Tree of Savior Forum

What happen to the server today?

yep thats why its really unreliable response to my ticket about server problem.

an announcement on what is going on would be nice

@STAFF_John @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_Max @GM_Sebastian @GM_Francis @hkkim @moderators

i’m gonna keep tagging and spamming until this gets fixed.


Guys, spam spacebar entering, this is how the game designed, its all about spamming spacebar, its so fun :DDDD

Hiya, sorry for the whole connection issue, our Dev team is currently working on fixing this connection issue at this very moment.

Once the process is complete, we will update the previous announcement.



Thank you. This is what we all needed, just for you guys to acknowledge. Hope it gets fixed soon.

thank you. and sry about the spam issue…
hv a nice day :smiley:

Thank you John ^^ Hope it gets fixed soon.

I think have items compensation.
;- (

finally some news is up here!!



back to sleep then… err

server’s back…i’m in

good luck guys

go to try :smiley:

only some channels, on certain maps are up :confused:

Repair the files and move on. Tree of Savior is what it is. Either accept it or move on folks.

Apparently the fix for the dungeon entry issue is to DC everyone every once in awhile. XD

Rejoice! The connection issue has been solved! However, if the terrible and abominable connection issue rears its ugly head again, please let us know~

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Thx for the fix john !

While we have you, can you guys please look into the following issues as well? Thanks in advance. We really appreciate your actions on these.

###Upgrading a zero-potential equipment with golden anvil still breaks the item when the upgrade fails

###Players with pets gets stuck in place after feeding pet while inside the TBL arena

###Please allow disconnected players to rejoin their TBL match (but only on next round if there’s any still)

Thanks again!

I thought my Internet is wonky. But everything is fine except TOS. From 0.07 to 1.2 real quick