Tree of Savior Forum

What keeps you playing! Share it please!

…I like the game :slight_smile:. And I don’t roll over bugs like pigs do on mud.


I’m still here for the free tacos…they have free tacos right?
Jk, they have a class that’s basically made for me, I’m the type of person when it comes to MMO’s to have pets or summons helping me deal damage or soak up aggro, I was a pretty awesome Creator back when I was active on RO so the moment I saw Sorcerer/Necromancer I was ready to grind my way til I got to my class and thus far is enjoying my character despite not being the best in pvp but pve I can solo fairly easily.


I don’t really know what keep me going. I just do.

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I keep playing because I like the game… As simple as that. I’m an old Ragnarok Online player so my interest for Tree of Savior has always been high. Now that I’ve played it I just enjoy it even when it’s grindier than most MMOs out there but I love the art style and how it’s more of an old-school game. I also really enjoy my archer!


I really don’t know, I like to suffer…
like this: Scatter Caltrops and Deploy Pavise freezes the game [edit] ¬_¬

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Aw @Melon ! That’s actually quite cute. Funny how you sometimes find good things in the most unexpected places, huh? :wink:


me & my frenz are mmoprg fans, we play only about 3 hours per day or more so we still yet achieve 280. mainly we discussed on9 time to do something / hunt/ quest/ grind together.

what keeps me going probably becoz i felt the game itself isnt so bad at all n just look for some fun that keep you going. i played 10 diff class characters to figure out what’s best n suits or even do some bot killing with oracle’s


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Cause I’m an idiot hoping that IMC will fix all the stupid issues. Also, I met some people here that I don’t want to leave yet. I’m not sure if they are important enough for me to put up with IMC’s bs though. lol…

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Why am I still here? Maybe the followings:

  • I’m casual, daily content fits me
  • Quest + cards > grind for me.
  • Can’t find any better casual MMO RPG right now. I suck at FPS so no Overwatch
  • 600 hours into my swordman, I’ll either see it become a hero, or play long enough to see swordman become the villains
  • The game itself is good, it’s the management decision that is questionable.

I can’t pinpoint any detail but what always stood out to me was the class system, which while probably not the best way of execution, is far better than most of the standard one job MMO these days. Also there’s no better alternative at the moment, the SEA region doesn’t often get an MMO of this caliber to ourselves, for what it’s worth despite it’s glaring flaws, it’s the best MMO I can play right now.


i play this game…because i like this kind of game ;p (like RO).
For those who have quit and stopped playing…i sense they dont love the game and easily swayed by other people and petty issues. Just saying.:wink:

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I am still playing; Because I actually like the game. Because there is nothing out there like it. Because it fills that Niche game I’ve always looked for when I find a MMO. I play because I like to go against the flow. Because I like to love what others hate, and find the things awesome about something when others can only cry about the bad.

I am still playing 2200 hours later, because Tree of Savior is an awesome game and with a time it will get much better.

@Melon Truly inspired :slight_smile: I’ve stuck around these forums, but only because of a few. These Forums are likely to give you an aneurysm.


I keep on playing because I like killing things and plus I like the community in Klaipeda :>

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So envious… i need to find a cloth to bite

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Back to topic

A Hilarious PENGUIN partner! Nuff said

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I am only here for GvG at ridiculous 10 am on Fedimian (and I can only participate like 2-3 times a week as well due to my schedule). Apart from that - I stopped playing, I don’t even do dungeons or saalus.

Maybe will level some full-PvE alt as there is nothing else to play anyway, and I like controls in this game. Seriously, hitscan + WASD + isometry in MMO is very appealing, even if, as always with IMC, developed poorly.

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I will probably be moving to Albion Online when it is released.

Cute female avatars…costumes and all…:laughing::hugs: ragnarok nostalgia too

Whats is the point?

Hunt equips and go level So I can be stronger to win more tbl matches…to have sure tbl shop points…So I can buy the headgears in tbl shop…to dress my cutsy plaq doctor and swordie…thats all😁

That is my endgame…

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