Tree of Savior Forum

What is the new support build meta?

What is the new support build and the stat distribution? So far a couple people told me cryo3 chrono3 enchanter2 with 70 con and rest into int?

There’s plenty of options now…

imo, Enchanter isn’t really that great of a support option since all it really gives is block chance and +20% damage for magic attacks (and some elemental property damage), all of which a party only slightly benefits from. But with the right party, enchanter is great. For example, multi-hitting classes get a lot over time from the extra property damage attack. Also, physical attackers will get their attacks converted to lightning attribute, which has synergy with cryomancer’s attribute that makes frozen enemies take 50% more damage. Lightning property is also boosted by Taoist’s storm calling, which is a popular skill in Earth Tower (endgame instance).

You’d go enchanter if you enjoy the playstyle and like to do damage while supporting.

But for CryoChrono builds, I think the superior choice for pure support would be Thaum2 or Sorc1/Sage1.

Thaum’s shrink body with swell arm attribute gives your party a huge burst (+120% damage) that works nicely with frost pillar. Sorc1Sage1 gives you utility in portal, micro dimension, and missile hole, while also getting the nice Sorc AoE attack ratio buff (+5).

Either way though, as long as you have cryochrono you will fit in as a support in nearly any party and you even pair well with other cryochrono variants so the choice is mainly playstyle.

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I do like the thaum variant, I’ll give that a go and respec. Should I go full con with rod and shield or audra staff?

No, if you go Thaum you go either INT or SPR for the buffs. Thaum’s buffs scale on INT/SPR, if you go full CON your buffs will be weak.

some things never change :yum:

You cant go wrong with cryo chrono, but the question is…

got someone to support your support?_? :wink:

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So full spr would be better for thaum?

you could swap con to int with transpose

Full INT is better. If you’d go Thaum 3 you could go full SPR for the glory of Swell Brain maybe, but for Thaum 2, you don’t need SPR since SPR and INT both scale the same with your buffs. You’ll get extra damages from the INT too~

I do think the opposite is better though, because it’s lazier. It’s better to be full INT and switch to CON when you need to, than to switch from CON to INT every couple of minutes for the buffs or deal damages.

i thought we were talking about cryo3crono3thaum2

Enchant Lightning itself is not great, but it definitely great synergy with Cryo3 Freezing ability, it gives 100% damage boost for Physical Damage.
(50% for default lightning against frozen target, 50% from Cryo1 attribute)

Combine Chrono3 consistent Pass and Frost Pillar, its role is very dominant in Challenge Mode / ET or any maps with high density of monsters.

As people said you could go thauma2 or enchant2, enchanter2 is the meta though (at least in my server 9/10 cryochronos i know are enchanters).

With thauma2 you can go full con although i think its not necessary (swell arm gives you defense and hp is easy to get with new random armors). Shrink body is good in theory, but in practice you will see that you will never use it, elite and ET mobs resist it often and the animation is slow if you dont have a good ping to cancel it.

Enchanter2 is the meta atm because they have 5min of block for the party (even ppl without shields), if you test it in challenge mode or ET you will see that it procs very often. If your party have magic dps you give them 20% additional damage often too (in normal content you will think it doesnt make a difference, but in harder contents IT WILL make a difference)

I was sage1 in rank8 and with sorcerer1 in rank9 i didin’t like it (and i actually don’t know any other cryochrono in my server who took this path). Sage was the best option for a 1rank filler in rank8 (ench1 and thauma1 are not good fillers) and it still is. The problem is that its a rank8 class, so if you pick sage1 you have to pick another filler in rank9 because sage2 brings nothing as a support.

I don’t think sorc1 is a great filler too. sure sage1 and sorc1 have some tricks you can use, but i didn’t like it. basically you give additional aoe, summons could be used to help aggroing but i didn’t noted any difference (you are a chrono, you can aggro easily doing one lap in the area). The most helpful skill is misssile hole, but it blocks a max of 16 times i think, in challenge mode the shield disappears in a sec.

Either way, chronos are rare, so you will certainly get parties with whatever build you pick given that you have chrono and cryo to control mobs

About Thaumaturge, it is really great for Beginner and especially Dungeon 300 Run random party. Because most are not geared and you basically give T5 to everybody. Really good for casual players and help your guild members

But once peoples geared, the buff value will actually diminishing.

For Chrono, it always the meta for most high end content, because peoples who doing those already geared very well, hence Pass is very important in their skills rotation to output more damage.

Anyway, I recommend Thauma for Beginner and classic Cryo3Chrono3Enchanter2 for hardcore.

Enchanter2 isnt meta because of enchant earth, but because of lightning hands which makes them semi dps and ease of use, enchant earth is just bonus.

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The synergy with shrink body won’t be though, and the damage you give to your dps support in an organized hardcore party will be far greater than what Enchanter offers. There’s healers for a reason so idk if the block alone warrants enchanter2 as meta.

Indeed, but you also know that Shrink Body have chance to fail, and have limited targets/range depend on level. Hence the efficiency is actually lesser than you think in high density content, but I accept that in general farming though.

Shrink Body is lifesaver when things get tense and some high hp/strong big mobs choking your party then you use shrink, but Cryo3Chrono3 just make overall life easier consistently.

And, let me say that although there are a lot of clerics, but not all are specs to healer and Matk Based.
So you can’t expect too much from them especially a random party, more protection layers are always better, I always bring a lot of Red Pots / Small Elixir HP Pots / Revive Crystal with me whenever i’m doing those hard contents.

Enchanter’s Enchant Earth is not meta, it is a meta because of Enchant Lightning + Frost Pillar synergy imo, it make life easier.

You do realize we are already talking about cryochrono, so the question is what two circles to take after that. Thaum2 is a choice.

It depends on what’s your usual party anyway, what’s your aimed content

rule of thumb is if your party has patk dps and taoist, take at least enchanter1 (with sage1 or sorc1 or enchanter2)

This. I don’t think enchanter is popular because it’s the best support…it seems to be the playstyle as semi-dps that makes it appealing to players.

ok, my mistake i thought Cryo3Thaum3 vs Cryo3Chrono3

imo, Cryo3Chrono3Thaum2 vs Cryo3Chrono3Enchanter2, i’m sure Enchanter2 provide more consistency in general. Swell Buff will be diminishing, and Shrink lv10 2OH is what you have in that 2 circle not so appealing.
As said, Enchant Lightning on Physical Class works great with FrostPillar+Pass on >8 targets.

And not forgot, Empower lv10 will solve a lot of SP issues for most classes, especially best for everywhere Zealot2.

This phrase was a list of reasons, you took only the begginning, but yes, summarizing they are meta because they give more useful buffs than the other options and can contribute to damage. If lightning hands was a buff to give 20% more damage to party magic users instead of a dps skill they would still be meta.