Tree of Savior Forum

What will happen if player don't back even after re-balance

I don’t know why do I still respond, but I will point some things out:

  1. There have been posted enough proofs of them botting in numerous threads, there is no need to post more.
  2. Some of them were temporarily banned by ingame mods. The funny thing some mods didn’t even realize it was temporarily and were genuinely surprised to see them again.
  3. Mods simply don’t have tools to track player’s trades and it is confirmed they are forbidden to ban players unless they see them botting ingame. Fedimian never had dedicated mods and they spent like 1 hour a week monitoring it, which resulted in occasional temporary bans with no consequences.

So it’s not like mods never tried to deal with them, it’s IMC who never allowed it.


Wait what? o.o
You either get a troll award or a trip to doctor, your choice.


Yup, they could. But remember that back then things were very chaotic and IMC couldn’t keep up with the bugs, let alone with content changes. Now the game follows a different pace thanks to Nexon’s intrusion.

After my Maplestory experience, I looked at Nexon with shifty eyes due to the international branch’s reputation but the main company proved my generalization incorrect.

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Another “the game is dead thread”. How hard is it to move on from a game? I have played 10+ MMO since I played ToS and I have not even went back to the forums of the other game and say "the game is dying because ____________ ". even once, move on and let people enjoy and see if they like a game for themselve. If you think other games are perfect give me a game you liked and I can say I might of played it already and tell you how much bugs and bots it has and how bad that game is, No MMO is perfect eveb the king WoW has bots and bugs.

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I think you replied to the wrong person, as I know what you say it’s true. I didn’t upload my videos because there were tons already :smile_cat:

Just to add:

Look how they spewed out similar sentences :joy_cat:

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Bots != afk multiboxing

i am really hoping that they consider it this time, even though i am personally not fond of pvp in TOS.

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AFK multiboxing. That’s the best joke I’ve ever heard. How do you move in the same exact path if you’re AFK and only multiboxing?

I don’t know what your personal interests are in this matter, but drop it already.


3 months ago i had not give a cent on imc, but nowadays you can see they’re trying to improve the game. Better later than nevet

Is someone whose only AFK on a squire or Pardoner still playing this game by your definition if that is all they do? And would you have the same opinion if they multiboxed doing the same thing as a necro?

Make sure to call me a troll and not answer the question. Or say I don’t play the game and get burnt like a piece of toast after I post my hours played this week on Steam.

Or reveal yourself the troll spamming threads with memes and anime images.


Which one is doing that and is linked to the accused people? I see:

Images of a dead party at Grim Reaper.
Video of afk farming at Dina Bee with multi-box and a skill button held down on keyboard.
An unusual auto-revive. Possibly done with an addon, definitely something that’s sketchy like the old auto-SP addon was but not “botting” per se.

Confirms a few things people dislike. But not botting specifically.

I’m not particularly happy with multiboxing seemingly appearing to be allowed, don’t get me wrong on that one, it’s banned in any other game and I think it should be here.

Awooo, you want to insist when you were absent in that period and know nothing? I can upload the video, I can draw lines over the path, but promise me that if I do it you delete your forum account.


That seems a little childish. I don’t see why this needs to be adversarial, we’re not mortal enemies locked in combat or something so stupid. I just asked to see the evidence, what’s in that thread doesn’t directly link bots to scar.

I really don’t see what the problem is. Swarzneggar was banned, the bot operator.

The others, while being friends with a botter, aren’t really evidence of themselves also botting.

If you have evidence of a person botting of course you should post and report it so IMC can deal with it.

You are bad informed. Multiboxing means controlling multiple boxes (vms/windows) at the same time through one interface which is btw also against the tos.

But a full automatic macro to clear DP/Dina Bee without human interaction is a robot hence called bot which is not only against the tos but also despised by players.


This isn’t true. We had this discussion in another thread where I was corrected by multiple people.

It led to me messaging support about it asking and clarifying. I’m still waiting on an official answer.

I’m not “bad informed”.

It’s childish when many people tell you they were botting and you insist claiming things that you obviously don’t know.
Let’s see what Scar did:

He was often in the same party of the botters (free silver, free powerlevel). He talks like one of the bot owners. He exploited free TP together with these bots, he left thenineworlds to join nyakawaiidesu for that purpose. When IMC changed GVG rewards, he went back to thenineworlds.
Even if he wasn’t running bots himself (and I seriously doubt he didn’t), he took advantage of the situation.

Also, you should realize that behind Schwarznagger’s bot there are several people.

He is right. Multiboxing originally meant literally having multiple computers running the same game and controlling both with keyboard/mouse duplicators.
Now it can be done with software. Still it’s requires 3rd party software and it’s not allowed.
Multiboxing =! multiclient.


Leave the moron alone its not like it matters.


No he’s not. I literally almost the same thing he did about multi-accounts and boxing, just a few days ago, and I was corrected by other forum members when I was heavily warning people not to do it as it might still be risky without getting an official up-to-date answer, even though it is not listed in the tos. I am still waiting for a response from IMC to get an up-to-date answer on what their official position is, screenshot of my ticket to IMC in the thread.

Tl;dr: Nothing in the tos says it isn’t allowed, hence why I contacted support to verify and get an actual official answer we can screenshot and spread around. They’re taking their time figuring out what the response should be though.

I just read up on multi-boxing, for most MMOs it isn’t really illegal though. It is in a grey area.

Software based multi-boxing is indeed against the tos though, since they do need some form of software to capture inputs from mouse and keyboard in order to mirror the inputs into the multiple clients. Hardware based multi-boxing isn’t really against tos though. No where in the terms it states that a player is only allowed to have 1 account running on a single computer.

This is what multiboxing is: