Tree of Savior Forum

[SUGGESTION] Let a disconnected player rejoin his TBL match (but only on next round)

As the title says, for some reason I’ve been in games where people get disconnected (been in same situation myself) and would really love to have a way to rejoin the match, even just on the next round (if there are next rounds left) similar to how we can rejoin missions and dungeons.

I’m familiar with most of these players and I know they won’t intentionally leave the match, especially when the party composition is good.

I’m not really sure what’s causing the disconnection but sometimes the screen would just freeze while in the match and only during TBL. Could be a buggy skill or animation causing the crash, we can’t really pinpoint right now.

IMC, please.

@GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Ethan @moderators

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UP UP UP! @haukinyau please help me here bro! hahaha

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UP UP UP! IMC please.

UP UP UP! /202020020cataphractswalkintothedungeon