Tree of Savior Forum

What should be IMC's most Immediate Priority?

Fix GTW. It’s boring to just defend a map because once a guild has settled in an area nobody can enter the map anymore…

Fix mouse mode. Tired of targets inches away detected as “out of sight” and summon/party list taking half the screen.


I keep wondering about what technical issues everyone is having all the time, sure it gets a bit laggy in Boruta. But that’s the only place i feel like there is a lag issue. Never have problems in GTW or any other content. Occasionally i can get a crash blaming my video card or memory. But that happens maybe once every two weeks and that is probably because my game is running 24/7.

or 20 members of each guild can enter in same map in gtw… dont know… but need improvements, gtw is sad

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Then you’ve never been to telsiai where a GTW map can reach 200/200 and you get the “server full” error. Imagine a guild winning because they have more people and alts to fill in one map, smaller guilds can never compete, unless they allow themselves to be cannibalized by bigger guilds.


Ah no, I play on fedimian server. But I hear people complaining about it over there aswell. But no, not quite that many people in GTW. I would guess it can only reach up to maybe 120-130 when we are 3 guilds on the same map.

As someone who doesnt GTW, i just want all the new bullshit added since episode 12 filled with dumb RNG for items with massive value to stop. Instead IMC went even harder with vaivora Lv2s.
Episode 12 has been a massive mistake in my opinion, since the standards for even starting out as a class keeps rising, because IMC is deathly afraid of just buffing classes directly, and instead opt to design insanely overpowered equipment to buff useless classes instead, which forced you to invest hundreds of millions of silver to be able to play specific classes, and as someone that likes to dip in a lot of classes with low to medium investment, it hurts to not be able to experience the full power of something like shadowmancer because im not willing to invest over 800m silver on being allowed to experience the full class potential.
Episode 12 was a mistake.


turn this into mobile and add the auto feature like ragnarok mobile or other mobile MMO …


You just described the Fedimian server. :haha:

Usually we go for Genar Field during the first half hour just to have fun fighting, problem is… you can enter the map but as soon as you try to reach the middle where the fight happens your FPS drops to zero and your skill bar becomes unresponsive. This removes all the fun…

No, episode 12 is just fine. You start a character, get spoonfed everything up to episode 11, do episode 12 with the episode 11 Savinose set and that’s it. It’s “what comes after episode 12 and before episode 13” that is a mistake.

OP are you a whale? Coz only whales don’t care about the botting issues. Ohh and RMT traders/buyers too.

I was there when 5 guilds in 1 map happened. Not an error you want to see 10 minutes before GTW ends.

that sounds like a pain haha

I like to consider everything within the specific level cap as part of that episode.

fix the steam guard bug!!!

Thinking back to just last year when we had the Arts patch, you know. Those attributes that had a significant impact on how your class played, Changed some skills to become viable, like prominence, which is now a key defining skill of pyromancer, (and some of them were useless trash that nobody wants) Yeah? Remember when they cost 150000 attribute points (150m worth of silver, even though attrib points are very devalued) and the arts tomes were pure RNG to obtain what you needed?
Yeah, they cut down the cost significantly and made it possible to select which arts you desired instead of being pure RNG, before release due to the intense backlash on how locking these big class features behind big paywalls or RNG was a stupid idea?
Sounds a lot like vaivoras huh…
Though it should be said that the pool of arts is a lot bigger due to all the enhance arts, but i think the situation is a lot similar.

Personally, i’d say it’s either reviewing the whole enhancement systems (equipment, attributes and Arts) or massive class rework, with tech improvements in parallel.

If it were to be more radical, something like this rework order (again, tech improvements in parallel).
1 - Combat, enhancement systems and swordsman tree, along an updated skill tree structure (our legacy system doesn’t make much sense in the current context).
2 - Archer tree, equipment and instances
3 - Scout tree and regular maps
4 - Cleric tree and quests
5 - Wizard tree and wherever else was missing

Obviously, not all of them need heavy changes.

u missed one and the most important IMC Priority

*Making money selling cubes (cosmetics are fine) and ptw stuff (ptw stuff it isnt)




Monks should be able to convert enemies and have skills like Sanctity, Atonement, Block Printing and more to increase their playability. The devs should also add a donkey pet to turn them into Missionaries.

Oh wait, that’s another game… :haha:


I want the RNG fixed more than anything. The upgrading system is the most soul-crushing and demotivating thing about this game, to the point where I can’t be excited about getting any new, strong gear. the minute I craft a new legendary armor, I have to feel the dread of trying to upgrade it to +9 or higher, then the ichoring, transcending, etc.


90% of my friends quite the game due to the upgrade system.