Tree of Savior Forum

What keeps you playing! Share it please!

I stopped playing for a bit maybe got burned out, but still active in forums checking updates every now and then.

Now going back to the topic why are you still here?


im still playing because i beleive swordsman has have a future…


I’m still playing because me and my gf play together.
She is a newbie to MMOS and i’m an oldschool mmo player and playing with her it’s just like i’m a newbie again too. We roleplay, explore and level without paying attention to things like PVP, GVG, Endgame or meta builds.
I have never had so much fun in an MMO since 2006.


because its a good game (other than boring quests/dungeons and grinding)

its not like this game is terrbile

all of the bad things people rant about are because of the devs (bugs, balcing ect)

devs = bad
game = good


am lazy, so I take lot of breaks from everything and am loving my adventure,

am having lost fun as I follow the path of randomness :3

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I actually love the game as a concept and it’s enough to keep me interested even with questionable design decisions and other issues


This game is different from any other and beatyfull like none other.


Trying new class combos til i find the one i like the most. I think im onto something with this new archer and swordsman.

Other than that im tired of all the wow clones and this game feels like the older ones i used to play. This will probably be my last mmo so i hope i can enjoy my time here for a while.


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I still can’t find any better MMORPG at the moment. By better, I mean RO standards.

Also, what this guy said:

If R8 can’t save us, it might be time to say goodbye (or maybe another hiatus).

My friends have already quit and moved on to Overwatch. I might join them soon, or maybe return to Dota2.


Mostly for the songs (and the art), they already sound nostalgic for me.

I’m working on another build for a Swordman. I waited to beat a boss because the song was too beautiful :


Like most MMORPGs, the game is surprisingly engaging when leveling with friends. Shame that IMC hates gold sellers and bots so much and the systems designed against them harm the players more. Plus the pacing and boring quests that hurt motivation to climb those levels and toward the new classes.

Do all you like, IMC, but you will never stop bots/gold sellers from appearing - they are legion…I mean, they are literally a business. Hell, even MMOs with their own “botting” feature wasn’t enough to stop actual bots using third party programs.

Nowadays, a solo pve player only has look forward to is Rank 8. Everything else is RNG-based.

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Would probably rather Dota over Overwatch, Blizzard’s a very shifty company. Overwatch is a beautiful game with a fun core, but I can’t help but feel Blizzard’s endless need for money will drive elements into the game players won’t like.

Anyway, I play this game with a long friend of mine who actually played through P2P RO and then later on iRO. I learned alot about the game from her, although I didn’t play RO much until much later into it’s development.

What keeps me going is the game’s actual serious potential. It’s a heavy contrast from all of the CGI Sweaty model games that plague the MMO market, and I believe with time it’ll be a great game. Literally RO went through this process and people thought RO would die too with how much bugs and glitches would be churned out from Gravity. While that was over a decade and a half ago, the sentimentality holds the same. Made some friends as well, so that holds true. Joined a guild too (though right now my near two week vacation is nearly over)

Also I’m a sucker for, when the game wants to, act incredibly smooth and buttery.


Concept is good overall, music, atmosphere etc. Im playing with my GF so it doesnt bore me so much. Class system and skills synergy make my mind busy in game. Youll never achieve your class potential if you only have 1 char and playing solo, thats why its called team name and that got me busy. Centurion, rank 8, rank 9 or 10 got me excited because more experiment and class interaction.


Honestly? This forum more than anything.It’s not the game,but I’ve grown very attached to the other regulars here.Over a year later and I still post here just as much as I did then.The community has changed quite a bit,but I love it still.

As for the game,it’s literally changed my life.A depressed Melon google’d MMO’s of this style last year as an attempt to escape my world in real life,and it took off from there.I found people to talk to here,played a very exciting iCBT1 for a week,in iCBT2 I happened to meet a player who reached out to me in my time of need;living a stressful life in Virginia.A lot of dramatic events happened but thanks to ToS,I met someone who gave me a chance at a new start in Boston. It’s where I am now and I can say that I’m doing much better today.

Sorry if that seemed really serious,but for these reasons ToS has had a huge impact on me,both as a fun and unique game,and as a catalyst to improve my life as a whole.I’ll gladly stay here and with the game until they announce its closure.


I should have quit back in May but then I joined a guild. Boss hunt everyday (but now with the field boss debuff, we don’t do this much now). Then the events which gave Skill Reset and Stat Reset. And then TBL and GvG.

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I-is this a good thing?! I dunno what this means!


Does it need a meaning?_?



There is a bot i reported which still alive … farming everyday …
I wont let that bot outlive me