Tree of Savior Forum

What kind of irritating newbies trolls you meet?

How could you forget rogues capturing instance clear vouchers and then releasing them for the lols? That crap was happening almost right after the vouchers were introduced.

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I cant blame new players for not knowing stuff, specially if no one tells them why/why not they should/should not do some stuff. The real problem are the trolls, good thing its so far i had only found 1 troll in 290 dungeon, it was a w3/ele3/w2 that was spaming earthquake during the whole run, i dont have to say how anoying that was, the worst part its that she kept dying over and over and idk why the priest kept resing her tbh, there was more than enough dps but she kept mesing things up.

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that moment I find a competent Snow Rolling user to match with my sadhu Possession…


then again people seem to have this extreme phobia to ground skills :expressionless:

“Oh! no someone is using X immovable skill , quick move the boss/mobs away from it”


I use SR and after I get enough mob I stop right in front of the DPSers or on top of a ground skill and let it go till it ends, then I climb my Summon, cast all of it’s special skills, unmount, use Ice Pike + Gust/Ice Blast (Gust first since it hit 3x frozen targets, FP CD refresh, cast it, use the rest of my Gust/Ice Blast, get read to use SR if there are still a good amount of mob, rinse-repeat-profit.

I don’t use SR in bosses unless there are adds and I don’t have FP ready so it’s most Rune of Ice + IW + C (in my case Y since I use controller).

I don’t find hard to work out with some bad mechanics, but it still need to be reworked too, also, if one don’t learn how to use his/her own char while leveling, what is the point in playing? lol

If one don’t want complications there are lots of simple games out there.

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Buy my charm of protection on market. It takes care of bloodletting without needing to take up a buff slot.

Furthermore, if people are dying to poison in 260 with a cleric in party, either the cleric isn’t dropping a cure tile, or the people deserve to die. They shouldn’t need to be bailed out by bloodletting. I also don’t recall having a use for bloodletting in ET, so there’s that.

This actually ain’t viable each time. Its costly for a short run. No doubt this will help regardless.

Added it in one sentence.

That’s half also the fault of other players when they don’t wait for cryo to CC them 1st and then use their skills. Putting your skills on ground and expecting cryo to drop tree on that is a bit too harsh of condition. Although Pro cryos can still pull it off.

Oh dang i forgot about overheat changes. lel. My bad. But stiill fencers getting killed by golem roll out is not acceptable bcz they have flanco, so rather than using as DPS akill, use it for survival if you know you have crappy def. (You as not for you but for fencers who die with golem rolling)

It has knockdown…

As what other player said, it ain’t really mentioned anywhere although it does turn KD off. But in the 1st place non- falc3 shouldn’t be using it as DPS skill.Its just a utility which is provided by falc1.
Also main reason many turn off stun attribute is bcz KD gives longer CC than stun (very minor but yes its definitely there.

I think you yourself realise how tough this is when those xp boost items are running and everyone is focussing on clearing mobs. If someone can do this then GJ for him. But seriously can’t be done each time especially in low lvl dng, where you can get like 3-4 lvl at a time. Heads up for IMC to be removing this near future patch (thank goodness).

This is pretty much newbies fault for not asking. I doubt anyone will refuse if they asked “normally”(under quotes bcz there are some rude newbies who piss off just by the way they ask).
You can’t spoon feed them everything. If they are playing so atleast they should know what they are going to face or how their class work.

No thank you. I keep a healthy supply of antidotes on my all chars which is cheaper.

Most clerics you now see will be “wannabe DPS” so they will be using cure for DPS rather than removing poisons. Although there are some sensible ones who prioritise for removing debuff rather than DPS (mostly Pro healers or pure support 0 DPS builds).

I never said ET needs bloodletting.

On this PD2 stuff i think i need to know more bcz i can’t even decide if the given build is a troll or not.

I never said veterans never do the listed stuff. But they are less likely to do it. They still do it the way you said. Absolutely right.

To be fair nowdays 7/10 of casual players are DPS minded, and will only run to heal tiles or SZ.
I doubt some if not most of the non-cleric player(or those that haven’t tried making one yet) know that Cure can actually cure some debuffs when stepped on.


when i said that i was probably mad cause i played 170 dungeon with my pyro2ele3 and the cryo 3 made very single ice tree after my skills and far from my circles :sweat_smile:

as you said: trolls can’t be cured,

I just wish they add an attribute like the one for Heal (no damage one) for Cure, it’s a really good skill for support that is being overlooked.

