Tree of Savior Forum

We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week

Yeah I was just gonna ignore his post, but I thought I did have to correct what he said as to stop the spread of misinformation.

That’s his problem. Hes always misinformed.

I hope to see some rise for swordies too. I have guildmates with swordman and I am happy if they can be even more stronger than now. (although they are quite strong enough to own the world boss for cube)

Ran out of flags for you, welp.

That’s what you did on your post, you said something when you didn’t even play in kToS and test it.
But hey, no problem, I’m used to be shittalked about by white knights and then proved right by the game or the devs.

Edit: i mistakenly thought they were talking about bringing the korean updates to our version. Guess i was wrong, and they were instead talking about other new changes in the korean one. That’s fine too, but until they get there, it doesn’t change anything for us.


Why is everyone so happy?
doesn’t this sentence:
“We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week.” just say that they are making the swordman classes better on the KOREAN server. Till now we got no balance changes from korean server and there is nothing written in that server that those changes will come to our server any time.Especially i don’t see anything that states that INTERNATIONAL server will ger any of those changes next week.
Please correct me if im mistaken.


They better buff Swordsman C1-C3 and Dragoon skills and not just the two-handed classes or I will really leave, the waiting is too long

It could be bad google translate and was supposed to say “from”, but I try not to get my hopes up just yet.

That’s false, we already checked on the first day.

some changes

As a Swordie I’m just kinda like:

kToS has more fixes implemented so perhaps it will be on the way and they’ll slowly continue to make new ones, apply there, here, etc… My only hope at this point.

Ninja half asleep edit: Read as if it is already coming here.

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Yea, it sounds like they’re saying these are changes on the korean server, not for iTOS yet, unless it was a translation error (I’m not sure if the swordsmen buff is on the korean server yet?) Regardless, people have done the math already on the swordsmen forum, the 30% is a nice start but it doesn’t do much and definitely doesn’t make swordsmen who even dedicate all circles to DPS to even remotely touching any other class in terms of DPS.

My hope is that this is just a soft push in the right direction and they’ll continue buffing swordsmen so this game can finally have melee dps as a viable option.

That is a defeatist attitude. They are making a lot of changes to kToS’s swordsman which has been up a while longer that iToS, and are going to continue to make changes. If you think about it, iToS is a bit quicker than kToS on some thing they’ve done, it also helps they have the advantage of sitting back to see what works and what doesn’t.

And beyond this I enjoy playing Swordsman even if it is fundamentally broken.

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There is really no point in working on two different versions of the game, just make all servers run on the same patch

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Hope that IMC at least give free stats and skill reset potions when at the patches comes or else its… :skull:

But it could take years before it reaches iToS so hard to be excited atm. :o

No. It won’t be years. QQ Tell them @STAFF_Max!!!

Firefox tip:
@-moz-document domain( {
article[data-user-id=“9111”] {
display: none !important;

I dont see his posts, makes this board so much a nicer place to be.