Tree of Savior Forum

What is the difference between Bow and CrossBow

Hi think I will stop suffer with Monk Swordsman, and instead stop play, I will just make a archer.

I think since the Bow’s user cant use a shield, the attack should be very high in comparicion with CrossBow that uses only 1 Hand and can be added a Shield or a Dagger for example, But I only see CrossBow on high levels.

Why only a few people take Bow as the main Weapom? What is the good point of Bow? Its good for Auto-Attack?

Bow have a bonus against flying mob, while xbow doesn’t, I don’t recall now, but I think xbow have block penetration bonus (need confirmation its been a while since I played).

Also, some classes/skills only work with one or another.

Musketeer and Cannoneer only work with their specific weaponry.

Musketeer = Musket
Cannoneer = Cannon (off-hand so you will be using with xbow)

Hackapell require a sword in the off-hand (the class have an attribute for it).

You have to consider also that the content ahead of your current level will determine your weaponry, many get Isbality + Manamana due to holy damage (most open world dungeon mob is dark property).

I have a wugushi and I still use Viper due to most mob in the fields being earth/poison property.

Gearing on this game is situational imo. You will find lots of people using cloth armor to increase mdef for certain areas and changing to plate for other parts.


Xbow has an attribute you can get to ignore 25% (or was it 30%) armor. 2h bows do double damage to flying enemies with an attribute. (Archer 1 attributes)

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@Nirimetus @Ariyushi Thanks for your reply. I think I will stick with Bow (ranger).

I’m someone that played many classes of Cleric and Swordsman Type, but never Archer, so I have no idea how Archer Classes work, even doing properly researching, there still doubts like this.

You helped me. thanks.


is it lightning, isn’t it?

What is lightning? The mob? You will find 1 of each basically in almost all field maps: Poison, Earth and Lightning.

Some exceptions have tho, Jerome Park for example, 2 are dark and 1 is poison.

Some change and have fire mixed it with earth and poison. But still, most have earth and poison on it.

manamana do lightning attack

You’re right, I swear it was holy damage. I think I’m confusing with the rapier or other weapon.