Tree of Savior Forum

We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week

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loooooooool let me try that on tampermonkey


Bugger… strength bonuses … there goes my full dex build shitnobi… and here comes the “Nerf cata”

yea i don’t get it either, the patch going to be on KTOS not ITOs

KTos not iTos. Misleading topic title.

I find playing swordman is a lot more fun then playing mages or archers.
Damage is not there, but there is something about those monsters blowing up when you hit them in mele and then your game pad earthquakes


gamepads earthquake??

somehow i had a wrong idea going through my mind…

Edit:oo controller …Sorry i play on a laptop…wish there was a vibration feature on it

Why the f* haven’t they implement any balancing patches on iTos? This game has gotten worst and worst. Every week it’s some lame restriction added on with a reason of controlling bots and rmt. If not that then lame quest description fixes, fixes for their mess ups from other patches, and minor stuff. Such a bad management of the server. Instead of progressing, it’s regressing. Just because they make a nice post with maintenance notes and all, it doesn’t mean anything if there is no quality in the patch.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m super passionate about this game which is why it upsets me. Most my friends got bored and quit already. New friends can’t join cause server is closed (b/c WHY ?? to stop rmt). I bet it’s the default excuse.

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kind wondering the same thing… why is everyone excited about that response.

Their response was they are more concerned about fixing swordsman on KToS, which is kind of a middle finger to iToS considering we have gotten ZERO balancing patches to begin with.


So next patch:

  • 2 minimal bug fixes.
  • 31 new bugs, log problems, can’t change characters…


  • 1 new loading screen
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KToS is like a test server for iToS, the changes will be implemented on iToS one they finalise it over there (because it’s too much work for them to apply changes often on iToS, according to their interviews). So knowing that they’re working on buffing the swordsman, even just in the testing stage, is really good.

Problem is, with this current plan, iToS will be left broken for too long, and it leaves people over here frustrated. Balancing classes is an ongoing process, they shouldn’t wait until they perfect it before bringing over to iToS.

IMC should stop being lazy and bring the big changes over to iToS, even if not as often, to save the players over here too.

Okay I think some people a little confused here, and I don’t blame you because it’s clearly a language issue. “We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers” = “We expect to implement some changes to iToS that exist on the Korean servers”. It only makes sense to interpret it this way, because 1) the STR scaling bonus for Swordsmen already exists on kToS, and 2) they have no reason to be telling us about new changes they’ll be adding to the Korean version that don’t apply to us.

So, they’re bringing the kToS Swordsman buffs over - which also very likely means they’re bringing the other balance changes over, because it’s a lot easier to just import all of the script data on skill numbers than to go through and specifically select out things that only apply to Swordsmen, especially when they are aware Swordsmen aren’t the only ones struggling right now, there’ve been plenty of complaints about Monks in particular who are far stronger in kToS. This may even mean we get kToS versions of skills that were nerfed in iToS like Skyliner (Which my Templar will be very happy about when I inevitably have to grind to rank8 with no rank7 skills).

So, I’m pretty certain we’re finally getting kToS balance changes, which is great. I’ll be the first in line to grab a pitchfork with you guys if it turns out this is incorrect and they’re actually just increasing Swordsman STR multiplier from 1.3x attack to 1.4x attack in kToS and decided to tell us about it, but that seems unlikely.


I hope so, but i doubt it in the end.

yes I agree

/20 blabla

I feel the urge to bump this. Not getting anything new from ktos is a huge let down. The actual patch was a joke, as always.


yeah, who give a sh1t what happen in kTos, if iTos and kTos are different …