Tree of Savior Forum

What should be IMC's most Immediate Priority?

Personally, i’d say it’s either reviewing the whole enhancement systems (equipment, attributes and Arts) or massive class rework, with tech improvements in parallel.

If it were to be more radical, something like this rework order (again, tech improvements in parallel).
1 - Combat, enhancement systems and swordsman tree, along an updated skill tree structure (our legacy system doesn’t make much sense in the current context).
2 - Archer tree, equipment and instances
3 - Scout tree and regular maps
4 - Cleric tree and quests
5 - Wizard tree and wherever else was missing

Obviously, not all of them need heavy changes.

u missed one and the most important IMC Priority

*Making money selling cubes (cosmetics are fine) and ptw stuff (ptw stuff it isnt)




Monks should be able to convert enemies and have skills like Sanctity, Atonement, Block Printing and more to increase their playability. The devs should also add a donkey pet to turn them into Missionaries.

Oh wait, that’s another game… :haha:


I want the RNG fixed more than anything. The upgrading system is the most soul-crushing and demotivating thing about this game, to the point where I can’t be excited about getting any new, strong gear. the minute I craft a new legendary armor, I have to feel the dread of trying to upgrade it to +9 or higher, then the ichoring, transcending, etc.


90% of my friends quite the game due to the upgrade system.


It was a paladin skill though.


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