Tree of Savior Forum

What did you NOT like in ToS?

I’m sure they know that.

Boy you’re a positive one!!
I doubt any of them actually takes the time to read the forums, nevermind trying to figure out inside their heads how relevant or not what we, random people (but geniuses nevertheless!), say ^^

If you actually want to know how much they read the forums, you can check the user statistics

They might not always agree with what they read though, and they almost never respond, but it’s nice to know that at least they are there.


Well… following the current desing (puzzle maps/loading points) because changing it could be very expensive and i think they can’t afford that. Our only hope is going to RO map desing again by making more mobs and maps/cities, eliminating channels and also reutilizing maps (not allowing emptiness on low levels maps).

It’s quite simple, they know that. Is all written on Ramona Smith contribution.

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The Trap NPC. D: I got fooled…

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The low level cap.

See Devan Pearce

Nvm, nothing to see here, move along…>_>

The last post on that topic is 13 days old. The topic itself 16 days.

And I believe the OP intended something else than with that topic you linked to.

Huh, I thought it was way more recent than that. Wtf is wrong with me these days xD.

In the JP FGT, they mentioned during the Q&A period that each channel will hold around 100-150 people. If the limit for a channel has been exceeded, players will be moved automatically to another channel. From the iCBT, the channels appeared to be by map (e.g. 5 for Klaipeda, but only 1 for high level maps).

Text: チャンネルは1つにつき100~150人で構成、越えたら自動で別のチャンネルへ飛ぶ


Just delete your post and nothing ever happened. :smile:
(takes a few hours or so before it deletes tho)

EDIT: That’s what it says xd
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 1 hour unless flagged)

the monster models… i dont like the cute fluffy monsters

i wish they’d use the monsters in RO1

can they use the ragnarok 1 monsters perhaps

That I felt so pathetic when playing as a wizard>cryomancer, I spent my entire time feeling jealous of the other members of the party.
I made a Krivis on the last day, and Cleric just nailed everything you’d expect of a magic class,the early game difference was enormous and i had a whole more lot of fun.
I’m gonna go pyro3 in my next chance.

Would love to hear some responses here as I never had CBT access :thumbsup:

I never got into CBT so I’m curious what you mean by “explorer”. I’ve read there’s an achievement system for exploring zones or adventuring, is that the case?

I never had CBT access to! Plz Ima wanna play too!!!

The grind and solo play I couldn’t find a party for mining area and such most of them were afk others were in a different channel.

i never got in to CBT… so uhm giff beta key plox ty

  1. Difficulty of boss monsters
  2. Didn’t feel any danger in world zones

I’m less worried about linearity if future patches will include lateral content. And I’m not so sure that higher level zone is always going to mean better grinds mid and late game. I mean I could take all the RO zones and connect them roughly in order from lowest to highest level… I’m not convinced that it would stop all the mages from going to clock tower the second they got a point in firewall.