Tree of Savior Forum

What if you don't Get in CBT?

There are 51K Likes on facebook and 5400 comments on the Steam greelight page, it’s safe to say that in 24 hours 10 k people will see it, I remember the devs saying something about getting 2 servers from amazon and have more than 10k people on the IBT

been in group of cbt player in fb… trying many of aeria games from x-legend in cbt and stop playing while its obt lel how so fast my group getting bored by so many new mmo last year…
yeah bugs and compatibilty issues appear often as you try playing in cbt phase

Just as SheepPoop said, you shall meet several bugs and glitches. And then, your job is to report those bugs to the developer. That’s the main purpose of beta test.

and to make developers life easier,… if you are going to report tell them how you manage to do it, Example Getting stuck or Glitching out and more…

And i bet this is me when Leaving for school and That arrow is when IMC release the Beta Key

I’ll just play other games. Have about 2 big games and 3 small ones to play in the mean time.

Hmm if the next beta is out before August, and I don’t get to join it, I might just spend the time watching Dota 2 The International 2015. Dota 2 Reborn is out so I might be occupied with all those custom games there


Well If I don’t get in then… …


Yeah I might do that too. Even though I don’t buy the compendium, I still can visit my friends home to watch it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Hopefully it won’t be too difficult to get into this CBT. RO was always my favourite MMO and I was looking forward to play ToS as soon as it was announced in Korea.

Hi five! Hahaha, while you do not need to purchase any compendium to watch the tournament, do try out their reborn client though, I personally think their new client is way superior in giving us the better tournament-watching experience.

Then again, hopefully IMC gives the forumers here a “slightly” higher chance to get into the beta, I am sure when the beta application opens, it will be flooded by RO fans all over the world (except Korea, haha).

well that would be sad, but you can’t do much about it sadly.

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become a hater :blush:

dont even joke about it x_x

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crygasm. definitely crygasm.

This won’t be a CBT in the first place… International = Open Beta, this was already discussed.

I will just have to find something to do until then I guess. :alarm_clock:

Where did you find this info? Since IMC never release any information about the beta testing

Is more guessing of mine since what is the purpose on doing the stuff though steam then?.

Go watching TOS youtube videos again and again…

Ohhh okay, thought you can back up what you said with source since you seem soo certain, well i do hope its open beta, but if its open beta,… The server will most likely be more unstable.