Tree of Savior Forum

We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week


[quote]4. Are you working on any Swordsman balancing issues?

We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week. These changes will include improving the attack scope of a few skills and increasing STR stat bonuses.[/quote]

[quote=SlyGoat]Okay I think some people a little confused here, and I don’t blame you because it’s clearly a language issue. “We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers” = “We expect to implement some changes to iToS that exist on the Korean servers”. It only makes sense to interpret it this way, because 1) the STR scaling bonus for Swordsmen already exists on kToS, and 2) they have no reason to be telling us about new changes they’ll be adding to the Korean version that don’t apply to us.

So, they’re bringing the kToS Swordsman buffs over - which also very likely means they’re bringing the other balance changes over, because it’s a lot easier to just import all of the script data on skill numbers than to go through and specifically select out things that only apply to Swordsmen, especially when they are aware Swordsmen aren’t the only ones struggling right now, there’ve been plenty of complaints about Monks in particular who are far stronger in kToS. This may even mean we get kToS versions of skills that were nerfed in iToS like Skyliner (Which my Templar will be very happy about when I inevitably have to grind to rank8 with no rank7 skills).

So, I’m pretty certain we’re finally getting kToS balance changes, which is great. I’ll be the first in line to grab a pitchfork with you guys if it turns out this is incorrect and they’re actually just increasing Swordsman STR multiplier from 1.3x attack to 1.4x attack in kToS and decided to tell us about it, but that seems unlikely.[/quote]


I hope it’ll be enough. We will see on patch day. I have a feeling that swordsman can’t be fixed this easily but I’ve also not played the class. Forum posts expressing happiness or frustration after patch will determine if it worked or not lol.

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Next patch :stuck_out_tongue:
21 june :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s to hoping! Maybe then we’ll get at least lesser people whining about the patches every week. :>

Could we also have other classes’ balance updates? I mean, those “remove knockback” for monk skills would indeed be useful here too…

“We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week. These changes will include…”

“We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week. These changes will include…”

“We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week. These changes will include…”

Can you not read? It says ‘it will INCLUDE’ meaning, the patch and balancing is not EXCLUSIVE to Swordsmen only, other things will get the balanced stuff as well…

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Fingers crossed for skeletons hp buff. (Necromancer)


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what do they mean by improving attack scope? as in, bigger attack area?

Sucks ruining it for you, but Swordsman’s STR buff only applies 1.3 phyatk to NORMAL BASIC ATTACKS.
So your skills won’t benefit from that 30% damage buff.

TL;DR: It’s ■■■■

Still waiting for GvG arena…

That’s soooo not true. Tou’re misunderstanding how skill damage is computed in this game. Basically, to every skill clasified as an “attack skill”, you’d need to add your physical attack to the skill tooltip damage before all the other modifiers.

So no bro, even though physical attack improvements are more easily noticed via auto attacks (it’s like a skill with 0 tooltip damage, and no further modifers, so physical attack makes the bulk of its damage), it does increase skill damage as well. Especially important for builds which took Doppel for deeds of valor.

I don’t really care what you say, I saw it happening myself and that also made many kr swordies to quit the game so unless it’s changed in this version you’ll be QQing when you see I was right.

Don’t Forget to add this in the Miscellaneous update

  • One new loading image has been added.

And also this.

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Kind of excited. Then again, not really excited. The changes in Korea looked like junk overall.

Dealing 30% more damage with normal attacks is junk.

will not probably solve, but will make a big impact specially for that cleave debuff and damage per tick of pouncing.

looking forward to hit 30k++ critical damage from cleave here.

Ignore Siete. He’s a troll that gets so emotional and just bi##hes and moans. Just look at his post history, It screams “LOOK AT ME IM ANGRY!”.

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