Tree of Savior Forum

What is the new support build meta?

then i suggest you correct your sentence so newbies dont get misinformed >.<

and if it is about 20% damage boost to party, thaum2 does better job by boosting patk and matk alltogether and no need proc chance

Forget the lightning debuff (except on boss), lightning hand generally hitbox is small and it only 10% to trigger for 10s, with basic attack… not counted those extra lines.

Does enchanter buff actually translate to more damage? (Idk)

I feel like the ~1-2k damage buffs from thaum multiplied by high SFR % of the meta dps classes would translate to more dps by a longshot, but I’m not sure.

I can see enchanter being good with certain comps of multi-hitting classes though.

From my experience it procs very often, you can test yourself and see the debuff below the monster bars. If you play support you never have to worry about hitboxes, ET, challenge mode are very crowded areas and your combo revolves around frostpillar + pass

have you ever checked how big thaum2 give final damage boost ?
and frost pillar +shrink body makes everymob receive double damage

I understand, i mean yea it trigger very often even i can 100% uptime, but for normal mobs it doesn’t make much different since they will die soon. And in challenge mode the mobs spread a bit wide, even with Frost Pillar you can only hit few of them. So the party efficiency factor is not that big.

As said , the main meta factor of cryo3chrono3enchanter2 lies on its 100% lightning element physical attack on frozen targets. Empower SP support/Enchant Earth are only supporting factor to add more utilities on it.
Compare to others like Sage2/Thaum2, the consistency and overall utility they provided are too little to be good.

@ronzu I played Thauma since beta and as my main, it is 120% to be exactly, indeed it kill things very fast, but to be a good party, the shrink area & targets is not consistent enough for challenge mode / unique raid /ET.
Yet linker2 also can do great, what you linked is what will die instantly, as well as Spiritual Chain to share buff (but not necessary).

So if I go cryo/chrono/enchanter 2. Should I go full INT?

But if we’re talking consistency, thaum buffs are literally perma uptime.

Shrink body isn’t 100% uptime, sure, but it’s 2 overheat, cd not too high, and pass will allow you to basically clear entire waves since you can use it 4 times in succession.

Idk if consistency is the right word to say why one would choose enchanter over thaum.

yeah i know, that’s why i use it on frost pillar

I have a thauma support but it is not cryochrono, idk but i think shrinkbody don’t work on solmiki and elite challenge mobs, which is the content i mostly play as a support…

yeah some solmiki mobs are already small.
im just saying it procs much easier than 10% lighnigh hands. and dont forget +1k patk/matk (for only 400int thaum) has already 20% damage boost for 5k patk/matk dps, and dont need proc chance. however thaum2 cant semi dps

In that case, doesn’t swell–>Shrink work?

I think some mobs do resist the skill entirely though, although I need to rerun solmiki to see how common this is.

havent tested that @@

idk exactly because i gave up using these skills in solmiki long time ago, but i think that at least in higher floors mobs behave like elite mobs, so they resist swell and shrink

I feel bad to be one sided and not mentioning at enchanter good side tho.

enchant lightning (enchanter1) makes patk become lightning property. which +50% damage for enemies frozen with cryo skill (Cryomancer: Freeze Speciality). and boosted again if party with taoist that actually use storm calling

my cryocrono its self has enchanter1 in it

in the end it depends on what is the party you are with

s-senpai are you ccench1sage1? :thinking:

omg i didn’t realized this sinergy with taoist!

Yes it depends on the party, its difficult to measure the impact of thauma buffs too, because there exists parties with two chronos, 4 supports/semidps and 1 dps, 3 dps, only physical, mixed and magic dps parties, etc.

I think both are good options, i feel like we are just minmaxing it now. I will test thauma variation with event rank reset (already tested sage/sorc) but i think i will keep mine enchanter because i think its more versatile and works better with parties with lower dps rates. I already have a thauma3 too though :slight_smile:

Yeah it’s quite nice, but it’s been there since rank8 and for some reason it wasn’t great enough to push enchanter to be better than sage for support (well mostly cause micro dimension increases frost pillar duration and missile hole?).

Correct :wink:

It is because my usual teammate are taoist and full of glasscannon dps with trans8 or 10 weapon and poor armor x.x
frost pillar+audra+micro dimension can pull over 2 waves with good dps on solmiki >.<

Elementalist Rain as well.
Not forget when we have Frost Lord Card, most Zealots will use them for AoE froze.