Tree of Savior Forum

Warning: Do Not Buy TP - The TP "Fraud"

Buy me some TP dude, I want a pretty haircut

The point still remains. The TP was purchased now, something like 9 days ago? They continue suggesting “wait.” People think I’m acting entitled. This is funny to me.


Imagine walking into any store in the world. Spending money. And then have them tell you, “Oh, I know you just bought this. And I know you can see it right there in your cart. But get out of my store. Ill give you what you purchased in the future. Please wait.”

When you say, “Oh, that wasn’t disclosed. Can I Have a refund?”

“Absolutely not sir! You already purchased this, and its in your cart. Please wait more!”

They do not give a specific amount of time to wait. They do not do anything. They take your money and throw you out of the store. This is 100% inappropriate.

Any single person here who is suggesting this is “okay” is 100% either a free to play player, or someone who knows nothing about how commerce works.

They earned themselves chargebacks by trying to prevent them. This is why the game is dead. They are trying so hard to fight bots that they scare off real players.

And yet. Go to any zone that drops recipe items and you’ll see some Necro named XKCNdslDios farming everything. Everyday. Kill things before the necro does and it runs in a circle aimlessly until something spawns again.

And then, a real player joins the game. Supports the game with a few purchases. They then refuse to let the player use the purchases the player bought. And the community here - which I heard is the worst part about the game… how toxic the community is. Though, what did I expect. It’s a free to play game. #winners

“those who abuse and overuse.”

I’ve never charged anything back in my life.

Until now anyway :wink:

To be honest, mrpaytowin, let me ask you a sincere question.

The Steam refund period is 48 hours (2 full days). So you got 9-2=7 days in that counter, it’s probably not even a full week (168 hours). I’d expect you to have the limit lifted once you hit 168 hours or maybe 336 hours (2 weeks) or maybe ~216 hours (a week + 2 days if you exclude weekends).

If you were a company owner I’m pretty sure you would ask your company lawyer to find a way to prevent bots from abusing the cash system since you’re literally losing a lot of money due to the automated nature.

When this was an issue I can imagine the total amount of abused TP through servers was way more than an average user buys. I’m pretty sure it’s a serious issue.

Now, let’s say you, as that company owner and manager, along with your lawyer tries to decide on a policy that will apply to ALL users, no exception… You need to define a solid set of conditions which would consider many scenarios including: if a fraud account would, for example, buy things and sell in a way you can’t get solid proof to issue a ban on the buyer.

I honestly think that asking refund period+1 to 2 weeks (9, 11 up to 16 days) is actually pretty reasonable and you didn’t even wait for that.

Also… if your account definitely looks like a fraud account and you don’t spend TP like a normal user would, something’s still wrong. How would you properly deal with that? Remember: You’re making policies to be followed, not arbitrary decisions on the fly.

So, let’s ask you:
How many days would you consider reasonable for this verification if this was your company and you already have been a victim and these fraud accounts cheated over a thousand of dollars worth of TP things?

P.S.: Fun fact.

Your account was created on May 20 which is when you started writing your ticket.

I assume this was also the first day you bought TP. You bought them and couldn’t use them in-game, then proceeded to make an account and a ticket.

I’m checking Day/Day+1 to avoid timezone issues.

Account created - May 20. - 0 days.
Steam refund period over - May 22/23. - 0 days (refund period over)
Thread started - May 24/25. - 1/2/3 days.
Today - May 28. - 5/6 days.

Even if you consider timezone differences and the time between the purchase and when you found out about the TP spending limit it doesn’t add up to 216 hours (48h, refund + 168h, 1 week).

Inb4 you just need to actually wait only a few more hours but insists to keep complaining here instead of waiting.

Fun fact 2:

He is able to, STAFF clearly said it to him 4 days ago:

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I want to correct you on this. Even if he had waited for a -month-, it won’t work. I would know, I did. Still got the ‘please wait’ reply.

Steam told him to contact IMC (One of his previous posts) lol.

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This strawman tho. Where do you see anythijg about him throwing all his cash at IMC? You don’t have to use exaggeration to make a point here.

Also, people spend money on games they dont know much about or haven’t played all the time. With console games or other digital games. Difference is, you normally buy a game upfront and the refund process is more direct, whether you buy a physical copy out of the store or a 1 time purchase for a steam game.

The problem is the spending limit which a new player wont know about until after they spent money and are about to check out the cash items. The other problem is OP being belligerent to staff qhen they are doing the best they can.

We have a few geniuses here in the comments - someone needs to hire them. we got a mathematician and a business owner. Lol

Every single person here who is pretending like they wouldn’t be mad about paying for something… and then refusing to be allowed to access the thing they just paid for… is 100% lying. It’s okay there. Have fun on your high horse :wink:

So don’t buy any games at all. Got it.

Is anyone even doing that though? Being mad/annoyed doesn’t mean being immature, you know… you should eventually learn to split things and to see the others’ sides.

You said your problem was fixed:

And for Steam alt accounts, it’s understandable that they are suspicious.

I’m talking about the TP limit removal wait time. Related portions:

I waited for a month before even submitting my ticket.

Still got the “please wait further” delay, until I proved that I have a second account that was much older.

Edit: My ‘main’ account on steam also only has TOS on it. Some people don’t really use steam, you know?

Edit2: I had actually thought it was something on valve’s end (see my first post in this thread), but turns out it dosen’t seem to be.

So a bit more than that is probably around the amount it takes for being able to, which also seems reasonable.

Excuse me? A -month- is reasonable?

Even in your own estimate, you only gave two weeks.

A month is already more than double the time.

‘A bit more’, like another month?

Edit: To prevent you from misunderstanding again. My ticket that was filed AFTER a month from the initial purchase, was rejected. It was only solved -after- I brought in a much older account (2 years, launch).


With a 300 TP limit, please state how do you determine a “normal” user. 1 purchase of a Token + Costume and you hit the limit. 1 puchase of the battlebird or penguin and you instantly hit the limit. Normal user? What, buying warp scrolls and soul crystals?. I don’t want to be sarcastic, but this is just ridiculous. :heeey:


I am defending him because of people like you thinking this. I am telling you all right now, that the wait time is not as short as you think it is. It is more than a month.

I empathize with him because he is encountering the exact same problem that I had. Of course, I agree that he is much more impatient than I am, but I feel that I have to correct all of you that even if he had waited for another 3 weeks, there would be the same answer.

I’m not going to extend this discussion but I already said to be 100% safe you need 6 months (which is unreasonable). I have no info on IMC side of things aside from what they told, a STAFF wouldn’t say few more days if it meant “few more months”.

I also think I don’t need to link to external sources since other players from this very same thread thinks it’s not 100% normal to jump into a game and start spending a lot of money, other services also require special procedures if you produce unusual actions with money.

If the user already met other qualifications it might just be days instead of months.

Like I said before your alt steam accounts looks like fraud/bot accounts and probably doesn’t meet any of the qualifications while mrpaytowin might look like a legit account.

These two sentences are pretty much self-explanatory. Time isn’t the only factor and “few more days” can only mean “few more days”.

Thank you to everyone who has participated in this discussion. We have taken everyone’s feedback into consideration and have taken further steps to ensure that newer players are aware of possible TP restrictions.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and if you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact me directly.

I will now be closing this thread.