Tree of Savior Forum

Wee need more General chat rooms. (Suggestion)

We actually have “Shout” as general chat room for ToS Players.

I know, is the same in almost 95% of mmorpgs, but take a look actually in the beta (very bad experience).

My suggestion is simply add more official chat channels.

Ex: (is photoshop) and would be cool with a show/hide feature for channels in the settings

This will be freaking awesome for 100% of the players (even only english language).
No spam, no angry people, epic to make friends, etc etc.


Nice idea, i’m tired about BR and NA problem.


shout love not war. right.

1 Like

Yep, good idea .
message to short

I agree. This is really good idea :smiley:

Would definitely make it more pleasurable for everyone involved :smile:

The global shout mechanic paired with the non-moderated chat and the flood of player is just horrible at the moment.

Splitting the languages would help quite a lot, but I’m not a big fan of the global chat in general.


Yes !

Right now some dudes are spamming “English only please” or “No foreign languages” (usually not asking that nicely). Country tabs would help a lot, an would allow non English speaking people to speak together without being asked to switch back to English. Not everyone speaks English, especially in Europe.

Well, this game is attractive for players of all ages.
Young players from europe can’t have a good english. (Even my english sucks xD)

Please consider this or something similar.