  1. People that come into ones Safety Zone even if they don’t have aggro (wearing down the Zone hitlimit faster). I’ve seen 4 people coming into my SZ, wearing it down in 4 seconds. That’s so much griefplay <_<

  2. People who are scrooges enough not to buy SP pots or simply don’t use them if a Kabbalist is in the party.

  3. People who don’t buy Alchemist HP potions and beg for Heal.

  4. Doppels who act like stooges by gathering 9+ mobs and killing them with Cyclone although they have no evasion, resulting in them getting (nearly) beaten to death.

  5. People who ignore all efforts of casting Double Chance by placing a low-damage AoE skill in the area of the affected monsters or hit them with autoattacks;
    Especially those Cryomancers that put down that Frost Pillar on that mob, making it hard to see if those monsters are affected with Double Chance.

  6. Basically every Archer out there. Most of them are uncooperative and certainly not showing any intelligence when they pull mobs away (especially those Musketeers who’re mobbing as a single target Class) and steal your Heals whenever there’s the possibility to do so. They also run away from buffs and they tend to try to steal every possible mob out there, greatly diminishing the fun and income for the other players in the party.

  7. mounted Classes because they course all over the place, spreading mobs, stealing mobs and being annoying if you need to focus on something else.

  8. Chronomancers. Their every existence is a pain. Every party wants a Chronomancer, leaving less slots for other useful Classes just because of that Pass that is often used at the wrong time. Stop is also annoying. Quicken overwriting other useful buffs although the main effect isn’t that good and meaningless on a DEX build when it comes to skillspamming.
    Also, most of them are scrooges that don’t use a level 1 Daino for their buffs and many simply use Pass whenever and whereever they like, making it hard to benefit from the CD reduction (they even don’t come into Laimas AoE to use Pass…).

  9. Necromancers because their train of skeletons makes it hard to see how many monsters are alive/on the screen.

There is never enough DPS until the monster is dead :slight_smile:

That+ OOB = Revenged 18fold :wink:

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Y’know, you can’t always keep track of 4 people cooldowns to make sure you use it most efficiently, so I mostly use mine when I see powerful skills used like cyclone etc. In a coordinated enviroment like ET, you’d probably coordinate for it, but for random ■■■■ like saalus, it’s too botherstome to keep track of cooldowns.

Haste is also awesome.


Let’s blame the other player since I can’t remember if I had cast the debuff or not right? It’s easier lol.

I don’t care tbh, specially when there’s no proper tank, the last thing I want is being overrun by a mob because someone forgot to mark if used or not a debuff or w/e he want to cast.

Your fault, not their fault. :upside_down_face:

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Archer that getting aggro and run like chickens all over the map…
That there is no way that i can atack the mobb as melee char.


Just saying because other players can’t properly see the debuff and sometimes do act stupidly since all they see is the Frost Pillar. Also, what’s the profit of putting down a Frost Pillar on already mobbed monsters?

Not talking about this, but a lot of times it’s simply wasted when you,as a party (& grouped close together) walk towards a mob of monsters, have all your skills off CD and then there’s a Pass instead of after killing the mobs where people would’ve had an actual benefit.

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If you have a proper tank yes I agree with you, but most of the time you have swordies tank-wannabe that end up dead or half dead and start to run around with everything after him, hence FP or SR is there to help lessen the mess.

With a tank in group you barely need CC, unless an extra mob come after someone, as it often occur since you see people with haste get all retard running around doing nothing just jumping and aggroing unnecessary mob.

Well, I hardly ever encounter a time in which knockback is required anymore. Not saying that it doesn’t exist. But, pheasant now is really, like a reaaaally good damage skill. It is even more at c3, but before that it is quite good. Removing the knockback just makes it more viable as a damage skill… Yes yes, I’ve already acknowledge that it is not mentioned anywhere that stun will swap knockback…

Casting attribute-less Lethargy on bosses xd <
Casting Swell Brain on a party full of physical attackers.

Using weak, multihit skills on mobs linked through Joint Penalty.
Using weak,multihit skills on Breaking Wheel.

but smite doesnt knockback unless you have the attribute, which does low damage anyway so idk why anyone takes it lol

This is a nice thread as it teaches newer players what to do/not to do.
Sticky this!