Tree of Savior Forum

What did you NOT like in ToS?

Is there any reason why they created it so linear? I found this part of the reason why FFXIV’s world got boring. It was also very linear. If RO was wide open and ToS is linear, they must have had some “brilliant” reason to do it this way. Just wondering what was going through their heads.

Dude… The only thing i know is this:

Being inprisioned doesn’t make me feel any free. And that just sucks…

Lol at monk being op. Someone has been watching steparu pubstomping noobs too much.

Edit: After playing icbt for a lot of hours, I can say I liked everything bout this game. The social interaction was great if you wanted to do it(made a lot of steam friends). I do agree the card game needs to be checked.

well, this game has 250 levels, so i guess they had to create a crap ton of zones. maybe thats why, cuz its faster that way. how many levels did RO have?

I dunno how many zones you would need for 250 levels haha. I mean i played a game similar and they had a new zone for every 10 levels, so i guess that would be like 25 zones, which isn’t that many i guess.

they also probably figured it would be easier/faster lag wise to have these little map/channels with less players in them, as opposed to individual servers with a big huge map(s).

So i guess they took the easy way out…

lets hope future expansions have large land masses. but yeah, i can think of another game that was considered sandbox, but tiny, is WakFU.

Well, what good “taking the easy way out” would do, if players are going to feel confined.

  • Feeling confined > means having less fun. Having less fun means >
    getting less attached/addicted to the game. Getting less attached to
    the game > means increasing the chances for people leaving it sooner
    than later. Leaving the game > means the server will die.

So… Thinking from that angle, was it really worth taking “the easy way out”?

i’m not defending them!!! im just stating what i think is the reason why they did it. pen a letter to them or something in korean. we can’t control it so easily. i stated earlier on that i dont like linear maps as well. it sucks, but what can we do now? as an individual i can just wait for a expansion to come out. i guess we could start an online petition or sth. i dunno

I know dude, i never said you were.

I am just talking and that’s it :hushed:

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i see. yeah i came from daoc, and i always looked for a game that is grinding, has pvp, 3 factions (instead of just 2 sides), untimed stealth, no gear grind, only realm rank grind (open world pvp kill ranks). even when a game came around that had a lot of the same qualities(ESO), it had ugly graphics, its open world pvp rank system didnt give stat bonuses etc, so made open world pvp boring after a month.

so i get not having the exact things you want sucks. but this game has cool graphics, lots of classes, lots of levels, and is grindy, so it has lots of features I think that could make me want to play long term. there doesn’t appear to be a gear grind, more of a level grind. so i’m happy its about the character instead of the gear tier. i dont mind looking past a handful of things i dont like tho.

My guess is because of partying issues, its obviously much easier to find a party if everyone who is near your level are on the same map and split between the channels, instead of everyone near your level being split between several different maps and channels at the same time.

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It is linear. People say it’s less linear on higher levels but I think it is…I think people just don’t see it because devs tried to mix some maps and give us some extra options too for different leveling spots later.
What you said “they sticked to the quest” … that just means the quests are linear too for example and your “village=check point” is the best description for villages :smiley: I said it before a lot of times that towns shouldn’t be “restricted to levels” and we need a lot more of them. We rly need the feeling we can wander around the world and not just reach checkpoints.

I already said this too but I find this problem the biggest because we can get good features anytime…but to rebuild the whole map distribution and make new towns too is something that is a lot of work so they should start to do it now.

I don’t know if I played any other non linear game than RO and Mabinogi but I can easily say I played 5+ years with both of those while a lot of times I quit linear games in 1-2 months… if it was a bit better than in an year. That’s why it would be important for me.

@chilly0123 I find that reasonable but it’s really the easy way to “fix” that and that’s sad.


oh yeah i totally get what you mean. having a big landmass to explore and not having to run from checkpoint town to checkpoint town is better. running from hub to hub makes the game more boring. too bad that is the trend nowadays.

you’re right it is a bit weird. like they make the game “old school” but threw in some new school things, some of which are positive and some of which are negative. but the maps thing, linear vs non linear, man now its becoming a downer for me too. it really takes the mystery away from the game.

honestly, if you played MMO’s prior to 2010 we are used to the non-mega server and group find and non linear games. kinda sucks MMOs are trending the exact opposite way. i guess they are afraid the maps will be big and empty. but tales of pirates was cool, i also liked to be able to run off and wander around and suddenly find myself faced with mobs 20 or 30 levels above me. its kinda a cool mystery type thing, in stead of kill X mobs, get 10 levels doing it, move to next instance never to return.


Re-designing all maps (these many a map) will take months if not more than a year. I, too, prefer open world maps. But I have compassion for the developers (who seem to be chasing deadlines now), so I will try to see a positive side of it instead of complaining–or simply abandoning the game if it really were a massive problem for me, lots of other people don’t really mind these kinds of map. And I recall in the earlier development phase, the developers said that they wanted TOS to feel like the classic games (like Arcturus, forget how it’s spelled), so here comes the “classic kind of maps”.

But if they want to take all these constructive complaints, I suggest to take 10% from all the possible world maps (most preferrably the popular ones, the one with possibilities of being crowded), redesigning them into those “open map”. This way, everyone gets a win-win.

And honestly the fact that someone above is bashing other people’s different opinion, calling them blind and living in an egg is just showing that they are really immature. I believe that that kind of people can never be beneficial to the community. Who is actually living in an egg: a person who has diverse opinion or a person who cannot accept other options? I know people are prone to being aggressive, but like you said it, it’s never too late for a change. (:


The game telling me it’s not recommended to use Mouse control as a Warrior.
Like shut up mom I can do whatever I want.


1_ internet disconnects after defeat a boss
2_ not shared stash
3_ p2w shop

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hehe i’ve kind of been a major cheapo over the years with P2W cash shops. like i never bought anything. the only time i buy a game or spend money on a game is when an AAA MMO comes out, so i only spend like $40 bucks 1-2 times a year on major MMO releases then quit after the free month, or pump in $15 bucks for the sub for one extra month to confirm i’m bored. that or i play f2p games but dont spend any money and hit the big wall that comes and forces you to either quit, spend money and keep leveling decently, or do it the hard way and level slowly and spend no money.

but i’m kinda pumped about this games release and I plan to spend $10-15 bucks a month if the items are worth it. was going to spend my yearly mmo game budget on everquest next or guild wars expansion BUT with this game releasing the same time possibly as blade and soul i’ll use my money on these two games.

That i only got to play for about a week and MEANWHILE the koreans are STILL playing… is the only thing i disliked…


Will your compassion to spare them work be worth when players think:

“the space in too tiny, i can’t barely move! This game sucks”

And the game fails…

Lack of Side-quests, leveling quests, leveling opitions and variety in the types of quest (most only asks to kill some monsters; there are several types of quests that can be created and added to the game: invasion, defending a place , sabotage, rescue ,escort and even time attack)

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I forgot to put that in my list,that there is no share storage account.It would be nice if you can have a storage where you can dump your silvers,icoins and items to share with your other characters on the same account.