Hello everyone. To those who enter here expecting a sarcastic post with a sprinkle of hate, then I’m afraid this is not for you. Thing is, I plan to invite 10-15 classmates of mine to play ToS (realistic expectation is about 8 would play). That’s why I need to find an outline of things ToS really hit correctly so they will have a pretty solid motivation to play and stick around (for R9 to hit anyway, since that’s IMC’s only chance to redeem itself in my eyes). Any opinion is appreciated, even the somewhat negative ones for things to look out for. Maybe type in the reason down below while you’re at it? Thank you.
- Nostalgia
- Unique gameplay
- High customization
- In-game community
- Good graphics
- Good musics
- Fun progression
- Fun end-game content
- Grinding heaven
- Other reason? just comment below…
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