Tree of Savior Forum

What will happen if player don't back even after re-balance

Multiboxing yes. You can’t naturally control multiple clients with one keyboard, like you see in the video and you can’t do that having the game only or more than one computer.
Multiple clients, controlled manually one at time no. Anyone can do it without the need of 3rd party software and even without having more than one computer.

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Can you elaborate on how anyone can do it without the need of a 3rd party software and without the need of more than one computer?

That seems to not be the case.

Normally only one steam instance can run in the system.
ToS doesn’t start if you have another instance of it opened.

What do you think I should apologise for?

Accusing me of being a bully is somewhat entertaining. If you feel bullied by a girl disagreeing with you on an internet forum then you should probably get off the internet.

It isn’t my problem if much of what is said is disagreeable. Disagreement is not bullying. Nor is calling you out for saying that you don’t play the game, you’re the one that keeps bringing up that call-out though. I brought it up once, perhaps twice? You’ve brought it up again on top of that 3 or 4 times now. I understand that getting so publicly called out for that nonsense must have stung but there comes a time when you should let sleeping dogs lie.


Then, considering the lack of answer on how to multi-client within the allowed environment without any changes or usage of external tool.

We all can agree that both Multi-boxing and Multi-clienting are against ToS terms of service:

You may not acquire illicit gain through the means of deception or unfair methods.

Case solved.

I forgot to add “in some operating systems”, but that’s irrelevant. You can run as many steam clients as you want under linux via wine.
Jesus you don’t give time to smoke a cigarette dude, give me a break.

And if one has two computers or uses linux to play, that’s not unfair. Just in your head it can be unfair like multiboxing.

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Then you are using a 3rd-party tool that isolates both environments and brings unfair method usage advantages compared to players running on default systems.

I repeat myself then:

You may not acquire illicit gain through the means of deception or unfair methods.

I cannot believe of all people this joke paragraph came out from Awoooo. Very disappointed.


Then report yourself since you play under wine emulation.

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Keep it up crying trolls and bait to every single forum user that disagrees with you. It is going to get you far when all the new players come in making those new threads about the same old problems.

Then after people start to out number you pointing your flaws of being actually negative yourself and a broken record just say what you just said here too.

You came in here acting like IMC fixed bots and exploits. So are you saying when the population grows again and people find the old ones never fixed you’ll carry on saying the same stuff shamelessly?

Then just keep telling them to quit. A real smart individual you are for someone who falls into the group of individuals that think the community is toxic and negativity kills the player base.

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I don’t pretend to be perfect!

Thunderstorms outside. Maybe it’s the weather.

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Why? I’m not using multi-client nor other unfair methods while on it.

Case solved then. Multi-clienting is disallowed and against rules.


You are using a 3rd party software. Report yourself since TOS doesn’t run natively on linux and you are gaining an unfair advantage over players that can’t use it.

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Should I report you for using Windows for the unfair advantage of using the system of your preference while playing? :confused:

So you understand how delusionals are your claims?

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You both have valid points. There is also hardware which can do the same as software which is the much cheaper route for most people.

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You can have two computers and run one steam client on each. How is it unfair to own two computers? I brought the extreme example of an operating system allowing it with system tools, but affirming that it is unfair it’s beyond delusional.

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Which claims? I just asked you about Multi-boxing and Multi-clienting and you gave the answer yourself.

Please speak more specifically, you speak in such broad strokes that it makes things untrue and becomes very difficult to respond to in any manner other than “wat?”

For example, you say that “You came in here acting like IMC fixed bots and exploits.”, implying like I act like everything is squeaky clean. That’s not true in the slighest, and you know it’s not true. I’m a huge contributor to other threads detailing issues in highly constructive ways.

Then just keep telling them to quit.

If people do not enjoy the game they should quit the game.

I do not see why you think this is wrong to repeat.

If people do not enjoy the game, quit. They should do something they enjoy! Nobody continue doing something that makes them miserable. They should find things that make them smile!

Telling people to go play something that they enjoy is not bullying.


This claim. You claimed that wine is this while you use it for yourself. You are delusional, boy.

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But it is allowed:

And I’m fine, as long I’m not using it as a method to gain unfair advantage over other players.

Case solved.

Thanks again :3

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