Tree of Savior Forum

What did you NOT like in ToS?

Lack of customization. I have high hopes that this will change for the release, but I really would like some skin tones and eye colors at the very least. And venturing further into the ‘hopeful but very uncertain’ category, eye style types. And of course new hairstyles and additional hair colors but I already think these will be a thing. :tulip:

Customization at character creation is so important and helps you bond with your character, plus it’s boring for everyone to look alike.


Even thought Rodelo does not have buffs skill …it has pretty strong melee skill with low CD… Rodelo seems to be more like a support class instead of Dps melee class. Even his attributes support Ice and fire. So I think that not every class combination should have high Dps support possibility.

Targe Smash: Frozen Stone

When attacking an enemy that is in [Freezing], [Petrification] status, 20% additional damages will be dealt per Attribute level.
Targe Smash: Flame

Spreads [Flame] equal to amount of attribute level when killing enemy under [Flame] with [Targe Smash].

I have played iCBT and idCBT. I love the PvP (in idCBT), it has very little potential to be unbalanced at the moment. What I think can be improved tho is the matchmaking system. The 5v5 with random team is literally hoping that you get good partners, disregarding how skillful players you are.


  • make more varieties of mode in PvP (1v1 sounds cool, or maybe an instanced pvp arena which has free pk)
  • give option to pick your character role (dps, support, tank, range, melee) and adjust a team based on it, not just simply randomizing it by level or match point because I believe 5 clerics won’t be able to beat 5 archer team in any event.
  • the match point reward system should follow the player’s performance in the match. I can still be MVP but lose the game with dumb team mates and my match point being deducted out of my super performance.

Boss AI. Bosses are really, really, really dumb at the moment. I think their skills should be much quicker and not all of them should be so obviously telegraphed. The big red AoEs make fights really easy, and they give you like 5 full seconds to move out of range instead of just a split second.

The whole “hundreds of bosses” thing was one of their main selling points in the ads, but the bosses themselves don’t feel rewarding or punishing at all. Just boring.

The normal attacks are pretty boring too. I like the ideas of normal attack combos with different effects and animations (or at least something other than Z spam)


my question to you guys is, if the game is super easy and soloable, why have tanks and healer classes? would it be better for me to just roll a DPS?

There is a guild dungeon feature that TOS team is going to implement into the game.

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What i don’t like about ToS?

It isn’t out yet.


so the guild dungeon is planned? i wonder what kind of rewards it would offer. would it justify rolling a tank, like that gear would have to be super uber. I’m just trying to figure out if I should roll a tank. I mean if tanks arent necessarily needed and secondly if this game is soloable: it wouldnt do me any good to go with a tank when a tank would take me for example 5 minutes to get X amount of exp/ X minutes to kill a boss, when a barbarian or other melee dps could do it in a much faster time/X% faster.

do you get what i mean?

this goes back to stupid FFXIV when i rolled a marauder (2handed off tank) anticipating PVP but there was only 100% PVE, and I should have rolled a paladin (sword/shield main tank). ahh decisions decisions. I just dont want to roll a class i will regret later.

I would be more worried with other things than tanks and clerics, its just a matter of balancing to make these classes shine, and balancing these gotta be at the top for the devs in major scope of things. Go for what you like bro =)

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Here are the things I don’t like in TOS

1- Maps are too small,linear and not open world.It makes me feel like I’m always in a dungeon with some multiple path but with 0 real open space just patches of space there and here.

2- Character customization is very poor,I have you guys look at the black hair lol,it’s not even black plus not much hair color to go around nor hair style.

3- The death style in this game is riduculous…-_- seriously they blow up…sigh

4- iCBT didn’t have PVP but by judging on the match it’s not balance at all in terms of damage,levels and queues.

5- They need more towns by the looks of the map and rumors I believe there is only 3.I’m aware they will add more has months/years go on and that some games started with a few also before growing but I would like to see at least 5 or 6 towns,Those towns doesn’t have to be big like Klaipeda.


Yes man, i think the exactly same thing! Maps are too tiny, it makes me feel in a prison.

If we have enough people complaining about the same thing, we have a better chance of changing something.

Oh come on!!! Exploring maps 100+ levels above you doesn’t mean that the game is open world. Of course the whole ToS map is big, but the areas aren’t too big and the game still linear. Also map channels kills the open world feeling.


That’s right dude, you get it TOO! Some people are just too blind or they live inside an egg.

Dude, you are a freaking genius you get it all! If we had more wide-eyed people like you, this game would be a huge succes on it’s release in no time!

You should start making topics!

hehe well if i went with what i liked i’d be either a kung fu class or dagger/assassin class. but in most games those characters are squishy. I’ve learned over the years just to go with iWin/OP classes. Those classes are fun, as opposed to sticking with your preferred playstyle. Winning/mowing through mobs is my new playstyle haha.

So I will probably roll a barbarian and play easy mode.

I wonder if this game will offer respecs in the cash shop. I think its fine, but some games get greedy and sell respecs for $14-$20 which is a bit nuts, just for one respec.

Based off what i’ve read on this thread and others, I guess we will all be alone for a lot of our play time, trying to mow & grind through mobs as fast as possible. while i’d rather play a kungfu guy or a tank for group purposes, id rather stomp through everything than hold onto my archaic play style of doing what i like hahah.

TOS Maps are like this

And most of us are looking for something like this

I know this a odd example to bring RO into this but they have open space where you can roam around and not feel to clutter.

Here an example that’s not RO

You don’t have to follow paths you can roam into the grass outside of the road compare to TOS where is linear and you have soo much boundaries.You can’t even zoom out to enjoy the scenery from a far point of view.


is it too late for them to make the map bigger? or would it have to wait for an expansion?

I know and fully aware I’m just showing people what i meant about open space and that TOS has a linear gameplay.I don’t think they can create something like this in a short period of time.

I think its too late
I’ll miss huge maps like in RO =p

It’s never to late for change man… You just gotta believe it.