Tree of Savior Forum

What did you NOT like in ToS?

Actually my post can be re-read and you may find 2 points:

  1. Not all people prefer open world kind of map, most of them just don’t care. Instanced dungeons and instanced maps survive (and mostly preferred) in MMOs for some reason.
  2. IMC is not a bunch of amateurs. I’m sure they were prudent enough when they were determined to employ the classic game style in TOS. They said out that they need TOS to be a unique game, when the players don’t get the same feeling like when they are playing other MMORPGs. I have been following TOS development progress since the earliest phase, so I can see that they are realizing what they have been aiming for.

EDIT: oh, and pray do not presume that my “compassion” is about they being lazy (their workload). But it’s about the time left for the developing stage considering the contracts they have made with the publishers and the market consequences when they keep delaying the release (after revealing so much content and increasing the hype meter).

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dance music in that beautaneous flower field

that was the most ill-fitting music I have ever experienced

The Engrish; oh God, the Engrish. Even for a first CBT that was just ridiculous. The precious lore, ruined by the fiend known as Google Translate.

Also, the full-blown conversations in world chat in different languages. Yes yes I know, this is International, but the forum and game are called the “English version” for a reason.

Ruined? I understood everything lol.

Edit: To me, the game is at a sweet spot rnow. All they need to do is: Get rid of bugs, make the leveling experience easier during the early stage of the game and harder near the cap, make sure all the money sinks are working correctly so inflation can be prevented and implement wide account storage.

Yes, most of it was understandable if you stared at it for a bit for your mind to auto-fix the inconsistencies. But the problem was how many times throughout both the story-line and just talking to regular NPC’s that you needed to do that.

The only thing I don’t like about ToS is FPS not stable.

I don’t like the amount of bugs as well but since the game still in beta phase so I have no reason to complain about that.

The rest of this game is sweet.

1- Sad but true mostly don’t care because they don’t know how amazing could be an open world (i think) and they only played last linear MMORPG’s generation.

2- We all know that reason, cough cough WOW.

1- Sure, they are professionals but they aren’t error proof…
2- Unique doesn’t mean innovative. For example: Cookers can do an unique world’s biggest pizza, but what about making an innovative taste instead a big size one?
3- Some of us were waiting for an improved RO and this game is a MIX of game styles.

Thanks :blush: i do, sometimes. But mostly don’t care too much :cry:.


Since bigger areas or ‘open world’ maps are an issue to many, I suggest making a topic explaining the case and giving examples/ideas (without too much hype, be objective) so that everyone gets the point and can agree/care or disagree/not care. Place the topic in feedback and suggestions. Lets see how much attention it gets, I would likely support it. :smile:


Actually the higher level areas have more corridors with the maps so it make it at least little bit less linear… Main issues is not channels. The main issues is lack of corridors… Even thought higher level areas have some of them the map still lack of them… So there should be more corridors to fill maps…

We are here throwing our vomit :grin:, they will not change to an open world environment. Or perhaps at lv 1000 they will? who knows!

I know, but is more about the feeling. ToS feels a bit encapsulated with channels and that kind of stuff.


So how much people can go in one channel? Is there some kinda of limit per channel?

I can’t be 100% sure, i think there is no limit per channel. But if you join a map where a channel 1 for example is overpopulated will switch you to channel 2 (i think) then you enter the map on channel 2.

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My list

  1. Bosses lacks smoothness, movement and their reaction speed is very slow. Even if Boss is very hard it does not feel like a boss at all. They move slow and they react slow… Its like you are hitting punching bag that cast some traps or skills at you. I bet that is the reason why there are so many bosses in this game. It feels like every bosses act same and the only thing is different is look and skills.

  2. Lack of corridors in maps. Yeah as I said before higher level areas have more corridors than the low lever areas but maps still lacks of them…

  3. Main quest… I dont mind main quest but its should not to be mandatory or super effective at all. I dont know if this true but if main quest opens new areas then it suck big … If I want start with new charachter I dont wanna replay the same main quest again…


Its not about changing the entire layout, just letting devs know that its an issue for many people, so whenever they go mapping design again, they would/should try to make open areas for diversity sake, and pleasing more players.

Making a ‘required boss’ hard would just stop people progression for no real reason. Also, most of you people are either new to gaming or are forgetting something important: bosses are often used more than once. The first time facing a boss, sure its easy. Most games place advanced versions of bosses in optional/high lvl maps, and the 2nd or 3rd time a boss model is used, he’ll likely handle your ass to you.

Did u read my post? Im not even talking about hard bosses or easy bosses. Im talking about the performance… Its very slow, Its react slow and its moves slow even if the boss is hard…

Ah sorry, my bad, I did read but not really got what you were going at, you saying bosses have to look more alive then?


I agree it is subjective and they still can make great bosses without my personal tastes.

I would like more faster reaction speed for attacks and skills usage. I dont like when Tos bosses suddenly freeze for few second and then start to cast skills or attacks… Second problem is that they are mostly slow. Ok there is no problem with slow bosses but not every bosses should be slow. There should be more variety…

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No problem yeah that was what im saying…

Here is an example, although this game is a single player offline game, however the point still stands.
Watch the video first (fight starts at roughly 4:30)

Notice the fast movements of the boss? Notice how engaging the fight is?
Bosses in ToS currently take like 2 seconds to turn their body, then 2-3 seconds to charge up for a skill.
This boss fight - the boss movement is very fast and fluid and the skills come out pretty much instantaneously - no charging required. This fight is much more engaging and fun to play than ToS bosses currently.

Edit: Sigh, after looking at these old Y’s boss fights, then looking at ToS fights, you can see that they just don’t make games like they used to anymore. If ToS bosses were half as fun as this then the fans would instantly double or triple the current number.

Edit 2: One suggestion for ToS is to get rid of those indicators on the floor before bosses do their skills - the only time there should be indicators is when bosses do a skill strong enough to kill a person in 1 hit. Those indicators make the game easier than it already is. Also get rid of those tiny dot pattern projectiles - this ain’t some Japanese dodge-the-bullet flight game - give bosses real skills like in the video here.


Nice fight!
Yup, I guess that illustrates the point in a crystal clear perspective, lets just hope developers see it the same way =]