Tree of Savior Forum

We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week

Sucks ruining it for you, but Swordsman’s STR buff only applies 1.3 phyatk to NORMAL BASIC ATTACKS.
So your skills won’t benefit from that 30% damage buff.

TL;DR: It’s ■■■■

Still waiting for GvG arena…

That’s soooo not true. Tou’re misunderstanding how skill damage is computed in this game. Basically, to every skill clasified as an “attack skill”, you’d need to add your physical attack to the skill tooltip damage before all the other modifiers.

So no bro, even though physical attack improvements are more easily noticed via auto attacks (it’s like a skill with 0 tooltip damage, and no further modifers, so physical attack makes the bulk of its damage), it does increase skill damage as well. Especially important for builds which took Doppel for deeds of valor.

I don’t really care what you say, I saw it happening myself and that also made many kr swordies to quit the game so unless it’s changed in this version you’ll be QQing when you see I was right.

Don’t Forget to add this in the Miscellaneous update

  • One new loading image has been added.

And also this.

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Kind of excited. Then again, not really excited. The changes in Korea looked like junk overall.

Dealing 30% more damage with normal attacks is junk.

will not probably solve, but will make a big impact specially for that cleave debuff and damage per tick of pouncing.

looking forward to hit 30k++ critical damage from cleave here.

Ignore Siete. He’s a troll that gets so emotional and just bi##hes and moans. Just look at his post history, It screams “LOOK AT ME IM ANGRY!”.

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Yeah I was just gonna ignore his post, but I thought I did have to correct what he said as to stop the spread of misinformation.

That’s his problem. Hes always misinformed.

I hope to see some rise for swordies too. I have guildmates with swordman and I am happy if they can be even more stronger than now. (although they are quite strong enough to own the world boss for cube)

Ran out of flags for you, welp.

That’s what you did on your post, you said something when you didn’t even play in kToS and test it.
But hey, no problem, I’m used to be shittalked about by white knights and then proved right by the game or the devs.

Edit: i mistakenly thought they were talking about bringing the korean updates to our version. Guess i was wrong, and they were instead talking about other new changes in the korean one. That’s fine too, but until they get there, it doesn’t change anything for us.


Why is everyone so happy?
doesn’t this sentence:
“We expect to implement some changes on the Korean servers as soon as next week.” just say that they are making the swordman classes better on the KOREAN server. Till now we got no balance changes from korean server and there is nothing written in that server that those changes will come to our server any time.Especially i don’t see anything that states that INTERNATIONAL server will ger any of those changes next week.
Please correct me if im mistaken.


They better buff Swordsman C1-C3 and Dragoon skills and not just the two-handed classes or I will really leave, the waiting is too long

It could be bad google translate and was supposed to say “from”, but I try not to get my hopes up just yet.

That’s false, we already checked on the first day.