta game holds strong). I’m not a fan of the Blessed upgrade system, it’s a huge power creep (it’s also an alternative currency, like WoW’s token systems). I’ve been reluctant to max any of my characters (my Templar has been 290 range for months, with 9 other characters c slowly climbing (I play when I can)) so I don’t have much to say about endgame pve content, I’ve never been in ET, even though the idea of ET is something I can appreciate.

Since we haven’t yet seen what IMC is capable of as far as introducing expansions goes, I haven’t lost interest in the game and I will continue to play. In Blizzard’s case, I’ve had an extremely long time to experience everything. I know what to expect with each update, I know what to expect from the players. I am totally bored with WoW. In the case of Zenimax with ESO, I learned very quickly to expect implementation/balancing of absurd requests made by the players. The game slowly became a collage of everything I grew to dislike in WoW, and then some. I left ESO after a year (stuck around for the last-ditch effort of an update that bought the Champion system and a huge change to the buff system, also some number tweaks; it turned out to be a fucking mess).

I’ve also jumped into a slew of other mmo’s, but WoW and ESO I will often draw comparisons to because that is where most of my experience stems from. Or, rather, where I developed most of my opinions about mmo related game design.

I was talking with pvp with you.

And in PvP are only 2 kind of currency, honor and Arena/Rbg currency.

About PvE just depend on expansion. I’ve talk about TBC because i best expansion ever made. In this expansion is only 1 PvE currency that are Badge of justice.

You probabily talk about Wotlk currency system that was quite stranged and go reworked in the after expansion: cataclysm.

btw after wotlk WoW started to take a huge step towards casual gamers. They started with Wotlk introducing 10 man raid version and heroic raid version.

Wich mean same end game but in 2 different version for more hard core and less hard core. If we divide this in 10 man and 25 it is 4 different version of the same end game.

After pandaria, WoD, and now Legion Wow has become easy as i can’t even say what.

You can just make in 1 day full istance gear and start to do raid finder raid. You will have cleared the current easy mode endgame in 1 day (i personaly did it more than once raid finder is too easy)

And i didn’t get the problem with token system.

If you was used to do pugg runs i can see you get your token always rolled by other ppl and have hard time to drop one.

If you run it with your guild you don’t have any kind of problem.

For this i say if you’re used to play wow a single gamer not joing to a guild you’re not used to wow.

Who cares?
For me WOW will allways be BS.
Only because many ppl like it it hast nothing to do that its good.(Like in music/Films ect)
The masses are stupid anyway.

And Tab/Target games are boring af…

I’ve also forgot to say that get PvP in wotlk is easy as ■■■■ you just needd only to do wintergrasp quest and in 2 week you’re full PvP geared and ready to go arena and start farm your brutal.

Also raid are at fixed time with guild mates usually around 21-24 pm so all the rest of time you do pvp.

Don’t see all this hard efford to be geared on WoW really.

Maybe i can see on TBC here only to enter in the heroic dungeon you need to farm reputation to get the key.

For this i’m going to TBC tbc a true game for non-casual.

Let’s see you at m’uru Sunwell plateau encounter

it is in PvE like wizzy class ust keep spam 1-1-1-1-2-2-2-2 in PvP is better. but look at FFXIV come year after WoW, here was already tera with geat action system and they did mystake to make game lock taget/tab

BS what you mean?

If wow is not good because many ppl play it what ToS is?

btw i don’t wanted to start a discussion about 'wow i take it as example because other did take it before me.

I personally like only wow vanilla tbc and wotlk what come after is just ■■■■ for casual players.

Legion suck very much with stupid smartphone app for upgrade artifact weapon.

TBC rulezz real end game for only few hardcore not all casual

this is only nostalgia the future is lost ark, lineage eternal and mu legend (mu legend if adopt a monthly subscription method and not p2w, if mu legend become p2w istant delete)

I don’t want to play pvp to farm gear to be able to have a fighting chance (all the while dodging overgeard players who finished grinding before me). I want to play pvp because it’s fun to play.

you don’t care to spend a week of pvp to make a pvp gear, that allow you to join a guild to do awsome battlegound fight 20 vs 20, 40 vs 40 (guild vs guild only) to get even better gear and more challenging game?

if don’t want to farm 1 week for pvp gear why play tos that only to transcendence to stage 10 1 item require YEARS.

or you’re dumb as fuk or you’re trolling me because this is the most senseless thing probabily i’ve ear in my entire life.

or maybe you’re noob in tos as you was in WoW so you don’t even know how hard it is to upgrade transcendence? or you still farming after motnhs with all your 9 toons saalus daily and don’t farm for 1 week pvp gear?