Tree of Savior Forum

What was the point of velcoff

LOL why go through that much work for like 100 increase on blessing, you will never make enough money to pay that with the new shopping prices.

some people buy 7-day +90 spirit bracelets for their pardoners, they might want to go to absolute max.

Yea, and with the new prices those people barely make enough to mantain the braces everyweek. I donā€™t think people are crazy enough to spend in velcoffer gears, specifically because of the Ichor system that is f**** up.

If people are investing Velco for pardoners, then I must be very stingy on my main. XD

Iā€™m not sure if velco armor can be re-ichored again, but if they are - then you dont have to look for new monster gems every new gear patch.

Rank 9: Primus 350, Masinios
Rank 10: Primus 380, Solmiki
Rank 11: Velcoffer

People with a full Velcoffer set will be one rank ahead of the others.

Alsoā€¦ silver sink.

They are(you can change your current 350 primus stat with the new 380 primus stats, need to go through all the RNG of ichor system again $$$), but I am sure they will not update the ichor system to velcoffer everytime. Next legendary gear may be the only that can be ichored by the next generation of primus gear. Itā€™s cheaper to look for another monster gem, trust me.

Thatā€™s not completely true, Iā€™d say.
Yes, MMORPGs always release new gears, but usually they try to balance it a minimum (key word: try, can be pretty difficult to do) by adding specific set bonus that could be useful under specific circonstances (casual PvE, raids, dungeons, small PvP, massive PvP, etc.), by allowing you to upgrade it or get a cap version eventually, or other things like that.
Itā€™s fun to have new gear to hunt for but when itā€™ll be completely outdated in a couple months, thereā€™s no point to it for a lot people.
And one of the bigger issues will always be that TOS doesnā€™t really have those raids or truly difficult party content (partly because of the lack of mechanics) to make the months farming worth it. Some people think itā€™s better that top gear isnā€™t a requirement, some others would like a compromise between the twoā€¦
A lot of people are actually just waiting for TOSā€™ final cap to then seriously work on their gear.

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This leads us back why a lot of us keep on saying that the game has no real content apart from always farming for the ā€œbestā€ gears.

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This game is a neverending arms race.

But hereā€™s something I know will be relevant for yearsā€¦




Plz dont tell me that is yourz

Iā€™d advise against that because the damage is reapplied as a single hit, which would mean it caps at 777k.

just use +16 or more Primus 380, Solmiki til lv 390 item comes, a lot cheaper than making Velcoffer items

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i made some quick mats and every player would over 400M to make a full set 2h with lucky and rerolling all cubes
the poits is get 100 velcoff shards, or the same> one year with 1 char only droping spirit fragments

how much time will take get some primus set ? 2 weeks ? and them just need reroll the stats with sierraā€¦
but become a magic grill deserves it

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You all are forgetting that with the new tier equipment we will probably have a new 390 legend equipment to replace velcoffer a little bit later after rank10 comes. Velcoffer will become what solmiki is right nowā€¦

but youā€™r forgot wath happen with solmik gear ? imc just need to do a new rarity balance, add some item to make more powerfull the velcoff gear ( with an rng like 0.05) and add it to the P2W box. maybe some like an ultra-practo

999999 is the new black [soonā„¢].

not everyone likes to be mediocre like you my friend some ppl wants to be the best even if it is by a little

You donā€™t even know me lol
I am just saying that isnā€™t reasonable or profitable to do that, unless you main character is Pardoner shop which is kinda weird, but I am not judging or standing in your way, if you want, go for it.

I agree. Some people are satisfied with a berthas/primus while some people are satisfied with a solmiki gear. Of course berthas/primus user will tell all ET runners they are stupid for spending 10-20+ hours for a piece of solmiki. The process repeats again at velcoffer. Btw,
