Tree of Savior Forum

[Suggestion] Chat Tabs for IToS

You know, international means many languages.

My suggestion is implement “regional tabs” to avoid problems.
Isn’t something hard to do and makes EVERYONE happy.

Photoshoped sample: (you even can see the problem in the text chat)

It is the second time I made this suggestion.
Original thread:


We have recently discovered that there are not enough players buying our Early Access packs into the beta through the Steam sales statistics to sustain tabs in the chat. If enough people buy Early Access in packs we might consider having a discussion in the future about having a debate about having additional tabs.

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You are being sarcastic, right? xD

Don’t worry. He’s been posting similare things on different posts. So he’s either salty or just bored.


I’m completely serious. Ignore the poster above me.


He is salty check his profile and his recent posts XD,unless he decides to edit them.

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This post has been flagged by community members for being too dank with memes. Statistically there is not enough memes to support all this dankness. If there are enough Founder’s Pack buyers we might discuss about having a debate about having this post returned to it’s normal state.

######Take off the tin foil hats you two. It’s just a prank bro.