Tree of Savior Forum

We need a voice

We as a community are starting to feel unheard. The easiest way to start hemorrhaging players is to make them feel like they’re being mistreated. The easiest way to assuage that feeling is to make them feel like they have a voice.

To be perfectly fair to IMC, there have been some improvements to the game’s stability and playability since Tuesday, not counting the last three hours or so.

That is, until Klaipeda crashed.

I think the biggest problem here is that the international servers are severely understaffed. Very few people available to respond to forum threads, to respond to the really nasty number of gold spammers, to be some kind of community liaison. Even if IMC was trying to fix something at this point, there’s no communication to the player base about those activities, so we collectively make these assumptions about how IMC doesn’t care. I’m sure that IMC would like to continue making money off of this product, and the only way to do that is to make it marketable and sustainable.

We have no live indication of server health. An indicator that changes from green to red doesn’t tell us anything. There are no tweets, no Facebook posts, no forum posts, no official announcements of any kind. Meanwhile, with Klaipeda tanked, you can be sure that IMC is scrambling to figure out what went wrong. We just haven’t been told that it’s happening, so the assumption is that nothing is being done.

There’s no way for us as a player base to help control the spammers. There are currently 20,000 players running Tree of Savior, according to live Steam stats. Most of those players are across Orsha and Klaipedia. If a gold spammer, or any other player for that matter, manages to get themselves blocked by 1% of the server’s population within the span of 5 minutes, that’s probably a good indication that the person deserves some kind of punitive response.

Handling the number of players on international ToS right now is more than a half a dozen staffmembers can handle. We were ~36,000 strong on launch day, and we’re peaking at ~30,000 every weekday. You can be sure that number will be higher on the weekend.

We need a community liaison. We need a voice.

Maybe a solution for the issue could be a number of players identified as established and active members of the community, with the ability to contact a staffmember in a more direct manner? Instead of having to spend additional money hiring employees, source the gruntwork to the players. Lord knows that we as a player base want the game to succeed, or we wouldn’t be playing it.

Just my two cents.

EDIT: There’s an official announcement now for Klaipeda being down.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. At the very least IMC should manage some kind of damage control and tell players what’s going up. Even a simple “Hey guys, sorry for the trouble, but we’re working on x or y or z”. We have no idea what’s going on and it’s a big problem.

Where the community manager at, man?

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This is why people hire Press Managers. We need someone who will update the news/subreddit.

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It’s just a shame how responsive the staff members were pre-launch, and now that there are some major issues, we hear almost literally nothing from them.

I’d like to see a more transparent staff when it comes to addressing issues or concerns. You don’t have to be a major company like Blizzard or Riot to keep your fans informed, you just need dedicated people helping to communicate with the community.

It would help the playerbase calm down immensely if they knew there was an IMC staff member on-shift at all times of the day to make community announcements.


Exactly! At this point, what’s making the players more angry is this feeling that not only are things broken, but no effort is being make to fix it!

All it would take is a single official announcement post: “We are aware that there are issues with Klaipeda currently. We are working on resolving them.”

No expectations set, no hard timelines to adhere to, but suddenly the community thinks: “Well, that sucks, but at least they’re working on it.”

EDIT: There is now an official post about Klaipeda being down.

I’m confused - there is literally a post right now on the announcements forum saying they are working on it

!00% This!

I really would like this game to succeed as much as the next person, but if we’re kept in the dark like this and only receive tidbits of info from random sources this really takes away from my desire to play the game even more.

If it’s like this now, I really can’t imagine when TOS goes through big content patches. :grimacing:

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But they probably don’t do anything.
Beta lag fixing method - wait until 50% of population rages out and quits. Lag problem fixed, everyones happy, they write a post about how they fixed lag, everyone loves them.

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Just noticed that after submitting the reply.
Official announcement: Klaipeda Server Back Up

that is hilarious. best post i’ve read all day hahaha! and probably an accurate prediction.

Would be funny if it werent true. Meanwhile their main concern is TEAM NAME RESET OPTION, VIA TICKETS.


The problem is it took them an hour to post anything about it.


Let’s face it y’all, everyone of us who paid for early access are idiots knowing that we’re gonna get screwed up quality gameplay and yet we still dive in and pay to get monkeys and peanuts. Reality 1 - Hope 0

Their internal policy is probably to avoid giving specifics. You’ll notice most announcements are very vaguely worded and insist that “we’re working on a solution” without giving any idea how or what direction they’re taking. The more problems crop up, the more they clamp down.

I’ve seen plenty of companies do this and it’s always rather baffling because opacity just seems to sow distrust toward staff, which causes attempts at transparency later on to backfire!

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I agree. like WoW’s MVP system for the forums I think we need something like that. Just a different name color, maybe some moderation privileges, and a direct line or message service with someone from the IMC office who can relay messages. I think the number one priority right now needs to be server stability a better way to block gold spammers(who are affecting server stability)


With the current situation they must say something!